View Full Version : Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

02-15-2012, 02:50 PM
I had given one of my foundation bitches to my partner to condition for the upcoming ADBA show in Texas. As he was walking her last night at Houston Memorial Park, 3 suspects approached him and pulled a gun on him asking him for the keys to his car. He said his keys were in his car. They asked for a cell phone. He didn't have it on him. He said "give me the dog". My friend is a US Marine that did TWO tours in Afghanistan. He is by no means a push over. Regardless, they have my foundation bitch. Anyone with any information, please call (832) 423-6665. There will be thugs in the Houston area looking to sell this bitch for a few hundred dollars.


02-15-2012, 03:14 PM
Sucks to hear man, maybe good to let someone buy the dog if possible

The best of luck.

02-15-2012, 03:29 PM
What part of Houston? I got some close friends in the 5th Ward area. I'm bout to get off work...I will call you.

Officially Retired
02-15-2012, 03:39 PM
Wow, that sure does suck. I swear to god, it seems like everything in life tries to prevent a man from achieving his breeding goals.

Hope you get her back.

02-15-2012, 03:42 PM
damn, bro sorry to hear that...sent you a PM (just a suggestion)...

02-15-2012, 04:19 PM
Damn... Shit is just starting to get out of hand now.
I hope you find your Dog :x :?

No Quarter Kennel
02-15-2012, 05:08 PM
Don't know anyone involved - I've had 13 dogs stolen over the years and got em all back but one.

This smells fishy to me.

02-15-2012, 05:57 PM
We normally walk the dogs late that way Bif and Warren Worthington III don't freak out whwn they see a bulldog get GEEKED out. Nothing fishy

No Quarter Kennel
02-15-2012, 06:13 PM
I hope you didn't take my statement as an ill-intended assumption. I just know a lot of folks do a lot of bullshit things with these dogs and EVERY SINGLE TIME I've had a dog stolen, they had ties to someone I knew or someone who knew someone I knew sort of deal.

I hope everyone is on the up and up and this is a real random deal and I hope you get the dog back for real. I love how your dogs are bred and the way they look.

02-15-2012, 06:33 PM
that sucks but at least your buddy was not hurt make sure you make call to the pound daily theres a good chance they may just kick the dog to the curb not knowing her value. good luck yis fl boy

02-15-2012, 07:16 PM
I had given one of my foundation bitches to my partner to condition for the upcoming ADBA show in Texas. As he was walking her last night at Houston Memorial Park, 3 suspects approached him and pulled a gun on him asking him for the keys to his car. He said his keys were in his car. They asked for a cell phone. He didn't have it on him. He said "give me the dog". My friend is a US Marine that did TWO tours in Afghanistan. He is by no means a push over. Regardless, they have my foundation bitch. Anyone with any information, please call (832) 423-6665. There will be thugs in the Houston area looking to sell this bitch for a few hundred dollars.


It may be prudent to take her pedigree down from the net as well.

02-15-2012, 08:02 PM
Damn that suck. I can't stand s theif. Surprised he wasn't carrrying. He being xmilitary and you guys living in the wild west. I feel for you, and will keep my ear to the ground.

02-15-2012, 09:45 PM
Damn that sucks... Hope somehow you get her back!

02-16-2012, 01:57 AM
pathetic scum bags! good luck getting the bitch back.

02-16-2012, 02:31 AM
Hope you get her back. F*ckers...

02-16-2012, 03:28 AM
where else have you posted this? FACEBOOK, GAMEDOG forum, Pedsonline or any other place? I'm asking before I start posting it everywhere

02-16-2012, 03:33 AM
Keep an eye on your partner. You never know...jealousy is a mf'er!! (Just something to keep in mind!)

02-16-2012, 06:22 AM
9 out of 10 when a dog is stolen it's a friend or friendly rival, I'm not understanding why your marine friend a man who should be licensed to carry would go out at 1 am not carrying a weapon I'm sure he is James Bond with, not insinuating anything of a sort but stranger things have come found out to be truth. May have been an accident and he didn't want to piss you off because of his own negligence just as well possible this situation is 100% truth. I have several marine family members and have extended marine family and all of them will die over a drink or anything with that Marine state of mind and are armed even at BBQs. Last summer a friend went thru this with one of his Buddies who is student of martial arts and was robbed, well come to find out this winter dog got into accident when him and a buddy were playing and dog DOA'd other bc he let dog in the yard as we walked down the street after female, he killed a prized bitch and her pups, well didn't wanna pay their worth so he offered the dog then we got story of a multiple men robbery. I don't see what 3 random bandits would want with a grown bulldog. No money or anything just the bulldog. Were they masked?

Officially Retired
02-16-2012, 10:17 AM
I hope you didn't take my statement as an ill-intended assumption. I just know a lot of folks do a lot of bullshit things with these dogs and EVERY SINGLE TIME I've had a dog stolen, they had ties to someone I knew or someone who knew someone I knew sort of deal.
I hope everyone is on the up and up and this is a real random deal and I hope you get the dog back for real. I love how your dogs are bred and the way they look.

9 out of 10 when a dog is stolen it's a friend or friendly rival, I'm not understanding why your marine friend a man who should be licensed to carry would go out at 1 am not carrying a weapon I'm sure he is James Bond with, not insinuating anything of a sort but stranger things have come found out to be truth. May have been an accident and he didn't want to piss you off because of his own negligence just as well possible this situation is 100% truth. I have several marine family members and have extended marine family and all of them will die over a drink or anything with that Marine state of mind and are armed even at BBQs. Last summer a friend went thru this with one of his Buddies who is student of martial arts and was robbed, well come to find out this winter dog got into accident when him and a buddy were playing and dog DOA'd other bc he let dog in the yard as we walked down the street after female, he killed a prized bitch and her pups, well didn't wanna pay their worth so he offered the dog then we got story of a multiple men robbery. I don't see what 3 random bandits would want with a grown bulldog. No money or anything just the bulldog. Were they masked?

Interesting conspiracy theory gentlemen.

My first thought was remembering what I heard happened to Ram years ago, whose DOY Ram's Ch Flash (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=265) I heard was stolen at gunpoint and they actually shot and killed Ram to get Flash (or so I am told). However, in that case, these thugs knew exactly what they were trying to steal ... whereas in your buddy's case, Evo, these thugs just kinda "after-thought" wanted a dog which does sound kind of odd.

Of all the people to randomly try to rob, an ex-marine walking a pit bull seems unlikely, so (with all due respect to Evo, and without having enough evidence to really form an opinion one way or the other) the possibility of "a made-up story" should at least be considered. For example, as CitySwamp said, the guy may not be a bad friend trying to steal ... he might be an otherwise good fella who may have just fugged-up bad and lost the bitch in a kennel wreck ... and just not have been able to come clean and admit his mistake. Or it could be outright greed for the bitch ... or it could simply be exactly as he says it went down. There is really no way to know for sure, but "alternative possibilities" should at least be considered and kept in mind.

No matter how you slice it, though, that is a gorgeous bitch and it is a crime that she is out of your hands right now, as the rightful owner.

Best of luck in getting her back alive and healthy,


02-16-2012, 10:54 AM
As a rational intelligent person, I take into account all possibilities. The person is a trustworthy person. He states that they didn't ask for the dog up front. Two guys remained in the vehicle, one came out of the car with a gun. He asked for a wallet, but the wallet was in his car, he them asked for his keys, which were also in the car (valued at 1000.00 POS car) , he then asked for a phone which was in the car, then he checked him for Jewelry, he then said youre gonna have to give me the dog. That's the story. The guy does not own another dog. Sharapova was in his house unless being worked, so the chain accident is out of the question. Needless to say, There is no evidence one way or another. There was a police report made, but that doesnt mean shit. Could he have gone out of town and left her somewhere and an acccident occurred? Yes. Could she have gotten lose on him chasing after a rabbit or rat in the park? Yes. However all of that would just be speculation and I have to assume positive intent. Anything else would just drive myself crazy for nothing.


No Quarter Kennel
02-16-2012, 11:16 AM
Devil's Advocate: "Why would a guy not have his wallet on him but rather, in an unlocked vehicle? Why would a guy have a cell phone and it be in the same unlocked vehicle and not on his person?"

Something is fishy and I doubt you ever see your dog again. I truly hope you do, but I doubt it.

02-16-2012, 11:40 AM
I can't see anyone who didn't already know what Sharapova was trying to steal her. She isn't the stereotypical "pit bull" looking dog, none of the heavy Buck dogs are, most people who saw her being walked wouldn't give her a second glance in adding up street value. She could've been a well built bird dog or coonhound mix, there's a reason we can move these dogs labeled as various other breeds and not get questioned for it -- if she was indeed stolen, odds are they knew what they were getting. I don't know how close you and your partner are, or how likely it is that they knew he had a connection to Evolution Kennels, at the very LEAST they may have heard him talking to someone about her. No one holds up someone at gunpoint and runs off with a dog that could've just as well been a Vizsla, though.

On the upside, if they did steal her because they knew what she was, they're most likely at least reasonably known in some dog circle around Houston, and they'll be wanting to use her, which will make putting your ear to the ground much more likely to turning something up than if they were just going to hawk her to some street thug for a buck and keep it moving.

I really hope you find Sharapova and the people who took her. Good luck, love.

02-16-2012, 01:34 PM
While I understand everyone's skepticism, I can assure you there was no foul play. Jack can probably attest to this. When you go running at the park, you don’t carry your phone with you because if it falls out, it can break, especially a Smartphone. You don’t carry your keys with you because if your keys fall out of your pocket, you have no ride home. You don’t carry your wallet with you so you don’t lose it. For those of us who run regularly, we know this to be true. There is nothing fishy about this deal except for the lowlife's who stole the dog. Rather than speculate about any shady business, I would just appreciate it if you all kept your ears open. Thanks

Officially Retired
02-16-2012, 01:42 PM
Message received Evo. Very fair position of you to take, and very well said.

Everyone here is unanimous in hoping you get your gorgeous bitch back, and please let us know if you do.



02-16-2012, 04:34 PM
I am deeply sorry for your loss evo.

02-17-2012, 09:25 AM
I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful bitch, I hope you get her back soon.

02-18-2012, 01:24 PM
While I understand everyone's skepticism, I can assure you there was no foul play. Jack can probably attest to this. When you go running at the park, you don’t carry your phone with you because if it falls out, it can break, especially a Smartphone. You don’t carry your keys with you because if your keys fall out of your pocket, you have no ride home. You don’t carry your wallet with you so you don’t lose it. For those of us who run regularly, we know this to be true. There is nothing fishy about this deal except for the lowlife's who stole the dog. Rather than speculate about any shady business, I would just appreciate it if you all kept your ears open. Thanks

personally i would have a fanny pack to put my wallet ,key's ,and phone in.marfine or not if somebody has a gun pointed at you ain' t much you can do .but it is kinda odd they was out at the same time he was in the wee hr's of the morning in the dead of winter .Being your friend was a "MARINE " I got to say this .you know why the MARINES say they are always looking for a few GOOD MEN ?Because they don't have any .


02-18-2012, 02:17 PM
I'm so sorry buddy for your lose..

02-19-2012, 10:36 PM
To all,

I am the person who Pova was stolen from. I have read every single post and sat back and thought for a second. I will answer all the questions.
I have worked my share of dogs and Evo, knows this. I have never had to carry a gun while walking in memorial park. I have had more dogs entrusted to me not only by Evo but others who I will not mention. And I have never had an issue. I had several champions and GrCh entrusted to me and the all the owners will tell you they got their dogs back the exact same way I got them.

1. Where was my wallet?
My wallet was in my vehicle, along with my phone and keys, I always leave all my belongings in the vehicle when I work dogs. And like Evo said the car is not worth much, I would have rather gave them my keys than for them to take Pova.

2. Why was I out there at such hour on a winter night?
First of all Houston does not have the same weather some of you have to deal with up north, I choose to work dogs this late because is only time I have.

3. Why would they take a dog that does not look like a typical bulldog?
Gents, this is a random act, I have no idea why they did, and the dog was by far the last thing I figure he would ask for.

4. Why didn't I do anything to prevent this?
I am not sure how many or if any of you have ever had a weapon point or fired at you, the fact that they pulled a weapon out on me didn't scare me, like Evo said I did 2 tours March 02- Nov 04 in Afghanistan but I was not going to get confrontational with someone with a gun and me with no weapon.

Everyone here is entitled to their opinion and can even play detectives and try to come up with their own theories, but things do happen and sometimes there is not answer to them..

02-20-2012, 06:42 AM
sorry i hope you have the dog back...

02-20-2012, 06:44 AM
I believe that's as honest as it can get. I salute and thank you for serving our country and being man enough to come on the forum and give your side first hand. The relationship between you and EVO is all that matters in the end. What ever the public (myself included) "thinks,"ultimately, does not matter nor should it impact the relationship.

And lastly--everyone--can talk, but when staring down a barrell...all bets are off and life is the wager!

Good luck to you and all that you set out to do in life Soldier.

To all,

I am the person who Pova was stolen from. I have read every single post and sat back and thought for a second. I will answer all the questions.
I have worked my share of dogs and Evo, knows this. I have never had to carry a gun while walking in memorial park. I have had more dogs entrusted to me not only by Evo but others who I will not mention. And I have never had an issue. I had several champions and GrCh entrusted to me and the all the owners will tell you they got their dogs back the exact same way I got them.

1. Where was my wallet?
My wallet was in my vehicle, along with my phone and keys, I always leave all my belongings in the vehicle when I work dogs. And like Evo said the car is not worth much, I would have rather gave them my keys than for them to take Pova.

2. Why was I out there at such hour on a winter night?
First of all Houston does not have the same weather some of you have to deal with up north, I choose to work dogs this late because is only time I have.

3. Why would they take a dog that does not look like a typical bulldog?
Gents, this is a random act, I have no idea why they did, and the dog was by far the last thing I figure he would ask for.

4. Why didn't I do anything to prevent this?
I am not sure how many or if any of you have ever had a weapon point or fired at you, the fact that they pulled a weapon out on me didn't scare me, like Evo said I did 2 tours March 02- Nov 04 in Afghanistan but I was not going to get confrontational with someone with a gun and me with no weapon.

Everyone here is entitled to their opinion and can even play detectives and try to come up with their own theories, but things do happen and sometimes there is not answer to them..

No Quarter Kennel
02-20-2012, 10:19 AM
Very nice sentiments, but he's not a soldier.....he is a Marine! :D

02-20-2012, 11:03 AM
Although I meant Soldier in the verb sense, as in persevere, move forward, carrying on doggedly (the common phrase "soldier on"), you are right, the noun use of Soldier he is not, and nonetheless he is a Marine! ;)

No Quarter Kennel
02-20-2012, 11:19 AM
Oh I was just throwing out more convo. I have a few Marines in my family and have been corrected on this topic more than once. AND, nice attempt to rebound with the whole verb usage angle, but you did use the word soldier as a noun.

YUCK - we sound like nerds. I'm done!

02-20-2012, 11:51 AM
Nerdy indeed...Point taken.

02-23-2012, 12:26 PM
Once a Marine...Always a Marine!!!! U.S.M.C. Uncle Sams Misguided Children!!!!!! 2/8 Marines Camp Lejeune N.C.!!! 94'-98' You'll get that gyp back I'm sure!!

02-23-2012, 01:45 PM
Death Before Dishonor. Okie- P.I. AUG. 03- Sept. 07. hope you get the bitch back

02-25-2012, 11:18 AM
First off, that is a beautiful bitch and I am sorry she was taken.

Have you looked in all the local animal shelters? Don't just call them on the phone, it's better to take the time to go there every few days and ask and walk thru the kennels.

Can you print her photo and take it around and ask and see if you have any luck finding her that way. Just calling often does not work, you would need to go look.

You might write up a flyer with her photo on it and call her a “pit bull mix family pet” and offer a reward for her return or for information on her whereabouts.

If you print up flyers, why not post them around the area she was taken? And ask the local kids in that area for info, kids wander all over and often know a lot about who’s got a new dog.

How about Craigslist? Why not put an ad there, for “lost dog” and put her photo and info there too.

With flyers and ads, I’d certainly call her a “pit bull mix” and a family pet with a reward offered, as this might bring in some leads to finding her.

Good luck and I hope you get her back….