View Full Version : Queen & Crescent's Newest Addition

03-26-2012, 10:56 AM
We just got this little lady off of the transporter's truck around 1am last night, after patiently awaiting her arrival for a whole week! She's VERY skinny and dehydrated, but in good spirits. We promptly gave her a bath and introduced her to her first raw meal -- that's going to take some convincing for her, haha, and then took her to bed to cuddle. "Banjo bred" puppies are just some of the most adorable things ever created, man.

I've been wanting to get something off of her sire for YEARS, probably since 2008 or so, when GDK decided his male out of the same litter (Homeboy) was done producing for good. I know GDK thought a hell of a lot of that dog, and bred a large number of bitches to Homeboy over his GRCH AND his GRCH's CH Son, who were also on his yard at the time. Aside from Homeboy himself, I personally know of three of his littermates that are damned good performance animals as well.

As for her mother, being a direct daughter of CH Coachise speaks for itself, but the fact that she is inbred on Coachise's MOMMA ChooChoo is what I really love about her. Jimmy Mayfield has told me numerous times that ChooChoo was one of the baddest bitches he's ever laid eyes on personally, not to mention one of the gamest, and coming from someone who saw so many of the great dogs that made up the early beginnings of the MAD/DSK dogs, that's a mighty big compliment. I'm not mad at that heavy dose of Boomerang/Arts Missy on ChooChoo's bottom side, either.

So, naturally, I'm very excited about this little girl, as she encompasses two VERY highly-sought after dogs into one pedigree, off of working dogs herself. I couldn't have asked for a better bred addition to the Banjo-side of things, and it doesn't hurt that she's positively BEAUTIFUL either.

http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pictures/289169.jpg (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=289169)

03-26-2012, 11:29 AM
This is a photo of her after her bath and about 20 minutes after the transporter dropped her off
http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u364/queenandcrescent/562816_751529941316_50503721_34086961_52758797_n.j pg

03-26-2012, 02:00 PM
What a beautiful little pup she is, loving those ears and white head.

Good luck with her.

03-26-2012, 03:00 PM
Beautiful pup good luck with her

03-26-2012, 03:52 PM
Good stuff

Officially Retired
03-26-2012, 05:41 PM
Yeah, transporters are rough on pups. Good thing you got her though, and it won't be long till she's in primo form 8)

Congratulations on the perseverance in getting what you want :pirate:

03-27-2012, 12:25 AM
Congratulations !

03-27-2012, 03:44 AM
Love the "old school" markings on that pup. Great pics (and the STP T-shirt 8))

03-27-2012, 07:14 AM
Good looking pup, good luck with her

03-27-2012, 07:13 PM
If you don't mind me asking who was the transporter who let her get dehydrated? Just asking because I use them sometimes if I am unable to go drop the pups I sell off. I think I am going to start using air shipping more often. You can drop off a healthy pup and the people can pick up a healthy pup a few hrs later. Good luck with her. She is good looking and bred out the wazooo. :~)


03-29-2012, 04:36 PM
Beautiful pup, congrats!

She is very well bred, and for those who are not on Peds on Line, here is the public link --


I see she is from a repeat breeding, and the older pups look very nice indeed. I hope you will post more photos of her as she grows up. What's her name? Again, great pup and I am glad you got her!

03-29-2012, 08:41 PM
Beautiful pup, congrats!

She is very well bred, and for those who are not on Peds on Line, here is the public link --


I see she is from a repeat breeding, and the older pups look very nice indeed. I hope you will post more photos of her as she grows up. What's her name? Again, great pup and I am glad you got her!

Thank you! I thought I had posted the public link, if I didn't - Sorry, everyone!! Oopsie :embarrassed:

She is indeed from a repeat breeding. A friend of mine has her older sister, and says he just loves her. This little girl is turning out to be quite the handful, for such a tiny little thing, she has a GIGANTIC personality! She's still a little iffy about the raw food, we have to put her in a crate and leave her completely alone for her to eat, otherwise she'll lap a little up and completely lose interest. She eats like she's on a damned hunger strike, putting weight on her is going to be a challenge. And, she flat out refuses to drink. I've been having to syringe feed her water and give her SQ fluids. She isn't sickly or lethargic at all - she literally acts like if she takes a moment to drink or eat, she's terrified that she's going to miss something. A tech friend of mine brought over a gravy that's similar to NutriCal (calorie supplement, vitamin/mineral booster, etc) but it also boosts appetite and thirst, so hopefully that'll trigger some voluntary self nourishment. Her cute little butt is wearing us out!! Even so, with what little she DOES eat, and even having only been here for nearly a week, she already looks INCREDIBLY better than when we got her. She's going to be a gorgeous dog, with a fantastic coat - if she'll ever cooperate! There will certainly be more pictures to follow :)

As for her name, I think we're going with Dauphine. Queen on Dauphine. From a recent book I read.

No Quarter Kennel
03-30-2012, 06:15 PM
really pretty pup.


10-01-2012, 09:06 AM
Congratulations! Q/C on Your New Addition,Keepme postedon her