View Full Version : Question on a female

02-16-2012, 11:59 AM
A freind of mine just called me and was telling me about his female that was due to drop a litter this weekend coming up. He said yesterday afternoon she started passing a clear liquid and it was coming out real heavy. He noticed it had slowed down last night before he left for work. When he got home this morning she had had a pup and looked to be finish. She was looking to him like she was going to have seven or eight. My queston is why she pushed out so much fluid?

bad dog
02-16-2012, 12:05 PM
she may not be able to pass them an needs a c-section!

bad dog
02-16-2012, 12:07 PM
man this aint a question for a board its a question for the vet! a vet visit is onln 30 bucks and thats where she would be if she were my bitch.

02-16-2012, 12:19 PM
Yea if she was laying around and trying to push i'm sure he would take her, but she is up moving jumping around like normal she eating and using the bathroom too. He is just wondering about the fluid, he nor I or anyone we've talk to have seen this. That's why i'm here asking.

Officially Retired
02-16-2012, 01:11 PM
I would still get the test done.

If there are pups still in her, she may be happy now ... but she will be deathly ill in a couple of days.

My own Dirty Hammer bitch couldn't spit out her last pup ... and the next day she was "happy" too ... but I still had to get a pup out of her which, if I didn't, would have killed her eventually.

Certainly, the life of your bitch is worth a $100. A true vet visit will cost you $30-$40, plus a $60-$80 xray to be sure.

That way you KNOW ... not "think" you know ... that she is okay.

A bitch should not be still dripping water and looking like she's got 8 pups in her ...

Good luck,


02-16-2012, 01:15 PM
She's not still dripping, all of that happened before she had the one pup. Now she is back to her normal size(almost) I haven't seen her but he says she don't look like she has anymore in her.

Officially Retired
02-16-2012, 01:26 PM
Oh, well that's different.

Your friend is either real inexperienced or something's not right. I can see mistaking 4 pups for 6, or 6 pups for 8, but I cannot possibly fathom thinking a bitch is going to have 8 pups ... and she only has 1.

So like I said, your friend is either real inexperienced or something's not right. Hope she's okay!


02-16-2012, 01:32 PM
Yea I hope she does well too.