IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
One of the challenges to building any website (aside from repeated server errors thanks to your webhoster upgrading their servers, LOL) is the fact that different people use different web browsers--and each web browser "interprets" the web coding just a little bit differently from the others.
So I am curious to see which browser you all use. Me? I have all 4 of the listed browsers, but I prefer to use Mozilla Firefox because it is showcases more of the coding that we're working on. So, if you would please, let me know which web browser yall are using-- and why?
PS: Also, would you consider switching to Mozilla Firefox as a browser if doing so would enhance your browsing experience?
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
If you are using a browser other than the ones listed, please let me know which one, so we can double-check everything in different browsers.
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
Firefox is the best browser anyway,
Hope you get over the problems soon, so far it's not good while you're doing a great job replying to everyone and remaining a great atmosphere on the board. got the point when u first edited 2 of my first posts. keep up the good work.!
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
Thanks for the feedback.
Yes, it has been an annoyance the last few days with these constant crashes, sorry about that. I will give my provider a week to get their shyet together, after which I may look for another server. I really don't want to go through the colossal amount of work it would take to move all these files somewhere else, but I will if I have to. This forum was running perfecto for the first month, it couldn't have been working better, and they just "had" to go to tinkering with things in their "routine maintenance" :roll: Most likely, everything will smooth out as they receive a deluge of a gaziliion phone calls every day from irate customers, so I expect things will be back to smooth-sailing shortly.
In the meantime, I am concentrating my attention on other matters and trying to get feedback on the browser topic, because I would like to get a general sample of the member ship if I could. So far, we have been testing everything on the browsers mentioned, and everything works A-ok on all of them, but some of the enhancements that can be seen on Mozilla can't be seen on the other 3 browsers, though everything still looks great and is arranged nicely.
Thanks again,
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
Firefox is by far the best
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
Firefox when I am on the PC... and Apple Safari when I am on my iphone4...
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
I use whatever browser is on my Android. I did dome searching for about 5 minutes and still can't find out which one exactly it is.
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
A big thanks to those who have participated!
Looks like Mozilla Firefox is in the lead ... with Google Chrome in second place.
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
I Have been using firefox since firefox 3.0 and now i have firefox 8.0.
I have t say google chrome is clearly the much faster brower but firefoxis more reliable and thats what stick with.
Apple Safari is what i used most of the time while on my mac but thats just because its the default browser.
Re: IMPORTANT: What Web Browser Do You Use?
I am using android on my sprint evo.