This is to Blue print ,
Blue print take note on this thread ,this is how to hard heade men debate ,neither one will back down or suck ups .ain't that right jack .lol
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This is to Blue print ,
Blue print take note on this thread ,this is how to hard heade men debate ,neither one will back down or suck ups .ain't that right jack .lol
Sonny, why is it all you do is talk shit when you're destroyed intellectually and factually?
We've gone through this years ago, back when those half-breed dogs I mixed with yours quit on my yard, and you couldn't take the truth then either.
Do you remember that, Sonny?
I didn't do or say anything against you.
I just said how a Poncho/Mayday dog (Junior) destroyed a Big John/Poncho dog (Dr. Death) and you lost it and thought I was attacking you.
Hell, they were both my dogs, and I was just being honest about who-was-what on my own yard.
But you couldn't take it, you flipped out, and you started attacking everything.
Do you remember when Victor Aycart actually came onto my board over it, and offered to fight Mayday against Big John, for $10G or a bottle of Coke, and you shit yourself?
You used Big John's "age" as an excuse ... but Mayday was just as old. Most of us were embarrassed for you.
You call me a fool here, Sonny, but YOU'RE the one who can't back up your statements.
I am still waiting for you to do a Pedigree Search and show me all those RBJ dogs that have won more than 6 fights.
You've made some incredibly-stupid statements, and I have just been wasting a bunch of my time correcting them. That's all.
Why can't you just admit you're wrong?
As far as breeders go. The early Americans importing bulldogs does NOT make them Maurice Carver.
You said BEST dogmen and, historically-speaking, most of THE most influential dogs of today's game came from the breeding programs of Carver, Tudor, and Patrick.
Nearly every so-called "great" eastcoast dogman today got his start from the great breeders of the west. That's a fact.
Now you're running your mouth, instead of retracting yet another dumb statement, and you're staring to piss me off.
Either name those BEST dogmen who are on the east coast, who trump Carver, Tudor, and Patrick as influences over today's dogs, or admit you made another stupid statement.
Right in line with the, "All the good ones are RBJ or have RBJ in them," stupid statement. Face it Sonny, they were both stupid statements.
So why start attacking my dogs? I didn't attack your dogs.
Why do you say "I" am full of shit, when ONLY "I" have actually taken the time to refute what you've said with actual dog names?
I didn't make this personal at first. Why do you turn into you such a little punk, rather than admit what you've said is ridiculous? Especially the statement about "all the good ones" being RBJ :lol:
But fine, let's go. I will crack my knuckles and make a fool out of you some more ...
As far as Sassy goes, you got her back because that son of Bud I had was a cold POS and I didn't want him.
I was very grateful to get Sassy back. And I will compare the production record of Sassy, and her littermates, to that of Bud and his littermates any day.
Oh, and if you want to go on any mission against my dogs, be my guest: you'll lose there too. You'll understand how I got my other handle "SmileWiper" ;)
Here's a reality check, Sonny: do you remember when your Ch Split Ear dog got his ass handed to him by the 8 lb smaller Dr. Death when you came to Andy's place to roll with Doc? We were going to roll into each other, and you had 75 dogs. I told you Doc was 49 lb, and instead of you selecting something his size, you brought the 57-lb Split Ear, an 8-POUND BIGGER DOG. Now that right there told me all I needed to know about how chickenshit you are :idea:
And yet Doc still kicked Split Ear's ass for 15 straight minutes ... until the weight became a factor. Yet that same Doc (who you said was "a future Champion") was later shipwrecked and quit in :12 to the 1-lb smaller Poncho/Kitana dog Junior, and Doc wasn't ahead of Junior for a split-second, let alone a split-ear :lol:
It was a decimation. Junior destroyed Doc, who couldn't physically get up under his own power after just :12 of Junior on him.
Split Ear couldn't whip one side of Poncho Jr., even with a weight advantage. How that dog of yours made Champion, when he was made a fool of by an 8-lb smaller dog (who himself got shipwrecked by a 1-lb smaller dog) only goes to show the low level of competition at the weight class you fight at. That is why I like smaller dogs is because they actually have TALENT. At the same weight, the shit you run couldn't whip one side of what I consider to be a roll dog, ability-wise, let alone my best.
But hey, you can be my guest and see for yourself. If you'd like, I can go over how every single dog I've had/seen from you (crosses and pure ones) has done against my stuff, including that piece of shit bitch you sold Andy, who was picked up in less than :05 to both Misty Red and Pantera, respectively. At least with Misty Red, that bitch of Andy's had an excuse for getting her ass handed to her: Misty Red was a very experienced a devastating face dog. But with Pantera, it was pretty embarrassing, seeing as Pantera was only 10 months old at the time, and your bitch was a pound bigger and fully-mature ... and yet your bitch needed help in about :4 min :lol: :embarrassed:
So please, sell that "badass, we-have-it-all" bullshit to someone who hasn't actually seen several of your dogs go :lol:
And who doesn't also have truly badass dogs of his own ;)
And we won't even talk about the cold Miss Sabre, because she wouldn't do shit, so there's nothing to talk about :lol:
I've been reading this thread for a few days now and I know that Jack certainly does his homework and provides many interesting factual statements. I've only been in these dogs for 11 years and I am personally a big fan of RBJ and Jeep/Redboy dogs although I've tries several other bloodlines over the past 11 years. I actually have a dog now down off some of Waccamaws stuff crossed to some Tab stuff that is doing well for himself. I'm in Texas and I can honestly say I've never had the opportunity to see any vise grip dogs at all. No poncho dogs no coca cola dogs no silverback dogs nothing. This probably has a lot to do with the small circle I keep and my limited time in the dogs. My question to you Jack is if I was interested in giving your stock a try what would be my best bet to go with? I know you don't maintain a large yard anymore but do you still breed and have dogs available? If not who do you feel is doing the best work out there now with your line? I know you are very knowledgeable on breeding and genetics as well what crosses if any worked best for you off your Hollingsworth stuff or is keeping it pure the way to go. Thanks in advance for any insight you can send my way.
Creek Bottom
Hi. Yes, I do try to do my homework, and either use facts to support what I say, or I don't say anything.
I am glad your dog is "doing well for himself," but what does that mean, exactly?
Won something? Looks good in his first roll? At what level has he done something well?
There have been a few Poncho dogs in Texas. Get with Redrum on this forum if you're in Texas and want to see some. He has the Icestorm dog from me, who's "done well for himself" as a producer also. What I mean by that phrase is the first of his offspring won BIS in a huge Mexican convention not too long ago, and is getting bred to some of the best Champion and Grand Champion bitches in all of Mexico (Gr Ch Cheyenne, Ch Enana, etc.), since dozens of people (not a "small circle") saw him literally get his muzzle eaten off his face (as in, literally, removed--he can't be photographed anymore) ... and he still never quit and won the fight in 2:10 ... and lived.
So he might have something for you.
Good luck,
Thanks again for the info and I will try and contact redrum.
Creek Bottom
Jack I must say u know your shit.... very interesting thread. Still 2 great lines from the right sources.
I didn't back down or suck up. I'm a more in person hands on face to face type if you know what I mean. The Internet is the Internet so I just choose to keep it moving and leave it at that. One could go back and forth all day long but in the end what does it amount to ? Maybe being a keyboard jockey or Internet bad ass. I thought I was getting away from the bull that goes on Feds online by coming here but guess not its still the Internet.