View Full Version : Indiana Dog / Drug Bust

Officially Retired
03-11-2012, 07:48 PM


03-12-2012, 02:12 AM
Copy of federal indictment...

This is a prime example why if you posses these dogs you just CAN NOT sell dope. I do not know the particulars of the case but based off of the information in the article he is facing around 30 years. Based on Indiana law he is facing up to 20 years(B felony) on the gun charges, up to 8 years(C felony) on the weed, up to 3 years(D felony) on each dog charge. Hopefully they charged him under one cause # because then they will potentially sentence him for the worst charge of 20 years and not run the sentences consecutive to one another.

I don't know George personally, we have talked before but I don't know him, but I do know a few of his friends. From what they all have said about him previous to the bust he seems like a good upstanding guy. The problem is this... If he has been convicted of anything related(drug or dog) they are going to try and bank his ass. Terrible shame for a dude his age to be facing a shit storm of this magnitude. Potentially all self induced. I hope all works out ,as good as possible, for this man.

Just know this fella's if all is as it appears in the indictment I just found and posted this dude is in a world of hurt. They are not charging him with Indiana statutes they are charging him with federal indictments. I have no clue what the sentencing guidelines for federal are but do know this... You serve up to 80% of your sentence on feds time. And additionally because of the quantity of weed I believe they can seize all his property and asset's.
Good luck,

This is the dude that owned GRCH Yellowman and several other very fine animals.

03-12-2012, 08:41 AM
Be wise my friends, what can I say more? I got OUT of the dog business a number of years ago for a good reason. If you are hell bent on being in the dog business realize the risks you face. That includes the non dogfighters who choose to raise and breed Pit Bull Terriers, you can be accused too. It was a sad day when Jethro called me the day before his incarceration. He is a nurse, a family man, and an honest, upstanding citizen. Unfortunately, he allowed people into his inner circle that were entangled in drugs. When they get busted for drugs, the tend to roll over on dogmen.

Officially Retired
03-12-2012, 10:02 AM
Be wise my friends, what can I say more? I got OUT of the dog business a number of years ago for a good reason. If you are hell bent on being in the dog business realize the risks you face. That includes the non dogfighters who choose to raise and breed Pit Bull Terriers, you can be accused too. It was a sad day when Jethro called me the day before his incarceration. He is a nurse, a family man, and an honest, upstanding citizen. Unfortunately, he allowed people into his inner circle that were entangled in drugs. When they get busted for drugs, the tend to roll over on dogmen.

It was a sad day for me too. Jethro really was a great guy, and he had some really good dogs of mine too (Thutmos/Twilight, Silverback/Twilight) that all got put down.

The trouble with dope dealers (like Ricky Jones) is they tend not to have ethics. Some do, but most do not. Everything is about "a deal" and "a fast turnaround" with those guys, and that is exactly this "everything's fast" kind of mindset that will have them looking for another sort of "fast deal" when they get caught, which is to be a snitch rather than do the time.

Really made me sick when Jethro's whole life got turned upside-down over that midwest crisis.


03-13-2012, 04:58 PM
I believe there is still Thutmos semen in storage. He offered me partnership on the dog initially, and later offered me the semen. Personally, I don't think he is bred as well as the Double E dog my buddy has who is a belly brother to the Mybaby bitch Jethro sent me. Jethro's stuff really belongs together with both your stock and mine Jack. It is worthy to be infused with both lines, and would be far from an outcross. Jethro ended up (***with my guidance if I may have the stage to take a little credit***) being the premier keeper of that Fatbaby based blood without a doubt. Sadly, little of it exists now. If someone wanted a really good start, they could do a hell of a lot worse than to piece together some of what he had to preserve it.

10-09-2012, 08:36 AM
sentenced to 27 months

10-09-2012, 06:28 PM
Lol. That's where George went. No remorse from me.