Sometimes they can't see the forest because of the trees
They say the only thing that stays consistent is change and I believe them.
In the past long before the internet and so on not all shared the same concept about line are bred based on how famous a dog was nor the famous person family just because it played a small part in the overall dog.
If people in the past thought as allot do in the present, then it would never be any of the famous dogs or different families outside some of the oldest and earliest dogs and families that helped stated the breed.
You would not have Eli or Redboy nor would you have Jeep nor Alligator.
You wouldn't have a Dibo nor Cotton's Bullet and none of the past dogs or families of dogs.
Not by how allot judge dogs and families in these times.
I know over simplifying thigs have done more harm than good over the years.
Sometimes breaking things down to the very basic is needed or else the topic can and will get off course. It will have new meaning and different meaning if not specified.
If it starts with a certain person and ends with that person than everything else is just added to what a person starts and finish themselves when breeding dogs.
IF it's just one person name in so many generations does not automatically mean the dog is inbred. It just means 1 breeder bred that dog for so many generations.
A dog is not based on a famous name nor breeder it's based on who bred the dog and how many generations did they have influence. Buying 2 dogs does not make that your bloodline. It's makes it the start of your bloodline after you have bred so many generations. If you buy 2 dogs and sell the pup than it's not really a bloodline yet.
If you buy 2 dogs and breed something from the 1st breeding to another and take something from that and breed it to something now you have a bloodline, and the 1st dogs count as a part of it.
If you buy 2 related dogs from a single breeder with an established bloodline and breed them, they are still the other guy's dogs until you add something to it that the original breeder did not do himself. Example breeding 2 Heinzl dogs straight from Heinzl does not make it your bloodline but shows you are still breeding Heinzl bloodline. Add Jeep or anything to those and you have your own bloodline.
1 dog cannot be a handful of dogs, but it can have a handful of ingredients that makes up that dog.
I like to use my own as examples. There was more than 1 dozen different families that my base dogs composed of. I simply tightened up for so many generations to get MY OWN dog. Once that happened, I tightened up on that and had something no one else had or done. Those dogs were not based on famous bloodlines or dogs in them but what dogs I had hands on with. Now from this new trees grew from my family tree and created new strains of my dogs. Each based on what I had hands on with and not what I crossed with.
Just because famous was added did not make then that bloodline.
Again, nothing is the same once new stuff is added. They are new ingredients but not the same old strain.
Many of new dogs had come and go so as families of dogs. These dogs today are not the same old dogs when crossed with other dogs. For them to stay the old they must be kept pure the old.
I used probably over 30 different strains or families over the last decades creating my own. No dog is 30 strains, but all can be a combo of 30 strains into something different than all 30 strains.
All of my dogs go back to Strick Nine aka Ziggy. My foundation I created from scratch.
All of my dogs I feed in these dogs come down from Johnie Rockhead a dog that bottom side came down from Strick Nine.
So just because you see man of families and combined with my dogs you still can't confuse it becoming something different than Johnie dogs.
New branches sprouted from Johnie just like Johnie sprouted from Ziggy. Dogs like Crossfire , Mango , Riggs & Shaker , Black Dragon and so on. .
Sometimes they can't see the forest because the trees are in the way.
They are still Hicks dogs, and they still go back to Johnie Rockhead just as sometnig like this