View Full Version : Repeat breedings

02-11-2012, 02:12 PM
What are your thoughts or opinions on repeat breedings ? D0 you get the same, better or worse animals .

I stole this post from the other board. Someone said u won't get the same becuase the genes get "jumbled" up and they used this as an example to explain what they meant.

this is how take 10 blue jellybeans and 10 red jellybeans and put them in the same jar shake them up take out 5 shake and take out 5 more and see if you have the same amount of red and bue jellybeans in the two sets of five try it before you laugh P.S dont forget to put the first 5 back in so everything stays even.

02-11-2012, 04:08 PM
Same sire/bitch then you should have the same probability of getting the same outcome. However, since there are so many combinations of the genes you will not get the exact % as in the first litter. You'll have to make more repeat breedings to get an average of both parents. If both parents are above then you should have above average dogs. The first litter may be an extreme case of the good combinations, the second breeding may result in the low extreme. However, after enough trials of the same breeding you'll start to see a trend towards an average. For example, if you see kids from the same family of ten kids. All the kids look alike. No two look the same but they all resemble each other. One may be the tallest, one may be the shortest. All the other kids sort of fall in between. With respect to repeat breedings, the second breeding may end up being better then the first. It's all probability. Some breedings with two champions did not yield anything worthy and was not repeated. The breeder did not realize that they could have examples all the worst genes.

Officially Retired
02-12-2012, 06:54 AM
You never get "the same thing" across the board, even in the first breeding. Even if you get 3 Champions, they may have different styles, different looks, etc. If you get an "all game litter" the first time, likewise this doesn't mean they all looked the same, nor had identical ability/style, etc. So, really, whoever told you is just stating the obvious and just isn't thinking.

That said, if you get an all-game litter the first time, there is no reason to think you won't get a preponderance of game dogs the next time. I bred Dirty Hammer to Silverback 5x, because every single pup came out super-intense, with incredible drive, and the ones who have been touched have demolished their opponents, even when spotting weight. Yet none of the dogs are absolutely identical.

However, so many of these pups have been stolen (3), or put down in raids (3), etc., or died (2) that I have simply been repeating the breeding every chance I get. In each breeding, they have ALL been small ... except two breeding ago, and they have ALL shown to be damned good little dogs ... however, with respect to "variety," I got one HUGE pup (Last Shadow) in one of the breedings ... that will probably be in the 40s, which is gargantuan for these little Hammer dogs. And the colors have varied a lot too, but all are either some form of seal or some form of buckskin (with or without a widow's peak).

So some variety is going to happen in ANY breeding you do, or repeat, but the key factor to look for is the answer to the question, is essentially the same quality remaining consistent and true?

If the answer is "Yes," you're breeding consistent and dependable animals, and if the answer is "No," then you simply are not.


02-12-2012, 04:13 PM
I would have a yard full of that breeding over and over...there's no better combination.

02-12-2012, 11:46 PM
If you have good dogs from a good inbred family you will get the same quality . You might not get a champion every time but good dogs just the same.
I personally repeat most of my breedings several times because I get consistant crops of dogs I like.

02-11-2020, 09:00 AM
Bump up for 2020...