Sum Eli runners tend to not wanna run skull dogs although he produced well. What do any of you feel was skulls better breedings from wut you've heard seen or done.
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Sum Eli runners tend to not wanna run skull dogs although he produced well. What do any of you feel was skulls better breedings from wut you've heard seen or done.
Skull x Miss Frisco was the best breeding I ever saw off skull. I also saw the Mojo dog, the Friskull dog, the Treetop dog, the Scream II bitch, several of the Skull x Cree dogs, Skull x Tadpole dogs, Skull x Pandora dogs, Skull x Miss pine dogs and the Skull x Pearl dogs, etc etc. None could hold a candle to Skull x Miss Frisco breeding. These dogs were completely devastating.
Can you tell me about the Skull x Tootie breeding? Don't know much about it but do have some of it.
thanks wildchild
Most people I've discussed Skull dogs with tend to like the Skull x Scream dogs. Some kept them tight, some crossed with Six Bits, or Bolio blood. Most said the same though, rough, hard biting, barn stormers, just like most are known for. Though they seemed to think the Scream cross added more gameness and produced in higher %'S. Though I do follow and like the Eli familes I tend to use it more of an out. So I really can't offer more insight than that.