View Full Version : Heat question

05-07-2012, 08:12 PM
One of my partner has a bitch that doesnt seem to want to come in heat. The last time she came in heat was around a year and half ago. She was bred but didn't take. Her previous heat before that she had three pups. I believe he tried cutting her weight down, and walked her but she still not coming in. I know with males I give them wheat germ oil and tribulus to help them when I plan on breeding them but what about females, what can he give her to stimulate her heat/reproductive cycles?
Almost forgot..shes been bred only a few times and had small litter each time. She's around 6-7 years old and she is a title dog.

05-07-2012, 10:18 PM
Put up a forfeit, this works like a charm :) Joke aside. Change her environment, move her to a different chainspot. Put her through a pre keep. This is stuff that can help you. Good luck with her.

05-08-2012, 01:32 AM
Put up a forfeit, this works like a charm :) Joke aside. Change her environment, move her to a different chainspot. Put her through a pre keep. This is stuff that can help you. Good luck with her.
He tried those already. We even had her over at my spot for a few weeks on a pre-keep before her scheduled heat. I stressed the beep out of her and even kept her next(kennel)to one of my bitch who was already in heat. It didn't work. I'm starting to think she might be done with her cycles. I also heard that if a dog was shot up with steriods, then it reduces their chance of reproducing. I don't know if theres any truth to that. But on her second hunt, she was shot up.

Officially Retired
05-08-2012, 01:34 AM
Wheat germ oil (or rice bran oil) and tribulus works on bitches too :idea:

05-08-2012, 01:56 AM
OK. maybe she had a "silent" heat. I don't know the correct english term for it.

Officially Retired
05-08-2012, 02:10 AM
That is the correct term Skip :)

05-08-2012, 02:15 AM
OK. maybe she had a "silent" heat. I don't know the correct english term for it.
With a silent heat, wont they swell up too? Would they bleed also?

Wheat germ oil (or rice bran oil) and tribulus works on bitches too
Thanks I will let him know about those supplements.

05-08-2012, 03:00 AM
OK. maybe she had a "silent" heat. I don't know the correct english term for it.
With a silent heat, wont they swell up too? Would they bleed also?

No they won't bleed. And it's really easy to miss. This is pretty common in younger bitches. But it happens in older ones to. Not saying this is it. But it could be an explanation. I hope you get her to come in heat soon.

Officially Retired
05-08-2012, 03:06 AM
With a silent heat, wont they swell up too? Would they bleed also?

No. That is why it is called "silent" ... there are no (or very little) outward indications of a heat cycle at all.

Such bitches should be kept inside and closely monitored, or at least in an above-ground pen, so whatever little blood does come can be seen more readily.


05-08-2012, 03:37 AM
I have a bitch that is the same way, and I've used Geritol from Walgreen or CVS. Put some in her food every day and she should come in heat within 2 weeks.

05-08-2012, 04:05 AM
Thank you for all the tips and advice. I will pass on this info to my partner. Anymore info will be appreciated.

05-11-2012, 01:33 PM
While we're on the subject of heats, has anyone ever experienced a lag in a heat cycle from switching to raw? I have two bitches that are at least five months overdue to come in, and the only thing that's being done differently is their diet. Both of them have had normal, regular, very noticeable heat cycles before. I can't think of what would be causing such a delay in coming back in this time around. I'm going to try adding the supplements that were suggested here, but any other suggestions/comments would be greatly appreciated.

Officially Retired
05-11-2012, 02:56 PM
Not me, my bitches have been regular like clockwork.

Dirty Hammer gave birth 1/24/11 last year, and 1/30/12 this year, with one inbetween.


11-01-2012, 05:48 AM
Progesterone Test

Officially Retired
11-01-2012, 07:40 AM
Progesterone Test

Generally, progesterone tests are administrated after it is known the bitch has started her heat cycle. Its only benefit is to target ovulation within the heat cycle itself, not to indicate when the bitch's cycle first started.

Because the trouble with "silent heats" is you never know when the bitch first begins her cycle ... or at least it's very hard to spot ... that means (unless you're prepared to give a progesterone test to your bitch 365 days of the year) the progesterone test isn't going to help you do anything, until you actually know your bitch is in heat.


11-01-2012, 02:52 PM
I have a bitch that is the same way, and I've used Geritol from Walgreen or CVS. Put some in her food every day and she should come in heat within 2 weeks.

did you buy the complete multivitamin ? and what dosage did you use per wt etc ??

11-02-2012, 06:44 AM
Yes I bought the entire multivitamin in liquid form, I gave 2 Table spoons in feed a day to a 30lbs bitch.