View Full Version : APOLOGY

02-13-2012, 07:38 PM
First off I would like to apologise to Jack for my miss conduct in my last two posting's. I was out of line and did not read let alone follow the rules of this community. Again I am truely sorry. And JAck you are right I dont know how to keep my mouth shut when I feel passionant about something. And Ive always been a strait forward bulldog which gets me into a lot of trouble sometimes.
Jack you are an inspiration to me and I am extatick that you have given men in this game a home and a way to express ourself as the dogmen that we are. This site is the most positive thing for our breed since cajon rule's. And i feel truely blessed to have an outlet to better the breed that I have loved since I saw my fidst bulldog hunt. You Jack are a true gentalman for even letting me back on and I thank you very much for doing so.
In the future I will not post anything negative and I am working on listening more then running my big fat mouth. Again I apologise and I thank you.

Chedda Bob
Man O War Kennels

dance all night rece
02-13-2012, 07:51 PM
Good sportsmanship that's what I like!

Officially Retired
02-13-2012, 07:51 PM
No problemo, amigo, I have a tendency to run my own mouth as well when I get passionate about something ... especially if I get disrespected ... we all do. The trouble with that kind of climate, however, is it creates a downward spiral of negativity that becomes poison to the whole community. The proverbial "rotten apple in a barrel."

I am glad you want to participate positively here, and you are certainly welcome to do so. Hey, we all make mistakes, and we all are prone to wisecracks, that is just part of being human.

But so too is forgiving and forgetting ... so, as they say in New Yawk, "Fo-get about it" :D

Welcome back and let's keep it cool here :mrgreen:



02-13-2012, 07:58 PM
Riece Myself and you should have never fell out so I would like to apologise to you also. I was wrong for even downing you when I know you as a dogman and I am the same. This is a gentalmans game and I was out of line when I said the thing's that I did Im sorry bro. And well wishes to you and your hounds my friends. Call me when you get a chance I got something to tell you about sugartits the littermate sister to drake and them.

Da District
02-14-2012, 03:08 AM
Wow!!! Big ups gentlemen. Way to handle that!