James Crenshaw's Book on his life with the dogs
I got to read this book a week or so back. I found it to be very informative. What James had to say about his working a dog and his feeding was very good. He is telling it just as he did those keeps. Many would think James was yanking their chains.
My ole dog partner fed and worked a dog very similarly. One thing is brought out again and again. There is no easy way or short cut. Takes a lot of time and hard work. This book that was read by good talented upcoming dog persons were helped immensely. Gave them a great start. Wish I had such a book in the early seventies.
Back then I could have written a great book on how to ruin a good dog in a keep. I messed up three dogs with bad feeding combinations/ not knowing a proper worming schedule and getting out handled. The ole school of hard knocks. LOL
The Mr. Clean dog owned by the notable Fox Hound nighttime champion dog breeder Roy Braddock. My wife and self-worked this great dog. Was hand walked in early A. M./Midday on thirty-foot lease of around five miles per session. Worked in p.m. with road work down an extra-long farm road. I used a bicycle with that long lease.
Was supposed to be a show into Atlas Brewer. Went in their back yard with them using all their little tricks to help them win. To find Mr. Lonzo Pratt facing us with a well-rested dog ready to rock and roll. He even turned loose on us before the MR. Clean dog was fully in the show ring. Did them no good. We had a very smart hard biting head dog etc. That showed Mr. Pratt's hard biting chest dog how the west was won.
After that day I became a firm believer of hand walking a dog along with road work. For this type keep too work. The dog has to have a strong prey drive and loves to work. I also had an extra-large sixteen-foot round table for back up on bad weather days. Cheers CYJ