View Full Version : Bitch CLose to whelp having issues

02-13-2012, 06:03 AM
I have a friend who is heavy into weightpull. She owns a bitch that has won ADBA Nationals and APA nationals in weightpull. She bred her and now the bitch is close to being do. A few weeks ago she started to swell in the gland areas of her body. The vets are all lost and they don't know what to do. Understand when I say swollen I mean she looks like she had a run in with a snake. They have to make a mix of raw and grind it up and shove it down her mouth to make her eat because she will not eat if they don't.

Have any of you ever seen anything like this?

The bitch had been inside the entire time.

Officially Retired
02-13-2012, 07:10 AM
I would xray the bitch and count the pups, or maybe ultra-sound the bitch to see if it can be determined if the pups are alive. I would also do a swab/culture of the uterus.

The first thing I would suspect would be acute metritus (a massive uterine infection), and I would do this ASAP as it can be fatal very quickly.

If not that, I would be stumped at this point.


02-13-2012, 07:33 AM
I would xray the bitch and count the pups, or maybe ultra-sound the bitch to see if it can be determined if the pups are alive. I would also do a swab/culture of the uterus.

The first thing I would suspect would be acute metritus (a massive uterine infection), and I would do this ASAP as it can be fatal very quickly.

If not that, I would be stumped at this point.


Thanks Jack just told them and they are taking her in right now to have the test done. Oh and they did a untrasound and all the pups are moving and and living

Officially Retired
02-14-2012, 02:31 AM
Thanks Jack just told them and they are taking her in right now to have the test done. Oh and they did a untrasound and all the pups are moving and and living

You're welcome ... how is she doing now, do you know?

02-14-2012, 02:47 AM
Thanks Jack just told them and they are taking her in right now to have the test done. Oh and they did a untrasound and all the pups are moving and and living

You're welcome ... how is she doing now, do you know?

The Vet said because the uterus was closed due to her being close to whelp they could not do the smear but the owner started her on Clavamox yesterday when I told her about this and the bitch is already acting 100% better. I wish I had video of the way she was acting the past couple of weeks and how she is acting today. The owner sent me a video of her begging for food today when they had to force feed her over the past several weeks. So she is back to normal

Officially Retired
02-14-2012, 02:52 AM
Well, that sure is nice to hear! Hopefully all is back on track now.

02-27-2012, 07:57 AM
So they took the pups from the bitch via c-section on Friday and about 2 gallons of fluid came porring out of her. The pups are really small and weak and the mother has no milk so she put them on another bitch who was just about to come off her pups and they seem to be doing fine now. will keep you posted.

02-27-2012, 08:26 AM
Every dogman worth his weight in wet toilet paper should have a supply of Clavamox. For dogs...it's an absolute must

02-27-2012, 08:38 AM
Every dogman worth his weight in wet toilet paper should have a supply of Clavamox. For dogs...it's an absolute must

Yup which is the only reason this bitch and the pups are still alive. She put her on it after I spoke with you guys about it here. The swelling started to go down but she just did not want to risk loosing the bitch or the pups so she had the c-section done.

Officially Retired
02-27-2012, 08:45 AM
Just had to use Clavamox myself on Little D, who developed a bad case of mastitis, literally overnight.

I put her in with her pups before I went to bed, and when I woke up one of her titties under her right elbow was the size of a softball and she couldn't even walk.

Put her on cephalexin ... didn't work ... upgraded to Clavamox, problem solved.


02-27-2012, 10:29 AM
Just had to use Clavamox myself on Little D, who developed a bad case of mastitis, literally overnight.

I put her in with her pups before I went to bed, and when I woke up one of her titties under her right elbow was the size of a softball and she couldn't even walk.

Put her on cephalexin ... didn't work ... upgraded to Clavamox, problem solved.


Had to do the same back in December with my Invicto II bitch. She came down with milk fever, took the babies off of her so she could stabilize, took her to work with me so I could keep an eye on her and even with me applying cold compresses to her teats to try and prevent the let down of more milk, she developed mastitis in literally under five hours. Sigh. Clavamox + hot compresses, and she was healed up in a couple of days. I had actually taken pictures of the before and after and was going to make a post about how to handle ruptured mammary glands, but you beat me to it with your article on hot compresses, haha.

Officially Retired
02-27-2012, 11:05 AM
Doesn't mean you can't add to it :)