View Full Version : familiarity with this blood?

No Quarter Kennel
04-29-2012, 07:25 PM
Anyone on this board know these dogs?


I've got a littermate sister to Vadar and saw Ch. Spade go. Just wondering if anyone knows this blood as I saw Sherwoods Little Man in S.A. Tx and would like to find some of that stuff.


Officially Retired
04-30-2012, 04:24 AM
Sorry, I have never heard of it.
Might want to ask Ch Spade's owner directly.

No Quarter Kennel
04-30-2012, 02:02 PM
There was someone on this board who contacted me a while back who runs some of the Sherwood stuff. Hoping whoever it was (I've forgotten) will come across this.


05-01-2012, 04:51 AM
heard good things about the bottom side..

No Quarter Kennel
05-01-2012, 04:08 PM
Top side is very good as well. Spade was a 4xw and lost his 5th. He had some intestinal problems going into that one, but hats off to the other side. They had a good one.

I was asking b/c this is my only link to the Sherwood stuff and I wanted to track down anything about his Lil Man dog if anyone knows anything about him. He was a 1xw who beat a 2xw Perlinqua dog from SA. Lil Man was the bottom dog for 90min and won in 1:50. Very game. Suppose to be some Jeep stuff. Just interested to see if anyone knows anything about this dog and if there was anything related to him or anything off of him.

And yes - Jay Jay is a very good dog as is the entire bottom side of that ped.