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View Full Version : Kong Balls

02-15-2012, 07:57 AM
I gave my dog an EXTREME Kong toy, the extra heavy duty ones and he was chewing away at it in his about ground kennel. I had nothing in the middle as I have no need in doing so he went to chewing right away. The tow was two days old and now it's in his intestines. My vet said if he starts throwing up then bring him in for surgery. Until then it's mineral oil and walks and digging thru all his droppings.

02-15-2012, 08:45 AM
I bought one. When I saw the bitch start to destroy it I took it away. They get beef and bison leg bones now.

02-15-2012, 09:53 AM
good luck. I tried 1 an the dog chewed it up also. so I took it from him. i did what you are doing. the next day it came out in his stool. I went to the store an got 5 lb. bag of some cheap food which came out real soft.

02-15-2012, 02:04 PM
Good luck wobbles had one unknowingly ingest a black kong toy and for three months I never knew it then throw it up in big chunks and this gyp who was very high energy became very inactive and was just never the same even after mineral oil induction for some time and was put down later.I Have learned to monitor them while they play as those kong balls and toys are very easily destroyed with a little effort. 8-)

02-15-2012, 03:23 PM
Kongs are for training not for idle chewing..........Nylabone (for heavy chewers) or Beef Marrow Bone is what I suggest but you have to check it everyday.

02-15-2012, 03:39 PM
kongs are crap. hope your dog will be alright

02-16-2012, 04:29 AM
Thanks guys, this really sucks but I know that you men who have experienced this already know.

02-16-2012, 06:37 AM
My buddies dog was just put down 3 weeks ago from swallowing large pieces of a Kong ball.

02-16-2012, 07:15 AM
Invest in a boomer ball.

02-16-2012, 08:09 AM
I sure hope your boy will be ok.
No matter how tough they say the Kong is, it still can be chewed apart. I only use the giant size Nylabones or these chew grenades from O'briens Canine Supply. http://www.obriensk9supply.com/store/in ... ct_id=1792 (http://www.obriensk9supply.com/store/index.php?target=products&product_id=1792)
My pup loves the grenade and carries it around everywhere with him.

02-16-2012, 09:24 AM
I don't know buy my dog won't mess with a kong or a boomer ball. He loves bones and a flirtpole for sure.

Officially Retired
02-16-2012, 09:28 AM
I gave my dog an EXTREME Kong toy, the extra heavy duty ones and he was chewing away at it in his about ground kennel. I had nothing in the middle as I have no need in doing so he went to chewing right away. The tow was two days old and now it's in his intestines. My vet said if he starts throwing up then bring him in for surgery. Until then it's mineral oil and walks and digging thru all his droppings.

Stormbringer used to reduce a huge Kong ball to rubber filining in less than 1 day, so I know that certain dogs can bust them up quick.

That said, I have used Kong Balls for years ... but I think most dogs don't chew them up too bad, but they do whittle away at them after awhile.

That said, I guess I am one of the lucky ones who's never had a blockage issue over it, they just pass tiny pieces in the stool (which the literature actually suggests). I could see how dog like Stormbringer though, if he really goes after it and takes large chunks off, might come up with a blockage problem some day. I just never gave him too many because they're freakin' expensive and he went through them so fast :lol:

02-17-2012, 02:23 PM
i'm not a speller so you have to bear with me. theres a bone called the galieo thats the toughest you can get. look it up i have one about 5 years old. Dan

02-17-2012, 06:02 PM
I sure hope your boy will be ok.
No matter how tough they say the Kong is, it still can be chewed apart. I only use the giant size Nylabones or these chew grenades from O'briens Canine Supply. http://www.obriensk9supply.com/store/in ... ct_id=1792 (http://www.obriensk9supply.com/store/index.php?target=products&product_id=1792)
My pup loves the grenade and carries it around everywhere with him.

I had never heard of those grenades before... IME, indestructible doesn't mean squat with these dogs, when it comes to toys. I like beef bones, they seem to last, but other than that...

I hope your dog gets his Kong out safely, one end or the other....

02-20-2012, 09:25 AM
Indestructable often goes together with toothless ! :lol:

Postmandan, those are the best so far.

Officially Retired
02-20-2012, 03:32 PM
Indestructable often goes together with toothless ! :lol:


03-07-2012, 07:55 AM
Nylabone makes a couple of strong chew toys that have worked well for my dogs. I don’t like to leave any dog with a Kong toy or ball since a hard chewer can bite off pieces and swallow them.

Their Galileo Bone in the largest size is almost indestructible, the one I have is barely chewed, it is just sort of scratched on the ends. These are heavy and solid and they hurt like hell when the darn dog drops it on your foot!


They also make a line of “Big Dog Chews” and I have the Beef Bone one –


My dog likes this one better, I guess the shape is easier to chew on, she does not like the Galileo bone as much.

I have also had some of the regular Nylabone chew toys in the Original Souper size, those don’t last as long and get whittled down to a vampire stake looking thing after awhile. The Nylabone company told me that the toughest plastic is the Original and don’t buy any of the flavored ones for a strong chewer. They said the Galileo and Big Chews are the best for hard chewers.

But of course, use caution with anything you give your dog. One of the best things I used to give my old dog was a big raw cow femur with some meat and gristle attached. That would be her meal of the day and she’d chew it for hours.

03-17-2012, 06:21 AM
that last suggestion was best a big cow femur bone! more natural for the dog and there are vitamins and minerals in bone and in fat/marrow, not so with plastic!

03-17-2012, 07:35 AM
nylabone is great, its the only thing im giving to my dogs. although not all of them are perfect, some are a litte to soft. i use the >30kg dynabones.