• General News, Views & Announcements

     Number of Views: 21191 
    1. Categories:
    2. General News, Views & Announcements,
    3. Bulldog History,
    4. Website Tutorials

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    by  Number of Views: 19823 
    1. Categories:
    2. General News, Views & Announcements,
    3. Diseases & Parasites,
    4. Injuries & Wound Management

    The following page shall serve as a continuously-growing database and resource of drug IDs, , but it is for Subscribed Members only. I will be discussing the most common kinds of medications dog owners are going to be dealing with, outlining what they do (and what they don't do), in order to assist you in making the right choices for your dogs. I am going to try to add a new drug description a few times per week, which I will announce on my blog, so it will pay to check back here often. Some days I won't be able to finish a submission, or some days I'll have other stuff to do, but for the most part I will try my best to post at least one new entry every few days. This page here will keep an accurate categorical record of these drugs and their descriptions, which will ultimately make this page a vital central resource for folks to refer to when they need it:

    Anthelmintics (Wormers)

    • Albendazole
    • Febantel
    • Fenbendazole
    • Oxfendazole

    Macrocyclic Lactones
    • Doramectin
    • Ivermectin
    • Milbemycin Oxime
    • Moxidectin

    • Pyrantel Pamoate
    • Pyrantel Tartrate

    Miscellaneous Other Wormers
    • Bunamidine
    • Diethylcarbamazine
    • Epsiprantel
    • Levamisole
    • Nitroscante
    • Piperazine
    • Praziquantel


    • Amikacin
    • Gentamicin
    • Neomycin
    • Streptomycin

    • Cephalexin
    • Cephadroxil


    • Azithromycin
    • Erythromycin
    • Tylosin

    • Metronidazole

    • Amoxicillin
    • Ampicillin
    • Clavamox
    • Penicillin G
    • Penicillin V
    • Ticarcillin

    • Ciprofloxacin
    • Enrofloxacin
    • Marbofloxacin
    • Moxifloxacin
    • Orbifloxacin


    • Sulfadimethoxine
    • Sulfamethazine

    • Trimethoprim/Sulfadiazine
    • Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole

    • Doxycycline
    • Oxytetracycline
    • Tetracycline


    Polyene Macrolide Antibiotics
    • Amphotericin B
    • Nystatin
    • Pimaricin

    • Enilconazole
    • Fluconazole
    • Itraconazole
    • Ketoconazole
    • Thiabendazole
    • Flucytosine
    • 5-Fluorocytonine


    • Dexamethasone
    • Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate
    • Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate
    • Prednisolone Sodium Succinate

    Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
    • Aspirin
    • Carprofen
    • Flunixin Meglumine
    • Ketoprofin

    NOTE: This information database will never stop growing, and it will continuously be chronicled and categorized for easy reference. Remember, this site is for all of our benefit, and by joining now you're starting from the ground floor up, so make sure you support this effort with your subscription, and remember to keep checking back to make sure you don't miss anything as we go along!

    by  Number of Views: 36769 
    1. Categories:
    2. General News, Views & Announcements,
    3. Breeding, Puppies & Reproduction,
    4. Diet, Health & Fitness,
    5. Diseases & Parasites,
    6. Housing & Kennel Management,
    7. Injuries & Wound Management

    This is going to be a continuously-growing video tutorial resource of valuable information for you and your dogs, but this is for Subscribed Members only. I am going to try to add a new video every week, which I will announce on my blog, so it will pay to be a Subscribed Member here and to check back often. Some weeks I may not be able to finish, but for the most part I will try my best to post at least one new video tutorial every week. This page here is designed to keep an accurate categorical record of these videos, as well as to be a central resource for folks to refer to in order to “catch up” if they’ve been away for awhile. Here are the video tutorials I have created to date:

    Artificial Insemination (2 hrs)

    Feeding Raw (3 hrs)

    20 Years of Breeding Secrets (5 hrs)

    NOTE: This information database will never stop growing, and it will continuously be chronicled and categorized for easy reference. Remember, this site is for all of our benefit, and by joining now you're starting from the ground floor up, so make sure you support this effort with your subscription, and remember to keep checking back to make sure you don't miss anything as we go along!

    by  Number of Views: 121459 
    1. Categories:
    2. General News, Views & Announcements,
    3. Breeding, Puppies & Reproduction,
    4. Diet, Health & Fitness,
    5. Diseases & Parasites,
    6. Geriatrics & Old Age,
    7. Injuries & Wound Management,
    8. Laws & Persecution

    This is going to be a continuously-growing database and resource of valuable information for you and your dogs, but this is for Subscribed Members only. I am going to try to add a new article at least once a week, for the benefit of all Subscribed Members, but which I will announce here in public, so you're sure not to miss it. Some days I won't be able to finish an article, or some days I'll have other stuff to do, but for the most part I will try my best to post at least a few constructive articles every week. This page here is designed to keep an accurate categorical record of these articles, as well as to be a central resource for folks to refer to in order to "catch up" if they've been away for awhile. These are the articles I have created to date:

    Bulldog History



    Diseases & Parasites


    External Parasites

    Internal Parasites
    Protozoa Infections

    Viral Infections

    Worm Infections
    • Hookworm
    • Roundworm
    • Tapeworm
    • Whipworm

    Health & Fitness

    Drugs & Medicines

    Kennel Management

    Laws, History & Persecution



    Athlete Management

    Breeding Strategy

    NOTE: This information database will never stop growing, and it will continuously be chronicled and categorized for easy reference. Remember, this site is for all of our benefit, and by joining now you're starting from the ground floor up, so make sure you support this effort with your subscription, and remember to keep checking back to make sure you don't miss anything as we go along!

    by Published on 02-21-2012 07:21 PM  Number of Views: 7419 
    1. Categories:
    2. General News, Views & Announcements

    Be it known that I, California Jack (aka: Vise-Grip Kennels, aka: The Pit Bull Bible), do not claim to be a veterinarian, and I certainly don’t claim to be qualified to give veterinary advice, nor will I dispense any medications for you. I am not attempting to practice veterinary medicine in my book nor to pass myself off as a licensed veterinarian in my Articles, Blog, or Discussion Forum. Nor do I claim that the information I provide herein will guarantee that any dog will be benefitted in any way. All I claim is that I will provide the best possible information I know of—however, you, the reader and/or the purchaser of my book, and/or the reader of my Blog, Forum, or Website hereby agree that any information I provide is given by me solely as an alternative for those people to consider, who either cannot afford veterinary care for their dog(s), or professional consultation, and/or who do not have access to veterinary facilities at the time. By reading or utilizing any information I provide—you, the reader and/or the purchaser of my book, “The Pit Bull Bible,” and/or the reader of my Blog, Forum, or Website understand that I am not acting as a veterinarian and therefore you, the reader, will be utilizing any information I provide at your own risk to your own animal(s).

    Further, you, the reader and/or the purchaser of this book, agree to waive any and all rights, claims, causes of action, and/or any other allegations of injury, property damage, and/or emotional distress against California Jack, Vise-Grip Kennels, The Pit Bull Bible, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “California Jack, etc.”), and/or its owner, affiliated entities, associates, partners, printers, publishers, etc. Further, you, the reader/user of any provided information contained herein agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless California Jack, etc., against any and all such rights, claims, causes of action, and/or any other allegations of injury, property damage, and/or emotional distress against California Jack, etc. You, the reader/utilizer of any provided information in this website or book, agree to use said information at your own risk to your own animal(s), with the full and total understanding that no guarantee or warranty is being made here, nor that whatever information that is being provided will work. By reading, and/or using the information provided by California Jack, etc., you, the purchaser, reader, and/or user of this provided information fully understand the above and again agree to utilize this information at your own risk to your own animal(s).

    Moreover, the information contained in this book and on this website is not intended in any way to endorse or encourage any business, group, or individual to conduct any illegal activities with any animal. This book and this website were created to educate folks as to how to best raise their dogs, and how to maximize any dog’s physical condition and lifespan, as well as how to treat any dog that becomes sick or wounded. Said information has merely been created in this book for the benefit of dogs who become sick, and/or who suffer severe trauma, for whatever LEGAL reason, as a means of assistance to LIFE and HEALTH, where a party does not have access to veterinary care. Again, I expressly make no claim to be a veterinarian, and the information I provide is nothing but a “layman’s guide,” and the conditioning information I provide is being provided solely as a “layman’s general guide” to prepare for any LEGAL event, where optimal condition is required.

    Finally, while illegal activities are in fact discussed, analyzed, and even counseled in some sections, it is always being done with the caveat that one should NOT conduct these activities at all, but “if” they’re going to anyway, then the correct procedures are discussed. The overall thrust of the written material being herein offered for free or for sale is not intended to promote, encourage, or endorse any illegal activity(ies) or to violate the Animal Welfare Acts of 1976 or any state, federal, or local laws either—these activities are merely being discussed on a philosophical level. As such, any information or statements that may appear to endorse any illegal activity, should be viewed simply as my right to express my view under the protection of my 5th Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression, at the theory level, and should not be viewed as any attempt on my part at promoting, organizing, or encouraging any kind of wrongdoing whatsoever.

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