View Full Version : What are all of the APBT Registration Bodies?

Officially Retired
04-21-2012, 01:58 PM
I was wondering if the show people can help out here and provide me with a list of all the APBT Registration Bodies.


Which other registration bodies can we add (European input is also welcome, in fact solicited).

Thanks again!


04-21-2012, 02:11 PM


Officially Retired
04-21-2012, 02:21 PM
What are the full names?

04-21-2012, 02:46 PM
cant find any websites

but registar is a europen register. pretty easy to get and convert it in adba... so i heard. i dont register dogs
sdr, i think its sporting dog registry by tom garner

Officially Retired
04-21-2012, 02:51 PM
That's right, thanks.

What about Ed Mullins' registry?

04-22-2012, 04:07 AM
UKC-United Kennel Club

Officially Retired
04-22-2012, 05:00 AM
Duh, I can't believe I forgot about that one ... well, yes I can, since I don't think too much about fat, blue show dogs :D

But thanks for the reminder!

04-22-2012, 08:46 AM
Fastlane is a farce. You cant trust a registry if the owner of the registry itself papers dogs

Officially Retired
04-22-2012, 11:06 AM
Don't know if it's true, but I heard the same thing about Garner, who created the SDR because the ADBA wouldn't grant him papers on a lot of his dogs.

04-22-2012, 11:12 AM
I think its because of money too. The man has 50/100 litters a year. lmao. Imagine the costs

scratchin dog
04-22-2012, 12:17 PM
American National Dog Registry


scratchin dog
04-22-2012, 12:23 PM
Don't know if it's true, but I heard the same thing about Garner, who created the SDR because the ADBA wouldn't grant him papers on a lot of his dogs.

The ADBA thought there was some funny business going on with the frozen semen off Frisco so they asked Garner to do a DNA test and he refused. I believe there is an article by him stating why he refused but after that fiasco he created the SDR. ADBA will not recognize any dog off the frozen stuff.

04-23-2012, 06:59 PM
{WHY TOM GARNER WONT D.N.A FRISCO} Most of you know that I am a very high profile breeder who is a target of ongoing investigations, federal and otherwise. About one year ago, my lawyer learned through an investigator we hired that the government had been able to determine through contact with the ADBA the exact number of pups I have produced and sold during the past ten years. Armed with this information, the IRS is now auditing me, and heaven knows when it might evolve into a criminal investigation.

Further, my investigator tells us that there is an ongoing attempt to link fighting dogs, particularly champions, recognized in the SDJ and other magazines to their breeders. Breeding a fighting dog makes you a felon just like fighting that dog does. The information provided to me indicates that at least one person at the ADBA has been cooperating with the government in this regard. The government has highly accurate and specific information about my breeding activities that could not be obtained from any other source.

When this information came my way, I made the only decision that anybody with any nutsack would make. I made a decision to stop doing business with the ADBA. Why would I feed the dog that bites me? I could have done the comfortable thing and continued to follow the easy path, but that's what a cur does.
In order to save face when I took my business elsewhere, the ADBA suggested that they had stopped doing business with me because I wouldn't send in DNA. This is complete bullshit. I had stopped doing business with the ADBA for six weeks when they came up with this idea. Sending in DNA would have been the final nail in the coffin. If the government had DNA on my Frisco dog, they could use it every time they bust anyone with a dog off Frisco to prove Frisco is the sire and then charge me with selling dogs to dogfighters. With today's intent laws, a DNA link from my stud to a busted dogfighter's dog would be fatal, irrefutable evidence.

Do you people not understand this? Why in hell would you want to do business with an organization that will sell you out? When you register a dog with the ADBA, any government organization that wants to persecute you will have your name, address, and the number of dogs you own. They will know where you bank and your account number if you pay with a check. If you register a litter of pups, your name goes in the "breeder of fighting dogs" file.The truth is that the only dogs that the ADBA has targeted in their coverup story is Frisco dogs born after January, 2001. Technically, any of you people that can't hear what I am saying can register any other of my dogs with the ADBA. However, if I know beforehand that you intend to put my name in their files, I won't do business with you. As far as frozen sperm goes, I was the first to use this procedure with my Gr Ch Spike in 1989. The procedure was unnecessarily expensive and time consuming. At that time it was necessary to travel to Houston for the procedure and the cost was prohibitive. After considerable study of the subject, I purchased a nitrogen tank in 1995 and trained in the technology necessary for storing sperm. I was sorely disappointed that Ch Chinaman died before we could collect semen from him. I vowed that I would not make the same mistake with Frisco.

After consulting with some folks in university veterinary programs and also with folks in the cattle industry that use these procedures, I realized I did not need a veterinarian to effectively use frozen semen. Freezing semen, then later using that frozen semen is a highly specific, but relatively simple procedure. The procedure is nicely presented in the Camelot Farms website (Camelot Farms - Home). Surgery is not required and a veterinarian is not required. Dogmen of the future will take advantage of this technology, or be left in the dust of those who do.
Using frozen semen is yesterday's news. We have used only a small portion of the semen we stored during the 5 years we collected from Frisco. Tomorrow's news is that both Frisco and Lee Ling have their tissue in a cloning program. When the technology is perfected, we wil have clones of both of these great producers. Undoutedly, there will be whiners that doubt some aspect of that technology when it happens too.

The dogs I produce are the best in the world and will only continue to get better. The reason for this is that I have assimilated lines that withstand close breeding and it is easy enough to maintain the great physical capabilities of these dogs without resorting to the complete gamble of outcrossing. Many of the most successful programs in the world today are the product of my understanding, my fair business practices, and my integrity. I am the same man I have been throughout the 24 years of my breeding career and when I tell you a dog is from a particular breeding, you can bet your life on it.

I have eyes good enough to see what's in front of me and judgement better than most. I know enough not to step in a pile of shit when it lies in my path. Based upon the facts that have been demonstrated to my satisfaction, I will do registration business with whom I goddamned well please. Any of you who can't digest these obvious points, who think that papers from a registry that has become far too mainstream have more worth than the dogs should buy your dogs elsewhere. I am WalMart and I don't have to please everyone. If I pleased all of you, it would probably mean I am kissing way too much ass.

For those of you who can see your noses in front of your faces, you can have your cake and eat it too. You can have one of the best dogs in the world, at a fair price, and have your choice of two excellent registries, either Bona Fide or the Sporting Dog Registry. I recently spoke with Mr Mims and I can assure you he is not in bed with the feds. He will guarantee the fast and accurate service you deserve. Those of you who have done business with him in the past know his word is good. He knows my integrity and honors all dogs and paperwork from my program. Likewise, after a slow start due to some unforseen personal issues, the SDR is now geared up to provide absolutely safe (outside the US) registration services to those who choose to register my dogs.

Officially Retired
04-24-2012, 04:12 AM
Honestly, that sounds like either the product of paranoid delusions or a helluva self-justification story.

The truth is, I can't think of any dog bust in history where authorities bothered to DNA an involved dog(s), or or even cared "how it was bred," or made any attempt at all to link it to a breeder.

If Tom was truly worried about "the feds" having his address, then he shouldn't have posted his address on his own website for years.

I do agree with his statement that, by registering every pup off of every litter, anyone could project a man's income off of pups ... but the simple fact is, NO MATTER WHAT registration body a breeder uses, if the IRS demands to see the paperwork, then by God that registration body has to produce it. So if the IRS demanded that the ADBA give up Tom's records, then the ADBA has to comply. This is why many breeders do not fool with ADBA papers at all anymore, but it is not the ADBA's fault--they have to cooperate with any federal investigation.

Anyway, I didn't want this thread to degenerate into a question about Garner's integrity (Fastlane's or anyone else's) but only wanted to get the names of whatever registration bodies there are, for a dropdown menu selection for the upcoming database, soon-to-be released :D



04-24-2012, 07:55 AM
Sorry to get off subject Jack. Somebody mentioned what Tom had written and I had it saved and thought it was better for people to see exactly what he had written.

Officially Retired
04-24-2012, 05:50 PM
Sorry to get off subject Jack. Somebody mentioned what Tom had written and I had it saved and thought it was better for people to see exactly what he had written.

Actually, it is a very interesting subject unto itself, whether paperwork is really necessary (or even desirable) for bulldog folks in this day and age :idea: