View Full Version : Not sure what way to go

02-26-2012, 12:52 PM
I was blessed with this pup from a buddy of mine who has her littermate brother Magicman. I am just getting back into the swing of things and not real sure what way to take with her. In your opinions what way would you go? Shes Mayday/Boyles on top and heavy inbread Frisco on bottom. All comments and opinions welcome.
Thanks in advance.


Officially Retired
02-26-2012, 01:34 PM
I was blessed with this pup from a buddy of mine who has her littermate brother Magicman. I am just getting back into the swing of things and not real sure what way to take with her. In your opinions what way would you go? Shes Mayday/Boyles on top and heavy inbread Frisco on bottom. All comments and opinions welcome.
Thanks in advance.

My own philosophy as to "which way to go" when you breed your dogs has to do with your likes. So let me first ask you what "you" like in a dog (head dog, throat dog, stifle dog, etc.), and then let me ask you how close is this bitch of yours to being "the perfect dog" you like? Then I would ask you the same about her mother and father ...

Do you see what I am getting at? A lot of people look at the "papers" to see which way to go in a breeding, and what I am doing is getting you to examine the traits of the bitch, and how close they are to what you want?

So how close is this bitch of yours to being "the perfect match dog" in your eyes :wink:



No Quarter Kennel
02-26-2012, 02:45 PM
Good answer!

Officially Retired
02-26-2012, 02:54 PM

02-26-2012, 02:58 PM
Thanks Jack,

Officially Retired
02-26-2012, 03:33 PM
Thanks Jack,

You're welcome, but I was inviting your participation :mrgreen:

Tell me honestly what it is about this bitch that you really like? What don't you like? Where do the traits you like come from in her pedigree?

I don't know these answers, because I don't know the dogs involved, but if you do know the answers to these questions, then clarifying them will help direct you to which way to go in breeding her.

If you don't know the answers to these questions, then you're just gambling and not breeding with a sense of direction.

I am trying to help give you the sense of how a true performance breeder breeds, versus an amateur, and that has to do with breeding for specific traits.


02-26-2012, 04:10 PM
Honestly shes not quite 7 months so i havent had a chance to look at her but she still acts like a puppy as for her dad havent seen him go but everybody that has has said hes game as far as how deep i dont know and dont know what traits he was showing or how he is as a producer other than my buddys got 3 dogs on his yard off of yellowman, 1 being a belly brother to my bitch and all are looking good but are all under a yr so havent been looked at deeply. The mom i realy dont nothing about so cant tell you honestly just liked how she looked on paper.

Sorry for the lack of knowledg but i am a rookie and am just getting started.

02-26-2012, 04:16 PM
Good answer!


Like you said yourself, its just a pup. I think if you are "a rooky", breeding is one of the last steps you take. The best of luck, you're in the right place.

No Quarter Kennel
02-26-2012, 04:34 PM
What R2L said.

Enjoy your dog, get to KNOW, truly KNOW, your dog. Learn more of her lineage and don't worry about breeding anyting until much later. When you KNOW more about your dog/dogs themselves.

02-26-2012, 04:42 PM
Ok thanks yall i appreciate it

Officially Retired
02-26-2012, 05:00 PM
Honestly shes not quite 7 months so i havent had a chance to look at her but she still acts like a puppy as for her dad havent seen him go but everybody that has has said hes game as far as how deep i dont know and dont know what traits he was showing or how he is as a producer other than my buddys got 3 dogs on his yard off of yellowman, 1 being a belly brother to my bitch and all are looking good but are all under a yr so havent been looked at deeply. The mom i realy dont nothing about so cant tell you honestly just liked how she looked on paper.
Sorry for the lack of knowledg but i am a rookie and am just getting started.

No problem. All great things first start in the imagination, so "imagining" which way you're going to breed her is only natural. Honestly, I would be lying to you if I told you I wasn't "imagining" breeding my own young dogs too ... it is only natural :mrgreen:

But what these fellas are telling you is correct, just enjoy your bitch first. Get to know her, everything about her, and she will also form a bond with you. Study her pedigree in the right way ... by keeping track of her littermates to see how they're doing also. If you have my book, read the chapter "The Art of Breeding Dogs." If you don't, no big deal, because I will be working posting it here in the Articles section pretty soon.

Once you know everything about your bitch (her strengths/weaknesses ... how good her litter is, etc.), then you need to study her pedigree all the way back. How were her parents (their littermates), and how were her parents' parents (and their littermates). Was their a consistency in style? Were there consistent strongpoints? Weakpoints?

If you can really take the time to gain this kind of insight, not just on her own traits, but where the good traits (and bad traits!) came from in her pedigree ... this and only this will give you a real sense of direction when you breed her. This is going to take time, but believe me it is time well-spent.

Most people are going say, "I'd breed her to a Jeep dog," or "I'd breed her to a Redboy dog," etc., but these are just bubble-gum answers by people who really don't know what they're talking about. My honest answer to you is I have no idea how I would breed a bitch like yours, because I know nothing about her (what she has/doesn't have as an individual), nor do I know anything about her background.

You simply have to have this kind of knowledge to make effective breeding choices ... so my best advise to you is gain this knowledge for yourself ... and then you can answer the question for yourself.

Cheers & Best of Luck :cheers:


02-26-2012, 09:11 PM
Thanks Jack and yeah I ordered your bible packege last week so havent got it yet but cant wait til I do thanks again

02-26-2012, 10:03 PM
Honestly shes not quite 7 months so i havent had a chance to look at her but she still acts like a puppy as for her dad havent seen him go but everybody that has has said hes game as far as how deep i dont know and dont know what traits he was showing or how he is as a producer other than my buddys got 3 dogs on his yard off of yellowman, 1 being a belly brother to my bitch and all are looking good but are all under a yr so havent been looked at deeply. The mom i realy dont nothing about so cant tell you honestly just liked how she looked on paper.

Sorry for the lack of knowledg but i am a rookie and am just getting started.

Honesty and Humility, Admirable Qualities.