Re: A few private breedings
Those are some awesome and well-though-out breedings Redrum, very nice.
You certainly have a Flagship stud on your hands right there and are looking to drop anchor and build something with him 8-)
Re: A few private breedings
Re: A few private breedings
Redrum, spelled backwards is... Keep killing 'em... I likey, likey
So we are clear... Killing 'em, I mean keep winning ribbons, in the show ring... Cause I know members here, are either pet owners or compete in the adba show ring, weight pull or the likes... I do/did not mean anything illegal by my first statement... With that being said, everyone have a blessed Christmas and a safe New Year!!! 8-)
Re: A few private breedings
Re: A few private breedings
Re: A few private breedings
stop being stingy sell me one off icestorm x twilight..
Re: A few private breedings
Why so much if i may ask? U keeping 60 pups? Or is this over a longer period of time.
Re: A few private breedings
How does the vice grip stock cross with the frisco stuff?? I also know different dogs from both lines gonna bring something different, but as a whole how are they..... from those that have done it..... thank you