Does anyone else here do the one blended clove of fresh garlic with one cup of water for a week every month as prescribed in Jacks book? If so or if not why?I would like to hear some feedback.
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Does anyone else here do the one blended clove of fresh garlic with one cup of water for a week every month as prescribed in Jacks book? If so or if not why?I would like to hear some feedback.
I just started doing it. I had one dog that was just just coming off a 10 day cycle of Cephelaxin due to mastitis. Immediately afterwards I fed her and the rest of my pooches a horn a day for a week. In addition to helping clearing out bacterial infections I believe Jack mentioned that it will help keep bugs away as well. Bug season just hit in my neck of the woods, so we'll see!
Blade, what other concoctions do you use? I know an old timer that swear by a little buttermilk and honey about once a week. I even tried adding some essential oil blends into the drinking water form time to time to support healthy immune system
As far as concoctions go, I honestly can't pinpoint to many that I may use. I feed raw and do my garlic water regiment. I do make a decent paste out of tea tree oil and vaseline with aloe. It works pretty good to keep flies off their ears . I'll tell you something else I do speaking of flies.. I use the fly jars that you buy at tractor supply, rather than buy the fly attractant refills that they sale I take my chicken juice that is left after I use my leg quarters out of the bag and poor it in the traps mixed with a little water. After a day or two that stuff will draw more flies than the store bought stuff ever did! And it's free.
I buy Kefir in the dairy/yogurt section of the grocery store, is 100 times more live cultures than yogurt. Good if you have dogs with ear infections or just to aid in digestion.