View Full Version : RAW DIET - FO HUMANS!

No Quarter Kennel
03-18-2012, 04:28 PM
Here we go. This freakin RAW feeding for my dogs got my brain to spinning. We feed these dogs the same damn thing every day. It's all healthy and designed for their design. It took no time at all for my dogs to get to looking great and feeling much better and acting great. So it got me to thinking. Why not create a "RAW Dog Food Diet" for myself. Now I've been a competitive lifter (powerlifting) for many years. Currently on a 3 year skid of not really training at all. When it comes to developing strength in myself and other athletes, I'm pretty good, even if I do say so myself. However, this is not an indication of my knowledge concerning nutrition. Oh well, I don't really care. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to eat the same exact meal, 4 to 5 times a day, every single day for 4 weeks. I will also apply my own strength training knowledge to myself and get my ass back in the weight room. I just got through grilling 22 chicken breast, I've got steam asparagas and squash and I fixed up what is said to be 36 servings of brown rice.

I've done just like we do our dogs. I've cut up all the chicken.

Here's my meal:
1 handfull of Chicken
1/3 cup brown rice
4-6 Tbl Spoons of Asparagas and Squash
I mix this all in a bowl and will simply microwave when ready or just eat the shit cold. Makes no difference to me.

I will drink Milk and Water for this experiment.

I plan to take pictures tonight and am not afraid to post them here so we can all see the befo and afta!

Tonight, I am having nachos and beer as my "last meal" before launching off into this thing.

Below are the supplements I will take as well:
1 Generic Brand Multi Vitamin
1 Fish Oil capsule with each meal
4 niacin tablets 2x a day - for cholesterol - mines high
1 vitamin C twice daily
Milk Thistle 3x daily for liver health
1 Animal Pack vitamins on training days
1 Pre Workout Shake on training days
1 Post Workout Shake on training days
2 Protein shakes per day on training days - 1 on non training days.

This morning I weighed 248.4 lbs. I would guess I am in the 20% body fat range. I've had this checked several times and can guess within 1%, so I'll guess 20 for now and may actually have it checked at the end of this deal.

I will compete in a Push/Pull meet in July (last week) so this could continue on until then. We'll have to see how it goes. Last meet I did (2006) my personal bests were 804 squat, 568 bench and a 722 deadlift. That was in the 275lb class with my actual weigh in at 264. If things go well with this diet, I could lift in the 220lb class and I would like to hit a 550+ BP and a 700 pull. No squat, as it adds to much to the training and pushes the body weight up naturally.

If I can overcome the monotony with the diet, this just may be the ticket. Not that anyone cares, but I'll keep you all posted here. I think this might get interesting.

Stay tuned!


03-19-2012, 06:55 AM
Hahaha, Ferguson ! You sir, are a TROOPER ! Wish you the best of luck with the experiment and will be following the progress.

Good luck !

Officially Retired
03-19-2012, 01:53 PM
Great post, and that's the spirit.

Before I had my girlfriend, who likes to cook, I pretty much followed my own diet regimen ... chicken 3x week, fish 3x week, and beef 1x week ... plus a ton of other vegetables. It is hard to go a no-carb diet (especially if you like beer LOL), but the less carbs the better IMO.

I may join you in this quest, and I will post my own diet later. However, given the sorry shape I am in now (I used to be a pistol), I would have to allow for at least a month pre-keep before I went to posting photos of myself :lol:


04-07-2012, 09:39 AM
With all due respect NQK, I totally agree with your premise, but not the approach. I mean, how is it "raw" if you are cooking it, and not even over fire, but nuking it in the microwave!? I am on the cusp of doing something drastic myself in the diet department, and I read this post when you first wrote it. I did not reply at the time, but I have been searching for the right answer ever since.

Another post on the M-Clay got me looking to some of my old sources which inadvertantly put me to Karl Loren's website. I have followed Karl for many years on various subjects. Truth be told, the depth and breadth of his research is so broad, and his writing style so exhaustive, that I often avoid reading many of his publications. He is usually right, and I agree with him on many issues, but his approach on some things just has me tuned out sometimes. Well, this morning I tuned in. I don't know that I will have the faith and courage to try this all the way, but this is an introduction to the true raw diet.


Best wishes to all.

Officially Retired
04-07-2012, 05:26 PM
All right ... are all of us old fogies going to have to do "Before" | "After" shots with our shirts off? :lol: :embarrassed:

I have just purchased a bunch of raw vegetables for juicing, and have gone back to the "eggs in the morning / can of tuna in the afternoon" eating regimen.

Gonna be forty-friggin-eight at the end of this October ... and I used to be a pistol, but now I am just a pop gun :lol: :embarrassed:

Would like to get back to being a pistol again :twisted:

How 'bout it fellas?!

04-07-2012, 08:10 PM
I'm game! I am going to be 44 the week after yours, and not feeling quite as chipper as I used to. I am heavier than I have ever been at 6'3" 245, and just don't feel as well as I should. I have been eating raw for a couple of days, and already feel a significant difference. It is rather amazing. Here is what I started with.

In keeping with the spirit of NQK's post, I was thinking I could eat 4-5 of these things per day with water, a few pieces of fruit or veggies, my liquid vitamin-mineral supplement (Intramax), and I would be in darn fine shape nutritionally. The food would truly be raw, caloric intake reduced, and nothing but unprocessed, healthy, life giving substances ingested. On top of that, at $1.25 per bar, I'd be eating pretty damn cheap each day, about the price of one "value meal" at some fast food dump.

Then I got looking towards the Ge132 for the M-Clay thread, which led me to Karl's site for the Asai book, which led me to the Aajonus diet.

It seems like the answer is trying to come to me from many angles, and I am receptive enough to grab onto it. The thought of the raw meats make me cringe a little, but the science and theory of the whole deal is very sound. The testimonials are absolutely astounding from all who have gone on this diet. I am going to start out by making jerky out of my meats, and reducing cooking to be extremely rare until I can handle it raw. I have access to good grass fed beef, and I am getting the Spanish Goats which will be a source of clean raised meat also. It will be a process, but the exclusion of all processed and refined foods alone has to be a major step in the right direction even if I do eat some cooked food still occasionally.

04-08-2012, 07:11 AM
Eating raw meat is going to extremes and definitely something I wont be trying.

Four months ago I purchased a vita-mix blender so I can get more greens in my diet, it's brilliant, green smoothies taste amazing and it's made a massive difference in me getting enough greens, veg and fruit into my diet. I'v since cut out all the supplements i used to take, i'v gone from taking multi-vitamin/mineral capsules, fish oil, magnesium, glucosamine + chondroitin, msm and a somewhat crappy diet to eating healthy unprocessed food and only taking one natural source supplement, concentrace trace minerals.

I feel better now from simply eating healthy, than I did when I was popping all kinds of pills and potions.

Good luck fellas.

Officially Retired
04-08-2012, 06:56 PM
Good reading fellas.

I too would never eat some meats raw (chicken, for example). However, I do eat my steak blood-rare, and I do eat sushi and sashimi (raw fish).

Typically, when I am on track, I eat turkey or chicken 3x/week, fish 3x/week, and steak once a week.

My vegetables are always eaten raw. Eggs soft-boiled. If I have a salad (instead of juicing) I use olive oil and crushed garlic only.

Like you, MTK, there is absolutely no reason to take "vitamin supplements" if you're juicing with a wide variety of vegetables.