You "might be" wrong? That's a good start, Sonny :mrgreen:
No, you were the one who made the incorrect statements I have listed above.
Again, I am not talking about "winners" of the RBJ line ... or even Grand Champions ... I am talking about the winningEST dogs IN HISTORY ... Grand Champion
of Grand Champions ... and the only ONE I can think of is Barracuda. Other than that 1 dog ... I see mostly Eli/Carver dogs of some type.
Unless you can think of dogs other than Barracuda, where are they? Where are the RBJ dogs like
Shady Lady (5x :37 total),
Molly Bee (8xW) (who killed Jocko's sister
Ch Apple),
Queen of Hearts (8xW),
Tornado (10xW),
MelonHead (14xW), etc.
The only RBJ candidate I know of, who was a true killer that was
in a real tough weight class, was
Ken Allen's Gr Ch Zinc (6xW) ... but you know who he lost to? A Jeep/Rascal dog,
Rebel Kennels' Gr Ch Sampson (5x BIS).
Which goes back to Eli/Carver.
Ch Nico (3/4 RBJ) also lost to the Eli/Carver
Gr Ch IBM ... and, again, just to drive home a point, so too did the RBJ dog
Ch Glock get beat by another Jeep/Rascal (Eli/Carver) dog in
Gr Ch Da Beast (7xW).
So I am not seeing the RBJ dogs on the very,
very, tip-top of the "kill em all" heap ... I am seeing them GET KILLED more often than not in that elite setting ... and I am seeing some type of
Eli/Carver cross doing the killing :idea:
Well, I haven't witnessed any of them, but neither have you, so that doesn't change THE FACTS of what I am saying.
What I
have done is I have bred dogs that have won all over the world.
I have also bred TO various strains of dogs in experimental crosses, and rolled INTO various bloodlines, for over 20 years.
I have never seen one RBJ dog, or cross, that I thought was my absolute BEST dog ... nor seen any cross or pure dog of this line GET PASSED one of my best.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
Now I
have seen some REALLY GOOD RBJ crosses, as I have said (and some really rank ones too). But, as with the historical record above, the absolute BEST crosses with my line (dogs that have killed 6-9 in a row, dogs that made the cover of magazines, dogs that have killed opponents with one bite behind the head on the brain stem, in less than :18, TWICE IN A ROW) have been some kind of ELI or CHINAMAN cross in there ... or been plain-old Poncho/Coca Cola dogs without any cross.
However, to be honest, I must concede a point and say that Carl Crews made a
Poncho/Coca Cola/RBJ breeding that has more wins in it AS A LITTER (18 wins, 1 DG loss) than virtually any breeding I have ever heard of. And Angel Lajara (who conditioned Mayday's sister Ch Choice) says Gr Ch Dragon had everything ... but is he an "ALL TIME GREAT" dog? No.
But it *was* one helluva litter.
So let's just admit 3 things: 1) the winningest dogs in the history of the game are
not RBJ ... 2) that RBJ dogs don't make up ANYWHERE NEAR "all the good dogs" out there ... but that 3) there have been some really good, some truly great, dogs of this bloodline ...
and that it is certainly
competitive with anything out there.