I have the finally gotten in with a chicken house. I go & pick up the chickens that have died that day, as well as a 5 gallon bucket of broken eggs.
As we know these birds are notorious for transmitting coccidia. I have been searching for ways around this.
Any information is welcome. Have some of you every use this method of feeding? How do you handle this feed & keep the coccidia back?
Here is some information I have about feeding these birds:
1) Jack and I spoke about this and he suggested freezing them for a couple months, & for the eggs to bottle them up & freeze them that way.
2) I spoke with a local dogman, who is a retired sheriff that owns a hog farm and 5 chicken houses, that has feed his dogs this way every since he got into raising chickens some 30+ years ago. What he shared with me was to take a 50 gallon drum full of a clorox and salt mixture and dip the birds in before feeding or freezing them. The clorox is suppose to kill all the viruses and the salt to kill the mites that they carry. Come to think about it he shared this info of this mixture 15n years ago but it was in reference to dipping the dogs. I can tell you that I have used this dip many times when I had dogs with mange, hot spots, coccidia, and parvo. I would incourage anyone to use it on the hounds.
Please feel free to add and take away from this list .