View Full Version : Any Experience using this for kennel flooring

03-31-2012, 11:32 AM
I have been searching and researching for an economical kennel flooring. I ran across this online

I'm hoping it will not retain water, be easy to clean, and be comfortable for the dogs. Looks like I can cover two 10x10 kennels for $300 and free shipping. If anyone has had any experience using this matting please let me know. I contacted the owner who assured me other customers use it for the very same application with much success but I never quite believe a salesman.

03-31-2012, 12:45 PM
i don't like it to much, good chance they start destroying/eating it. i dont see it as an advantage that the piss is going through the matt, few weeks and the whole place will be stinking of piss :)

concrete ftw, if possible tho...

04-02-2012, 12:45 PM
I use a type of stall mat that can be bought at Tractor Supply. They don't hold water, and they won't smell like piss if you clean them everyday. I've never had a grown, mature dog start to destroy or eat the ones I have, but I have had some pups gnaw it on from time to time. The matting is thick enough and rugged enough that they're not pulling chunks out of the matting even if they do decide to chew on it.

I don't know if I'd use a matting where water flows through unless there is some particular way that the water flows down on a small gradient.

04-09-2012, 03:07 PM
I got the company to send me a sample of their product, after testing it I found it lets about 30% of the water flow through and retains the rest. Obviously, back to the drawing board.