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View Full Version : Pyometra

No Quarter Kennel
05-21-2012, 06:34 AM
Alright Jack, just found out a bitch of mine is infected.

What to do?


05-21-2012, 09:14 AM
First thing you want to know is if it's an open or closed pyometra.

Treatments can run from antibiotic therapy to using prostaglandins along with antibiotic therapy.

If it's a closed pyometra, I personally don't know what, if anything, can be done for the female aside from having her spayed. Since it's closed, there is no way for the pus and infection to drain, so it just accumulates within the female. Open is definitely the one you want if you have a female with pyometra.

We've never used just Abx therapy, so I can't speak to how effective that works. I believe Jack has done with that success. We've used prostaglandins on the two females we've had that came down with pyometras, and both of them came out fine.

No Quarter Kennel
05-21-2012, 09:23 AM
What is prostaglandins? How to use, etc.?

This is an open pyometra.

Thanks Frosty for the reply. I hope this takes me somewhere with this. This bitch actually belongs to Gary Hammonds so I'd like to get her taken care of on his behalf.

05-21-2012, 03:05 PM
Prostaglandins are a group of hormones that have an effect on the uterus by making it contract. The contraction of the uterus pushes the infection out over a period of about a week. The dog will also have to be on antibiotics to prevent any secondary infections.

If memory serves me correctly, the dog gets one or two shots a day for 7 days. Don't quote me on that as it has been years since we've experienced one of those. The only place I've ever been able to get it from is a vet. Some vets will refuse to use the treatment for whatever reason. We turned away from 2 vets who refused the treatment as they insisted our female be spayed. We finally found one willing to do what WE wanted, and both of our females survived. One of them whelped a litter successfully. The other female had another pyometra that didn't respond to the prostaglandin treatment the second time around, so she had to be spayed in order to save her life.

Officially Retired
05-21-2012, 06:49 PM
Alright Jack, just found out a bitch of mine is infected.
What to do?

Sorry to hear this, but Frosty Paws answered you with what I would have said myself. In fact, last week this topic was discussed here (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/showthread.php?938) under a different thread.

No Quarter Kennel
05-21-2012, 07:55 PM
Guys I appreciate all the info. I've got her on some good antibiotics and will make a visit to the vet in the morning for a full package deal to take care of this.

This site if incredibly valuable!

No Quarter Kennel
05-31-2012, 07:06 PM
Thought I would share my experience with Pyometra for others to learn from. I've had it twice. I had it in this bitch here, http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=95625 and had to spay her. She lives up to her pedigree and is still alive, so you can imagine my disdain for spaying her. Oh, I wish I knew then what I know now.

I bred this bitch http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=421674

not too long ago. She come down with pyometra. I'll go into detail on how we got this licked, but I want you to know b/f hand, I have NEVER seen a dog this close to death live. I have seen them in all states of borderline death and this bitch takes the cake. Here's what I did to get her over it....and we ain't out the woods yet, but she should make it.

Day One - Penicillin and 1cc Baytril plus 1/2 CC of Prostaglandin
She acted much better but still showed a puss discharge too much for my liking.
Day Two - Penicillin and 1cc Baytril plus 1/2 CC of Prostaglandin
No discharge, so I decided to move forward with antibiotics only
Day Three - Penicillin and 1cc Baytril
Day Four - Penicillin and 1cc Baytril

Keep in mind, up until this point, this dog WILL NOT eat. Therefore, about every hour to two hours, I would give her 35cc of buttermilk and a squirt of honey. I got this from Gary Hammonds and if there is anyone who can keep a dead dog alive longer, I'd like to see them. Gary has had more "come back" than most of us will ever own.

Day Five - Penicillin and 1cc Batril - Force fed soft food
Day Six - Penicillin and 1cc Baytril - SHE LICKED HER FOOD AND ATE HERSELF

I continued on with the Pen and baytril it is now day 10 and she actually is eating and drinking on her own.

I might add, I did hit her with fluids under the skin and vitamin B complex shots each day for the first week as well. I think this made a big difference.

I want to add that I think the RAW diet plays a huge roll in this. She's only been eating for 3 days now, on her own, but b/c it's a ground mixture I make myself, I think it has helped her tremendously. Although she is very skeletal and weak, her coat is shiney and soft and today, she actually started to eat, not lick and shows a true hunger which I think is indicative of health.

Pyometra is some bad shit and I just wanted to share a success story in case anyone runs up against this crap.

Holler if you need me for any reason...............noquarterkennel@hotmail.com


05-31-2012, 10:18 PM
Good luck to you both,in the weeks ahead.
Nothing better than hearing a dog turning that corner.

06-01-2012, 12:10 AM
Thnx for sharing this experience NQK. And good luck !

06-01-2012, 11:58 AM
We had success with the two females we treated for Pyometra. By day 7, both were eating like horses, scarfing back whatever fed we gave them. We kept them on Abx for another 7 days for any secondary infections, but they both came out good.

If you plan on breeding the bitch that you just successfully treated for pyometra, you should do it everytime she comes in until you have pups. You should also run her on some prophylactic Abx whenever you notice she's starting to come into heat to hopefully keep this from happening again. Pyometra is usually a recurring nightmare, so be on the lookout. I'm glad your female pulled through. :)

No Quarter Kennel
06-02-2012, 05:59 AM
Missi did make it out of the woods. Doing very well and eating like a champ. Looks like holy hell, boney as all get out, but I think I've got the infection knocked in the head and we've got this thing licked.

Thanks for the positive responses and I'll share all of my experiences whenever I think it might benefit someone else.