View Full Version : CAL Jack's Magic Healing Poultice

04-08-2012, 08:19 AM
Nu Stock has had zero results for two weeks. I have given Super Machobuck two bath's with Chlorexedine 3% Shampoo. I waited for him to dry off and have now spread plenty of Jack's Poultice. Will report back in two weeks. It certainly smells better than Nu-Stock.

No Quarter Kennel
04-08-2012, 11:52 AM
Is there a mange issue? What is it you are working on?


04-08-2012, 12:30 PM
Hot spots

Officially Retired
04-08-2012, 12:46 PM
Hot spots

Another thing that really helps the skin and coat of dogs prone to skin afflictions is a raw diet :D

No Quarter Kennel
04-08-2012, 12:51 PM
Jack, I agree with you 100%. The coat and skin health of my dogs has improved tremendously since switching over. When the TRB stuff gets bred a bit tight, you'll see more skin problems. I wish I had been feeding RAW when I had some of the dogs that have passed through my hands.

04-08-2012, 04:13 PM
I feed orijen regional red.

Officially Retired
04-08-2012, 04:31 PM
Jack, I agree with you 100%. The coat and skin health of my dogs has improved tremendously since switching over. When the TRB stuff gets bred a bit tight, you'll see more skin problems. I wish I had been feeding RAW when I had some of the dogs that have passed through my hands.

Roger that. My own light-buckskin dogs, as well as some of the inbred dogs that come out red/rednose, simply fall apart when fed kibble. Sure they tolerate some kibbles better than others, but they ALL do better still on raw.

There really is no comparison. A person just has to do it, and stick to it for a few months, to see the difference.


I feed orijen regional red.

I know that is a high-end kibble, but it dehydrates a dog. All kibbles dehydrate a dog, especially super-high-protein kibbles like Orijen. If you tried my raw diet for 2 weeks, your dogs will start drinking next to ZERO water ... and if you switched back to Orijen, your dogs will literally be drinking 10x the water that they were drinking fed raw. This perpetual dehydration is itself a cause of concern, health-wise, and leads to many other problems down the road.

To understand how this works, keep in mind that natural meats are 70% water, so dogs that get fed raw have plenty of water in them naturally and don't need much additional water. Their own bodies are likewise about 70% water, so eating a raw diet keeps them in a perpetual state of equilibrium as nature intended. This natural balance is thrown-off when a dog is fed kibble, while feeding raw maintains this balance as it should be. For example, a dog that gets 2-lb of chicken quarters actually gets 22.4 oz of water and only 9.6 oz of solid food. By contrast, a dog fed 1 lb of dry kibble (at 10% moisture) gets fed only 3.2 oz of water and 28.8 oz of solid food. In other words, a kibble-fed dog gets 3x the amount of solid food a raw-fed dog gets, and only 1/3rd the water to process it. This is why kibble-fed dogs drink 10x the amount of water raw-fed dogs drink--they are literally forced into a perpetual state of dehydration.

Worse, any kibble is processed and cooked to the point most of the key nutrients are lost, and to where all of the natural enzymes are obliterated. This means, while the ingredients on the bag may be excellent, by the time the extrusion/kibbling process is done with it, what's left is a little brown relic of the good food it once started out as. In the same way, a cooked French fry is a totally-devalued relic of what the wholesome, natural potato started out as.


04-08-2012, 07:25 PM
The protein load on the kidneys with any dry food is not good, with these high protein foods it is ultimately deadly. That is what happened to CH Miagi as I recall. This is especially true after one goes through a hard show or more, and then has the additonal renal stress caused by these high protein feeds devoid of the required moisture.

04-10-2012, 03:02 PM

so far a definite improvement. Ive applied twice and the swelling has gone down. I'll give him another Chlorexhedine bath on Saturday.

Officially Retired
04-10-2012, 03:14 PM
so far a definite improvement. Ive applied twice and the swelling has gone down. I'll give him another Chlorexhedine bath on Saturday.

Good deal. I was afraid that I had made your batch a bit too dry.

My product is very similar to NuStock, except where they use pine oil I use the related turpentine, and where they use standard mineral oil, I use food-grade mineral oil (which is thicker and stays on longer).

Hope the results turn out well for you (I am using some on my own Silver Phoenix dog right now also, as the gnats are festering on his skin :angry:).


PS: Check your PM 8)