View Full Version : Update

Officially Retired
02-18-2012, 04:34 AM
I just installed some powerful new software that is going to enable us to launch an all-new platform, not just to present this forum but also to launch the full-functionality of the entire "Online APBT Database" concept, including a host of articles, DVD tutorials, reference links, etc.

If it seems like I am "not around" much this next week, it is only because I am tweaking this new software before launching it into operation. When that happens, there will be a period when this Forum will shut down, as all tables/data, etc. are transferred into the new platform, and a message will be provided as to when to expect the transition to be complete.

This is going to require a lot of work that is being done, so please be patient, but I think everyone will be happy (and amazed!) at the eventual "face lift" 8-)


02-18-2012, 06:08 AM
You are doing good work Jack, and I thank you.

02-18-2012, 06:10 AM
Thanks for the warning on the shut down. lol Good luck and I hope the transfer goes well for you.

02-18-2012, 07:09 AM
nice!!!! (Must...resist...urge...to blast Jack with as many questions BEFORE shutdown...). Can't wait to see new format...

02-18-2012, 10:19 AM
just make sure you have a " for the computer illiterate" section...I'll be needing that!

Officially Retired
02-18-2012, 12:23 PM
Thanks for the support :mrgreen:

(Must...resist...urge...to blast Jack with as many questions BEFORE shutdown...)


just make sure you have a " for the computer illiterate" section...I'll be needing that!


02-18-2012, 02:56 PM
If it looks like what I was on earlier you have to change the colors. It was hardly visible.

Officially Retired
02-18-2012, 03:07 PM
Yeah, those were the default colors after I just installed it, so it isn't even close to being ready yet. Matter of fact, I messed up the .css and am trying to un-**** my blunder :lol:

But there is MASSIVE potential to this software, and after I learn how to tweak it right, it will blow away the current set up and really be nice for all :D


red dog
02-21-2012, 09:53 AM
That's whats up Jack . Make this thing space age .

Officially Retired
02-21-2012, 04:32 PM
That's whats up Jack . Make this thing space age .

The integration and functionality of this software package is amazing, and will transform this place into a veritable treasure-trove of good information and resources 8-)

Can't wait to finish customizing it!


Officially Retired
02-22-2012, 03:45 PM
The update should be taking place within 24 hours ... during which time I will be extremely busy ... but stay tuned for an incredible facelift 8-)

