Dropping Gizzards
Looked into what I've been feeding. I'm going to drop the gizzards from the ingredients as I don't see the value in feeding them when compared to the other ingredients.
Compared to chicken alone, gizzards only outperform chicken in areas of selenium, iron and zinc. With liver staying in the recipe, the iron and zinc content should be fine.
This simplifies things and lowers the cost per pound.
Good one NQK, i don't feed them anymore cause they seem to go bad fast and stink up the whole place. I don' t see why you shouldn't drop them either.
The only problem is liver has extremely high Vitamin A values, and should NOT be fed every single day without a break.
Selenium and zinc are critical for the immune system and reproduction also.
You might at least alternate the gizzards and liver ...
Good point Jack. I might just do that very thing. I dug around a little bit more on zinc and it seems to be pretty critical. Actually found were a 50lb dog needs more than a 150lb human.
fish is rich in zinc and selenium
besides organ meats..vegetables contain selenium as well. pumpkin seeds, lamb, beef and egg yolk are also good sources for zink
We have been alternating the "chum" part of our diet between lard with liver and lard with gizzards because of the vitamin A content. The problem I had is that I have been so focused on the quality of the food that I lost sight of the quantity I was feeding.