View Full Version : Kandy Pedigree

12-23-2011, 11:49 AM
would like comments on Kandy's Pedigree.

AL Clown
12-24-2011, 03:15 AM
Not sure about anyone else but I am having trouble seeing the ped..try typing it if you have the time.

Officially Retired
12-24-2011, 03:46 AM
It looks like you've enlarged the ped since last time.

One thing I can say is that is clearly a linebred Virgil/Sue bitch :)

One of the things it is hard for folks to understand is that no one can really "analyze a pedigree" ... unless he is PERSONALLY familiar with the dogs in it. I have never personally seen any of the dogs in that pedigree, so I cannot give you my impressions in anything other than a theoretical sense. For example, I don't know if Scrappy Doo is fast/slow, talented/untalented, has mouth/no mouth, etc. ... and the same is true with my personal, first-hand knowledge on down the line with the rest of them: my personal knowledge of the dogs in your pedigree is ZERO. Therefore, my opinion on "how these dogs will turn out" is worth nothing :)

By contrast, when I look at my own pedigrees, I am intimately familiar with every single characteristic of every single dog in my own peds, back a pretty far ways, and *now* my opinion on any pedigree, with my own dogs in it, is going to carry some serious weight. However, on a pedigree where I don't personally know each and every dog, the advice I can offer is going to be pretty limited.

What I *can* do is see that somebody bred, inbred, and re-inbred a boatload of times on the Gr Ch Virgil x Meggie breeding.

This breeding produced Scrappy Doo and Sue, who were inbred as brother/sister to create Acid ... and then did they did another inbreeding by breeding Acid back to his mother Sue. As if this wasn't inbred enough for them, they inbred this Acid/Sue inbred bitch (which they again named Sue) back to Acid again. So I can see the inbreeding patterns clear as day ... they are extreme and intensive. However, what I can't tell you is if any of these dogs was worth breeding to at all, let alone if these dogs were so good that this kind of inbreeding intensity was warranted.

The trouble with severe inbreedings is, some people do it to preserve the highest-quality dogs possible, while others just do inbreed like crazy because those are the only dogs they have. And, since I don't honestly know the people/dogs involved, I can't tell you for sure which it was in this case.

Hope this made sense,



12-25-2011, 04:07 PM
Thank you, It did. My friend said they where tring to get the blood pure.
http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=403461 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=403461)