View Full Version : How About Some Tips/Tricks

AL Clown
12-24-2011, 01:28 AM
What are some of the tips and/or tricks you use on a dog that doesn't want to work? And let's skip hand-walking, it is a good way to spend time with your animal but it will not get you there. I'm an Air Assualt soldier from Ft. Campbell walking was my specialty (10 min/mile pace) with a full load.

Officially Retired
12-24-2011, 02:35 AM
What are some of the tips and/or tricks you use on a dog that doesn't want to work? And let's skip hand-walking, it is a good way to spend time with your animal but it will not get you there. I'm an Air Assualt soldier from Ft. Campbell walking was my specialty (10 min/mile pace) with a full load.

If you're weight-pulling a dog (using moderate weights), having a second conditioner bait him by dangling a flag or flirt pole in front of him is good.

A chicken/rabbit in a cage works wonders on the jenny/treadmill too :)



AL Clown
12-24-2011, 03:05 AM
I remember when you and Compound had those chicken and would let the dogs chase them with the weights. I grew up around chicken, ducks and turkeys all my life (grandparents) but i have never put my hands on one unless it was fried :lol:

AL Clown
12-24-2011, 03:06 AM
Also I have seen guys place their dog on a mill then use a second dog to motivate him.

Officially Retired
12-24-2011, 06:09 AM
The perpetual "scratch into each other" mirrored-image effect :mrgreen:

01-03-2012, 06:50 AM
Ill give a little something up. instead of wieght training during a keep i use the speed chute and do windsprints. Very good tool that is a natural wind wieght resistance that increases power, speed, and quick strong burst.

01-03-2012, 10:20 AM
What about conditioning without a mill?

01-03-2012, 03:37 PM
had alot of fun with atvs and dirt bikes. works real well in the deep woods where you can take them off lead and not worry

01-04-2012, 01:10 PM
If you can get one to fetch a kong ball and bring it back to you...boy oh boy that's a good one! I have a male that I got from my partner, and he never spent time with him at all! So much so that he is afraid of basketballs!! The more time you put into one, the more you'll get out of him/her.

01-06-2012, 07:20 PM
Using a chicken is the best I found that tugging on the chickens tail makes in release a distress sound and which excites ur pet and wont harm ur bird

01-29-2012, 07:48 AM
lol yea just poke the chicken with a stick if u need a burst lol

03-23-2015, 05:06 PM
my dogs don't like anything with wheels or a motor so i use a vacuum for mill work

03-24-2015, 12:52 AM
Sometimes conditioning can be a 'by any means necessary'. A person has to be creative at times to get the dog to move. The only real 'tip or trick' is to start them out early in life in order to find out what they will and maybe will not do and try to find ways to make it work.

We have had dogs across the spectrum, from ones who win spin a slat mill at 10 weeks old all the way to the dog who preferred sleeping 23 1/2 hours per day and would perform nothing. My partner had a female once who would not even hand walk, it was more of a hand drag. Hooked a snap to a section of conduit and pushed her out into the water. The bitch would not even swim, and it was a game of chicken as to who would give in first. The split second we were about to give in so she would not drown, she started paddling.

And everywhere in between.

There are no real tricks to it and the only tip is to start out as early as possible to find out what the dog will do and will not do. Use the things he will do willingly the best you can and then explore options on the things he will not. EWO

03-24-2015, 07:30 AM
Sometimes conditioning can be a 'by any means necessary'. A person has to be creative at times to get the dog to move. The only real 'tip or trick' is to start them out early in life in order to find out what they will and maybe will not do and try to find ways to make it work.

We have had dogs across the spectrum, from ones who win spin a slat mill at 10 weeks old all the way to the dog who preferred sleeping 23 1/2 hours per day and would perform nothing. My partner had a female once who would not even hand walk, it was more of a hand drag. Hooked a snap to a section of conduit and pushed her out into the water. The bitch would not even swim, and it was a game of chicken as to who would give in first. The split second we were about to give in so she would not drown, she started paddling.

And everywhere in between.

There are no real tricks to it and the only tip is to start out as early as possible to find out what the dog will do and will not do. Use the things he will do willingly the best you can and then explore options on the things he will not. EWO

Great post, EWO. I agree 100%.