View Full Version : garners ch. rebel yell

dance all night rece
02-14-2012, 07:33 PM
does anyone have any info on this dog or his offspring ? What traits do or don't they bring to the bulldog table? any info is greatly appreciated.

02-15-2012, 04:09 AM
#1 beat B.Boys' Apache in 1:00 at 37lbs...
#2 beat Heerslap&Shorty's Dapper Dan in 1:00 at 37lbs..
#3 beat Odd Couple's Art in :49 at 37 1/2lbs...
#4 beat Untouchables' Lil Rob in :53 at 38lbs...
#5 lost to a son of Banjo

Here is the story I found on him

A while back I was asked by a friend to write a story about Rebel Yell. I originally declined due to my lack of interest in what the game has become, but the more I thought about it the more I realized this ‘little bulldog’ with a big heart needed to be recognized as the great animal that he was. I will not however quote times, places or opponents but instead give you insight into the events that entitled ‘Rebel’ to be known as Ch. Rebel.

The first time I laid eyes on Rebel he was around 1 ½ years old and was definitely in ‘piss poor’ shape. He had been raised by a couple of young fanciers who did not provide him with the high quality nutrition that dogs of this very high strung nature require. His muscle tone was non-existent, but he did display a strong, heavy skeletal frame, which with proper veterinary care and good nutrition soon began to fill out, making an extremely strong athlete.

Another problem with Rebel was when excited he would destroy whatever he could including his house, bowls, roots or anything else he could reach. Over time, this had caused all of his canines to be worn severely.

Rebel had already had quite a bit of schooling, so once healthy he was worked down to his correct weight and hooked for #1. Rebel first outing was against a heavily favored 2xw that was described as a ‘Bone breaker’. This event was definitely a one sided affair with the opponent picking the location, judge, corners and everything else you can imagine. It always seems that the ones who brag about how bad their dog is are the same ones who try to stack all the odds on there side in an effort to affect the outcome of the show. I soon put my fairness issues behind me because to be honest Rebel looked terrible. I couldn’t tell if he was starting slow or if his opponent was just that good! Of course, this provoked the ‘other side’ to really start talking junk. All we could do was just keep our mouths shut and pray that Rebel would come around. At about 20mins our prayers were answered when Rebel clamped down and shattered the right front leg of the ‘Bones breaker’. We were finally able to defend honour of the Rebel with what can only be descried as ‘mega shit talking’, I usually frown upon this but sometimes you got to do what you got to do besides they deserved it! Rebel continued to pick up speed and within a few minutes he was working a down hog that quit around 40 mins. Even though their hog stood the line they still had the nerve to call Rebel a ‘cur’. At this point I started scratching Rebel into their cur until they asked me to pick him up and go home. What a bunch of assholes.

#2 was into a 1xw and again Rebel was the underdog. I had realized in the 1st outing that his pre-contest meals were to blame for his slow starts so this time they were totally omitted. The change made for a much faster start and a lot less abuse taken by Rebel. This one was over in less than 1 hour and again the opposing handler called Rebel a cur and again I continued to scratch Rebel (I believe 4 times) until I was nicely asked to stop and take him home.

Rebel was building quite a reputation and hooking him for his championship was becoming difficult. Finally, another well know 2xw steeped up and it was on. This hog was very good, hard mouthed and game but Rebel was better. They decided to pick their dog up somewhere around the hour mark making Rebel a Champion. These guys were true sportsman who not only loved the game but respected their dog.

#4 was in the heat of summer also into top notch competition. Both animals ran hot but Ch. Rebel was top dog from start to finish winning in less than one hour.

After this Rebel was given some well deserved time off which proved to be good for his overall physical well being but bad for his already worn, flat teeth. A I said earlier he was terrible about chewing on things and by now his canines were worn to ¼ blunts. We had done about all we could with them and had almost retired him but with a competitive dog in your possession it’s not hard to talk yourself into going for the exclusive title of Grand Champion

So on to #5, again into only the best competition. Rebel came in great shape, super focused and right on weight. Everything seemed perfect, but upon release it became obvious that things were far from perfect. Rebel started much like he did in his first show but even worse. He would hardly take hold! He would wrestle but not really get aggressive. Most of the spectators thought he looked good but I know he was only at about 50% of his usual self. At around 15mins the referee recognized a turn on Rebel, which I happily agreed so I could get him in our corner in hopes of pumping him up. But it didn’t work. When released Rebel turned around and ran after the sponge that had been thrown behind him, picked it up, dropped it and then completed his scratch. This behaviour went on for his first 3 or 4 scratches. At around an hour he did start to stay in hold a little more but still he was not looking like he should or could. Im not taking anything aaway from his opponent, he was very fast and extremely smart but Rebel just didn’t seem to get into it. Rebel continued to scratch time after time as I knew he would, but the damage he was taking was beginning yo mount up. But as you know 5 wins aint easy so we continued to let him go until the 2hour mark when it was decided by his owner to pick him up. Of course, this loss was a major disappointment, but it did earn Rebel the reputation of a very game 4xw. I still knew something out of the ordinary was wrong and while lying in bed that night it hit me! I got up, called the gentleman who held the event and asked him three simple questions. First question, were bitches done in that area recently? His answer; ‘Yes that morning’. Second question, was one of them in heat? His answer ‘mine had just gone out of heat’. Third question, did you even change the sponges? His answer ‘no, I didn’t think about it’. I could have exploded, but what can you do? At least I know why he acted the way he did. I normally wouldn’t say this but I do think Rebel would have won if this unfortunate incident had not occurred. I can say this because the opposing handler agreed and even asked why we picked Rebel up. The answer was easy; Rebel had done all he was asked to, all he needed to, and much, much more than most. Rebel was retired and successfully used as a stud until the time of his passing.

dance all night rece
02-15-2012, 07:11 AM
Thanks a million! I defently appciate it.

dance all night rece
02-15-2012, 08:54 AM
http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=413886 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=413886)
Thanks a million! I defently appciate it.

dance all night rece
02-15-2012, 09:32 AM
thanks for posting my ped link for me.

02-15-2012, 11:21 AM
No problem

02-16-2012, 03:15 AM
The 5th was done at 38lbs into a dog named Goldie and went over the hour mark

02-16-2012, 12:11 PM
CH Rebel Yell and GR CH Spikey both have the same mega prepotent Coal Cat blood behind them that I have behind my stuff. Of course, the Hollingsworth blood is the strength behind Coal Cat. If you want high percentages boys, there it is in the Coal Cat blood.

red dog
02-17-2012, 07:59 PM
I owned these,Not off rebell but a off rebells son . A brother to her , woo wee http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=149242 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=149242) ; and him a son of spikey http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/mo ... _id=143388 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=143388)

02-17-2012, 09:14 PM
I had this one off of Rebel's brother Rooster, a crawling game bitch I might add. She is on a friend's yard now, but has not whelped pups in several attempts. The same fellow has her belly brother, and he is a real good one also. This blood is going to be all but gone in a matter of years unless someone works to preserve it.
http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=189814 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=189814)

02-18-2012, 03:57 AM
What a well bred bitch !