Great dog to breed to if you're looking for the Gambler's Gr Ch Virgil-Midget blood. Incredibly intelligent animal. Stamping offspring heavy with all the marks of a future ROM producer. His oldest offspring are 32 months old.
ADBA, DNA Profiled and exceptional semen quality.
$2000 Live or frozen.
God Bless
Well bred dog.
Some sill bulldog stuff.
We paid for the pick in the Virgil/Raptor litter and when my buddy got there Jamie had offered $$$$. We wound up with a dog that was suppose to be checked and ready called Brock. Turns out he had shown rank before we ever got him.
I tried to breed to Drac with a Two Eyes/Molly Bee bred female. We lined it up but she checked up before we could get it done.
When my buddy bred to Virgil with the mother of the female I had he got two really nice males. One showed to be top notch.
Again, well bred dog.
Appreciate it.
He's a great animal. Rare to see dogs bred this tight and can perform. More rare to come from an all good, proven litter.
He's stamping offspring and there's no doubt, barring disease or early death, he'll be a great producer. Too many good dogmen backing him not to.