View Full Version : does breeding affect performance?

05-14-2012, 01:24 PM
how many of you think breeding your dog affects the way they hunt? we have a good dog and my partner thinks we should breed to him before his next but i say it weakens them. any opinions on this?

No Quarter Kennel
05-14-2012, 02:55 PM
I don't want to sound rude, but that's just silly. It does NOT "weaken" a dog to breed them.

05-14-2012, 05:33 PM
why is the question silly? thank you for your opinion but do you have anything solid supporting your view? my thinking is if breeding doesn't weaken a dog why do boxers refrain from sex before a fight?

05-14-2012, 06:43 PM
Breeding a dog doesn't affect the way they do their job. After knowing countless people that have bred their show quality dogs and never seeing it affect them one way or another, I feel pretty confident in my opinion. That goes for males and females.

I can't say why a boxer doesn't have sex the night before a fight as I've never been a boxer. It's probably one of the many things that people do because they believe it makes a difference wherein reality, it probably makes no difference. I try not to compare dogs and people in regards to such things. If you want to know if it makes a difference, breed a dog one day and have some activity with it the next day. You'll have your own answer for your dog.

No Quarter Kennel
05-14-2012, 06:53 PM
I'd like to know your reference point to boxers and this practice other places besides the movie Rocky. "Women weaken legs" is a line in a movie.

As for my own personal experience, I've seen a ton in regards to human performance. As a collegiate football player and national level strength competitor, I can say, from experiences, sex b/f competition, WITHIN HOURS, does absolutely NOTHING negative to human performance. I'm with Frosty though and don't understand comparisons b/t humans and canine.

I didn't mean to insult you and if I did, I apologize. It was silly to me as I know better, but I'm glad you asked instead, so you know and I'll bet you helped someone else who was wondering as well. Kudos to you friend. :)

Officially Retired
05-14-2012, 06:56 PM
I have put this age-old question to the test myself and I would have to agree that breeding a bitch doesn't affect a thing. Here is what I did:

I had a dog named Pretty Boy, who was a 35 lb 1xW in 2:42 and a 1xL(G) in 1:10. Pretty Boy couldn't bust a grape, but he was game as a dog can get. I used him to start an 11 month old puppy named Icon. (Yes, I normally don't start dogs this young, but Icon was so intense and so destructive on the chain, I figured he needed to release some energy.) Anyway, Icon was only 31 lb.

Well, I had been breeding Pretty Boy all week long when I did the roll, and the 11-month old PUPPY Icon mopped-up the floor with Pretty Boy. I figured "it had to be" because I was breeding Pretty Boy. Well, check this out :)

9 months later, Icon proved to be an Ace-level head dog, and HE was now breeding bitches ... and I had bred HIM all week long to 3 different bitches. So I got to thinking, "I wonder if this will affect his performance?", and so I again put him with Pretty Boy (who was the one rested now, while Icon was the one being bred). And guess what happened?

Once again, Icon mopped-up the floor with Pretty Boy, and the conclusion I drew was that the better dog will win, whether you breed him or not 8)


05-14-2012, 11:14 PM
I have experience with this situation before. It could affect the male right away after he just got done breeding but if he is well rested then no. It won't affect him. I used to breed one of my male every time he won a contest. That was his prize for winning. It didn't affect him whatsoever. On the other hand my ex partner had a male who became a champion after so many miles of being in the pit, then was retired to be bred. Once that dog started breeding he was obsessed with getting off. Well ex partner decided to take him out for his 4th against a young dog and had me c/h him. After a couple weeks in I noticed his champion jacking off everyday. I told him about it and tried desperately to have him pay the forfeit but he wouldnt listen. So come show time, that champion had a cotton mouth and wouldnt fight. He got doa in half an hour. His Kidneys shut down and his whole body just swoll up within minutes. So yes it could affect a dog. I also used to work male dogs while they're supposedly be breeding and it does affect them when I tried to breed them. Their urge is not all there after a walk or workout. Those are just my experiences. Not saying it'll affect every dog.

No Quarter Kennel
05-15-2012, 04:14 AM
What you are talking about is an "exception". It wasn't the "breeding" that did anything to your dog, it was his "addiction" that hurt that particular dog. Also, b/c exerting oneself makes the organism too tired to function properly does not go back the other way. It's not math and doesn't work both ways.

05-15-2012, 04:26 AM
i think no1 is going to breed his dog a day before a show. and the boxer is not going to stay dry for a month before a fight.

05-15-2012, 04:48 AM
thx for the responses but i don't understand how a dog jacks off like ogdog said :lol:

Officially Retired
05-15-2012, 04:55 AM
I have experience with this situation before. It could affect the male right away after he just got done breeding but if he is well rested then no. It won't affect him. I used to breed one of my male every time he won a contest. That was his prize for winning. It didn't affect him whatsoever. On the other hand my ex partner had a male who became a champion after so many miles of being in the pit, then was retired to be bred. Once that dog started breeding he was obsessed with getting off. Well ex partner decided to take him out for his 4th against a young dog and had me c/h him. After a couple weeks in I noticed his champion jacking off everyday. I told him about it and tried desperately to have him pay the forfeit but he wouldnt listen. So come show time, that champion had a cotton mouth and wouldnt fight. He got doa in half an hour. His Kidneys shut down and his whole body just swoll up within minutes. So yes it could affect a dog. I also used to work male dogs while they're supposedly be breeding and it does affect them when I tried to breed them. Their urge is not all there after a walk or workout. Those are just my experiences. Not saying it'll affect every dog.

I am sorry, but if that dog's body swelled-up and his kidneys shut down it had nothing to do with his "masturbation," it had to do with his getting bit and killed while no one picked him up.

Masturbation does not cause "kidney failure" or "body swelling" ...


05-15-2012, 09:29 AM
I know that wasn't the cause. Just stating what happened to a dog who went through a keep masterbating every day. He obviously wasn't in the right mind to begin with. It was a tragic his owner didn't throw in the towel either. I guess that's why he called himself Leave em Dead kennel.
"thx for the responses but i don't understand how a dog jacks off like ogdog said" if you haven't seen a male dog jack off then wait til you see one, its pretty nasty.

05-16-2012, 01:13 PM
Did either you or your partner bother to look at the dog before you set him up for his last show?

If any dog, male or female, has an extended lay off, it should always have a tune up of some sort to knock the rust off the animal.

05-16-2012, 05:42 PM
Did either you or your partner bother to look at the dog before you set him up for his last show?

If any dog, male or female, has an extended lay off, it should always have a tune up of some sort to knock the rust off the animal.
It wasn't a long layoff. He had a little over a year off. This dog was a smart dog who had a rock solid built. His first bite will usually be on top of the muzzle and it'll pretty much be the end of their mouth. Then he'll doa them with head bites and ear holds. He was a 3xw,3xw(OTC),1xd,1xldg. So 8x in the box, he (dog)knew and some of us knew it was time for him to retire. All of his keeps were exactly the same. So yes I believe it was because he masterbated too much. His body wasn't as solid like before, his mouth got soft, and his mind was on getting off.

05-16-2012, 06:14 PM
A year off is a long time especially if the dog is being bred regularly. I'm not disputing whether it was time for the dog to retire as that is something I'm not privy to so I believe you. Personally, I never would set a dog up for a deal after being off for longer than a year without knocking the rust off the dog to see where he's at both physically and mentally. That way you alleviate the guess work from the process.

Officially Retired
05-16-2012, 06:20 PM
Just think about a human fighter: they spar and train to stay sharp. I understand the differences, but human fighters don't just exercise before a fight, they also spar.

So, while because dogs putting holes in each other limits the number of times you can set them down, I agree that a tune-up bump is a wise move for any dog before his keep (notice the word bump, not roll).

05-16-2012, 07:10 PM
Yes he was bumped. The dog will go and do his thing. He got doa under :30 but his opponent also died 2 days later. And the other dogs owner isn't a newbe. He's a respected dogman in this game. It sounds like y'all trying to put the blame on other than breeding before a match. But I truly believe it is that.

No Quarter Kennel
05-16-2012, 07:28 PM
LOL.....Not to be a smart ass, but it sounds like you had a hell of a dog and he ran into another HELLUVA dog!

I was watching a 4xw go for his Gr Ch. He was picked up aroun 40 as things weren't going his way. The owner said, "There's something wrong. It's like he's 'off'". The other gentlemen said, "It's probably got something to do with that dog hanging off the side of his head."

It could've been a situation just like that.

05-16-2012, 07:29 PM
My experience has showed me that breeding during a keep can and weaken a male dog. I boxed competitively and competed in other contact sports.... And yes I believe breeding/sex weaken the rear end of a male, canine or otherwise. Some dogs can over come this and some can not, but the dog is weaker. I would say if you breed less than 7 days away from show time, your not looking at the best interest of the dog. ( male dogs specifically)

05-16-2012, 07:51 PM
LOL.....Not to be a smart ass, but it sounds like you had a hell of a dog and he ran into another HELLUVA dog!

I was watching a 4xw go for his Gr Ch. He was picked up aroun 40 as things weren't going his way. The owner said, "There's something wrong. It's like he's 'off'". The other gentlemen said, "It's probably got something to do with that dog hanging off the side of his head."

It could've been a situation just like that.
No doubt about that. I'm not taking anything away from the other dog. The other dog was a bad ass young dog and would've won even if ours was in his prime. But he wouldn't of won that easily if ours was in his right mind. What some people don't understand is that when you lose so much sperm per day, everyday, you're gonna be weak and your body get soft. So yes it does affect the dog. Hey if you don't think it'll affect you then have sex everyday or if you don't have a gf or wifey then do what that dog does and jack off everyday for 6 weeks and you'll find out. You don't even have to fight, your body will llet you know what's up.

05-16-2012, 09:15 PM

What was this dog's name? was he shown in the Midwest (MN, WI, Chi-Town)?

Officially Retired
05-17-2012, 03:52 AM
Hey if you don't think it'll affect you then have sex everyday or if you don't have a gf or wifey then do what that dog does and jack off everyday for 6 weeks and you'll find out. You don't even have to fight, your body will llet you know what's up.

LOL, I am sorry, but that is a funny sentence :lol:

05-17-2012, 07:00 AM
exercise usually makes people fit :idea:

05-17-2012, 07:08 AM
Only one arm. :rotflmao:

05-17-2012, 07:48 AM
all those years and you still haven't learned to use your left too? shame :lol:

05-17-2012, 08:22 AM
What was this dog's name? was he shown in the Midwest (MN, WI, Chi-Town)?
LDK'S CH. REDMAN 3XW 1XL (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Pedigrees&file=printPedigree&dog_id=366663)
Yes he was from that area.

No Quarter Kennel
05-17-2012, 07:23 PM
Just for debate reasons I have to add.

If Redman was killed in 30, which is a short time, BUT, he managed to do enough to kill the other dog too, then that would suggest he had plenty of strength. In my opinion. I wasn't there. But if Redman did enough in 30 min to kill his opponent, then an arguement that he was strong and not weak, could easily be made.

Officially Retired
05-17-2012, 08:01 PM
That's a pretty good argument.

However, since OGDogg conditioned Redman several times, he would be aware if the dog was at his best or not up to that level.

In other words, Redman was clearly strong enough to kill his opponent back, but that doesn't mean he was at his best. For example, a prime Mike Tyson with the flu might still be able to KO a lot of men, but that doesn't mean he was in the best shape of his life.

No Quarter Kennel
05-18-2012, 08:50 AM
Very true. But to argue further, a bulldog is damn hard to kill. So even if the dog was "less" than his best, I can't agree with masturbation causing weakness to the extent that it would matter at all.

My personal opinion is that sex of any kind is NOT a physical detriment to an athlete, be it human or canine, unless purhaps it was done within 30 minutes before the event. Outside of that, I just can't buy it.

05-19-2012, 06:33 AM
My experience has showed me that breeding during a keep can and weaken a male dog. I boxed competitively and competed in other contact sports.... And yes I believe breeding/sex weaken the rear end of a male, canine or otherwise. Some dogs can over come this and some can not, but the dog is weaker. I would say if you breed less than 7 days away from show time, your not looking at the best interest of the dog. ( male dogs specifically)
No Quarter Kennel, read what Top Shelf Kennel wrote and itll answer your question. The dog Ch RedMan went into was a Jeep/RedBoy bred dog. That means he will go to the rear and will easily kill a dog with weak rear end. If you read what I was saying and have Experience in the box, you will realize its not that hard to kill from the rear. Especially if a dog came in with a weak rear end. Keep thinking what you havent experience until you do then you'll realize it Could happen. When I speak, it's from experience of what I went through. Im not gonna just make up bullshit story, that's not the way I roll. Jack is a smart guy and he knows me well enough to know I don't bullshit.

05-19-2012, 10:40 AM
So, because the dog was a Jeep/Redboy dog that means he will go to the backend?

OG, I don't think any of us believe you're bullshitting. I believe you in that you think breeding the dog caused all of this to happen. My experience has always been the exact opposite from seeing many dogs bred between shows, in keeps, you name it. I've never seen it do anything like what you describe.

Anything COULD happen when it comes to showing dogs. That's a given.

05-19-2012, 11:36 AM
So, because the dog was a Jeep/Redboy dog that means he will go to the backend? Yes the ones from thIs particular combine does. That's what he breeds for.

OG, I don't think any of us believe you're bullshitting. I believe you in that you think breeding the dog caused all of this to happen. My experience has always been the exact opposite from seeing many dogs bred between shows, in keeps, you name it. I've never seen it do anything like what you describe. Good for you for SEEING all them dogs go.

Anything COULD happen when it comes to showing dogs. That's a given.
Exactly my point

05-19-2012, 08:20 PM
wow give OG a break, I think you guys are missing the point OG had a crazyass dog and he gave his opinion as to what happened to HIS dog
(I would to see a video lol) and i believe him!!! and remember dogs cant talk,but boxers can i remember watching Oscar Del La Hoya being interviewed on tv and the exact same question came up and Oscar said it DOES effect proformance he went thru his keep having sex because he thought it was an old wives tale but after the fight he did say he thought it (sex) took some air out his tires,(the legs) oh and he still won the fight!!! so mabe you guys that bred them dogs before their race and won just had better dogs but before you bash me yes i have seen dogs go thru a keep and get bred and act perfectly normal for their race, but none and i mean none masturbated every day for 8 weeks,I think my balls would fall off!!! thats got to be the funnist sight ever i could sell tickets to that show. Great web site Jack Best of luck with it!!!

05-20-2012, 07:11 AM
Blast, no one is blasting OG or have any intentions of blasting you. I also said that I believe OG when he says he thinks that's the reason for what happened.

As it turns out, about 98% of the shows won are by better dogs where conditioning plays little to no part in the outcome.

As for Oscar, he was also snorting coke and running around in women's underwear, so it could have been any number of reasons why he was having some issues! :)

No Quarter Kennel
05-20-2012, 07:12 AM
No Quarter Kennel, read what Top Shelf Kennel wrote and itll answer your question. The dog Ch RedMan went into was a Jeep/RedBoy bred dog. That means he will go to the rear and will easily kill a dog with weak rear end. If you read what I was saying and have Experience in the box, you will realize its not that hard to kill from the rear. Especially if a dog came in with a weak rear end. Keep thinking what you havent experience until you do then you'll realize it Could happen. When I speak, it's from experience of what I went through. Im not gonna just make up bullshit story, that's not the way I roll. Jack is a smart guy and he knows me well enough to know I don't bullshit.

OG - I'm not under the assumption you are a bullshitter in any way, shape or form. You are trying to validate something with TopShelf's argument. To argue TopShelf, I can offer my own experience. I was a collegiate football player and a national level Powerlifter with top lifts of 804 squat, 568 bench and a 722lb deadlift. During college, you can bet, there were times sex was enjoyed literally MINUTES b/f some practices and the night b/f games. The same can be true of my training and competitive lifting. I experienced nothing TopShelf experienced himself. SO, who's right? We have experience vs experience in referencing sex and it's affect on the "rear end of a male".

This argument reminds me of Jack's with the DE. There is no science to back up any of this. TopShelf's references to 7 days prior is actually assinine. Hell guys, I can have blood drawn, which will, no doubt, weaken the athlete, and STILL compete at full strength within 6-10 hours.

The bottom line with your dog, I believe is you had yourself a dog with "problems". The fact he's jackin off every day proves it. An unsound dog, in any area, is a dog that is more susceptable to losing than a sound dog.

You believe what you want, but breeding a dog the day b/f anything will not affect the 'anything' in any way. The actual action of sex and the loss of semen does not do that. Now this could coincide with other factors leading to a performance loss, but the actual sex and semen loss, the day b/f will not lessen a dog's strength.

05-20-2012, 09:17 AM
Reading NQK reply i tend to agree, it is more mindset than physical.

Need to ad, if it's just one breeding close before any activities. I can see breeding a dog doing something with the mindset of a dog, taking an edge of perhaps ? With plenty of rest however it would not affect the dog in activities, let's say 7 days or so after breeding him. Have no experience with this, but very interesting topic.

05-20-2012, 06:18 PM
You guys are right. And I am wrong. Here we have a person who SEEN many dogs been bred before, during and after each show and still won. Who could argue with that credibility? Also NQK who was a top collegiate power lifter said it didn't affect him what so ever. So again guys listen to these 2 dudes, one guy has an offspring of the world famous Ch Spade dog(who was hard to kill)and the other seen many dogs being bred before, during, and after a show and still won. Again I am wrong for telling about one of my experience, and hope you fellas can forgive me for doing so. Just when I thought I knew it all come to find out I know nothing?
P.S Remember to breed your dogs before, during and after a keep if you want bulldogs who are hard to kill. I'm out this thread. Peace y'all.

05-20-2012, 07:41 PM
Because we don't agree with your reasoning on why Redman did what he did, that's how you act? I happen to think you believe what you said. I'm not calling you a liar by any stretch of the imagination. I can't apologize for all the dogs I've seen people do that with and none of it ever happen. Your experience is what it is. Mine has always been the complete opposite. As far as I'm concerned, that's all it is to it. I'm sorry if some of us don't believe that's the reason why things happened, but it doesn't mean we're right or that you're wrong. It simply means we don't agree.

You obviously think it makes a difference given what you endured. Some of us obviously think it doesn't due to personal experiences of our own. That's all fine and good, but I think the sarcasm is just a waste of time on your part.

No Quarter Kennel
05-21-2012, 05:26 AM
OG - I think what you had was a real good dog that, for whatever reason, went a little psycho with the masturbation obsession. That's really too bad. I think whatever it was that turned him 'nuts', no pun intended, is what did him in. I see how it would be easy to believe what you do on the surface.

I'm with Frosty. I don't think the sarcasm is appropriate on this particular board. We don't agree on this topic and it doesn't appear that either side will sway the other.

For me, the bottom line is I hate it you lost a damn good dog and he went weird on you. I owned a real good bitch one time, ate her own tail off for the hell of it and was a horrific mother. Shit happens.

Take Care!

05-22-2012, 12:18 AM
My small contribution is about observation in humans. In this TV series, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_Science_(TV_series) , they tested a female boxer performing in training with and without sex the previous night, they found that she did better with sex.
It is also known that eastern european female athletes, the pioneers in doping, used to participate in every major competition while beeing in early pregnancy, their hormonal status would be in a favorite state and they would perform better.

Officially Retired
05-22-2012, 04:16 AM
Friends, colleges, countrymen ... it's okay to disagree :D

I think OGDogg drew his conclusions based on the fact "masturbating" was what he saw this dog do, and (as such) felt that "this" was the reason his dog was off.

However, I likewise feel that the masturbation behavior was merely the evidence that the dog's mind and focus were what was truly off. After all, this is not exactly "normal" behavior for a dog to constantly do this, so that "something" which was abnormal was going on in the dog's mind, which is the driving force of all action. The truth is, when we see aberrant behavior, what we're seeing is an aberrant mind directing that behavior. Many times the keep itself will cause a dog to "crack," so the dog might have merely been taken to the well once too many times. No one can know for sure because the dog is dead, and even if it were alive we could not communicate with him.

Still, surely we, as adults, can discuss a topic such as this without getting angry or offended, can we not?


06-01-2012, 07:06 PM
If this is the same Sinister that I think it might be, I bred Bumper Jr. a week before beating STP with him. And you remember how well he performed that night my friend, right? :cheers:

10-07-2012, 02:02 PM
OGDOG, I remember ur ex partners Ch . But I don't remember that situation the same way you did . Your dog wasn't old, your dog was fighting back, and your apponent shutt your dogs kidneys down and swolld his ass up ! Keep it real !

10-07-2012, 02:20 PM
People always forget ( it's a small world ) ! No one knows what happen to your opponents dog ! As far as the dogs owner
( he was just getting into dogs )

10-07-2012, 02:30 PM
Keep it real? I'm as real as it get J. How would you know how old Ch RedMan was? He's had around 7 hours in the pit.
3xw1xl1xd3xotc. He started his career before MWC put you on:D. And don't get me started on you not picking up your 2x killer that MWC farmed to you. Remember the bad ass dog you lost to my Ch Buddy? The one you was too green to pick up and kept asking MWC if you should pick up? I'm only getting started J. Don't make me mention about the dogs you stole from MWC and UWK. :embarrassed:

10-07-2012, 02:44 PM
29 male, 30-31female, 34-35 female, 36-37 female. You don't want none of this!
You are right about one thing"it is a small world"

10-07-2012, 02:53 PM
No no, please do mention the dogs and explain your self ! You see ( when man doesn't base his life around lies ) he has nothing to hide or doesn't hide behind his lies or his dogs . So OGDOGG please do tell ( got nothing to hide or to hide behind.

Officially Retired
10-07-2012, 03:08 PM
Hi guys :)

Please stick to the topic & leave the other stuff to your PMs ;)

Thanks :mrgreen:


10-07-2012, 03:18 PM
Have never stolen a dog from anyone . Everything I own is mine ! You seem very emotional OG ! No need for Internet feelings just the way I see it . You being a OG and all you years of knowledge , I would think you could find a
different way of getting ur weights out there ( DEEP THOUGHTS ) I'll wait for your story OG .. Then I'll give u mine ! Like I said ( I have nothing to hide )

Officially Retired
10-07-2012, 03:54 PM
Have never stolen a dog from anyone . Everything I own is mine ! You seem very emotional OG ! No need for Internet feelings just the way I see it . You being a OG and all you years of knowledge , I would think you could find a different way of getting ur weights out there ( DEEP THOUGHTS ) I'll wait for your story OG .. Then I'll give u mine ! Like I said ( I have nothing to hide )

Okay, since "nice" didn't work, let me try a different tune ...

I just told you to take this personal shit somewhere else ... and here you are running your mouth again about personal shit.

Do NOT do this again or you will get the boot for a month.

Is that clear enough for you to understand?

If you have nothing to say about "Does weight affect performance," which is the topic of this thread, then don't type another word on this thread, okay?

If all you want to do is call weights, and resolve personality conflicts, then take that shit to the PM or somewhere else, and don't type another word about it here.

Thanks for reading,


10-08-2012, 05:25 AM
Sex before a fight in my opinion makes No difference. The only factor could be time.. with humans that is. If you give a two minutes qnd done performance... (we've all been there ), then we should be fresh as a Daisy... now if you went on a two hour bang her lights out session... you may be a little tired. But it wouldn't be from the ejaculation, it would be from excercise... when a dog mates... he's looking to nut as fast as he can, (some humans too... especially after marriage ), so it wouldn't hurt in a show afterward.... just my opinion.

pig mad
10-08-2012, 06:41 PM
I would be worried about having a dog in a keep anywhere near a bitch in heat my males go stupid and loose focus on pigs start trying to dry hump each other not drinking enough and sometimes not touching their food would not think that few months before would affect anything but unless i just got odd dogs wouldnt want em near a bitch if they got work to do..

10-09-2012, 06:18 PM
Having a male fussing over not being able to get to a nearby female in heat is much different than simply bringing a bitch in, breeding her, and letting your stud go back to rest. Ejaculation does nothing to diminish strength or energy levels, as EK stated, any tiredness comes from the effort put into getting to the point of ejaculation - which, for dogs (with competent handlers) isn't much.

Ask any teenaged boy or video game nerd that masturbates 70% of their day away, and I guarantee you, the only thing they'll tell you is tired is their arm. Ejaculation has nothing to do with performance.

10-10-2012, 03:14 PM
Well stated. And here I thought my arm hurt from tennis.

scratchin dog
10-10-2012, 03:26 PM
Well stated. And here I thought my arm hurt from tennis.


Officially Retired
10-10-2012, 04:03 PM
Well stated. And here I thought my arm hurt from tennis.


Black Hand
10-22-2012, 11:22 PM
I can think of more than a few occasions where boxers were told not to have sex 48 hours before the fight outside of Rocky lol. I remember the build up to one of jeff laceys fights when he was an up and comer and I believe it was HBO that followed him around and you heard his trainer tell him the same. Pacman is another big name that is said to practices the same. From my understanding it all has to do with a persons "Psyche". Psychologically it is said by some that after sex you will be less competitive or less motivated to compete. Also, it is not just your hand that is getting an extensive work out by masturbation but your heart as well. While it is not exactly working out, I believe your heart rate will still rise 3/4th's of what it would had u been running on a treadmill. Run a mile. clock your time. the next day, choke it 5 times then run your mile. see results lol. Also remember masturbation is "simulated" sex. So I imagine the results will be less with that than the real thing.

There are plenty of benefits of sex also. Increased endorphins which help deal with pain and give a feeling and sense of well being and contribute to ones ability to BOND. plenty of pro's to go with the con's. So i'm on the fence with the subject. I will just say to much of anything is not good in most cases.

Black Hand
10-22-2012, 11:38 PM
I think the fatigue and exhaustion comes from doing something excessively. Doing it faster than your body can replenish. Cant remember where I read it, but i remember some article saying intercourse is equivalent to losing a pint of blood as far as your heart goes. Don't know the truth behind it. Just something I read a while back.

10-23-2012, 07:37 AM
when a dog mates... he's looking to nut as fast as he can, (some humans too... especially after marriage ).

now that is some funny shit right there, and the truth too! lol