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Thanks my friend!
Would love to get the old boy some girlfriends sometime soon.
I like the hell outta the way he's bred, and heard good things about him, as well as his owner!
Thanks S_B! I could do just fine with a yard full of him! I have a small yard full, but no time to really work them right now. When I get situated they will start making some noise.
That's a nicely put together bulldog you have there, Sir.
Thanks bud, but all I did was raise him and walk him. Really, alot of the credit goes to cbtsk for making an outstanding breeding. I remember when he made that breeding that he told me it was going to produce some great dogs. He was always synical about breedings, but you could tell that he knew this was going to be a good breeding.
It is definitely a great thing when a breeding clicks. Some just click.
Some do just click, but I have had pretty good luck with "boyles" dogs crossed into cham blood. Boyles is a pretty generic term but thats the simplified explanation lol.
Convratulations to KandyJack and the men standing behind men! The first winner off Redman beat a 6xW for his first south of the border. The way the rest of the litter performed in school, I am sure there will be more to come.