If ear mites, it would easily be handled by ivomec.
If yeast (as well as a gazillion other pathogens) a 8:1 Water:Nolvasan, with a dash of Tea Tree Oil (very small amount, couple drops, of the latter) is the best I've ever used ...
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If ear mites, it would easily be handled by ivomec.
If yeast (as well as a gazillion other pathogens) a 8:1 Water:Nolvasan, with a dash of Tea Tree Oil (very small amount, couple drops, of the latter) is the best I've ever used ...
Thank you for the reply Jack,
No mites is what all 4 vets said after exams, I thought mites because of the firsts pups exposure to chickens.
I have Chlorhehadine will that work in place of the Nolvasan? I read in the Merck about the Chlorhehadine or Providone Iodine as a cleansing agent for ears. I haven't done anything yet today. Just came inside and we still have several shaking away.
I am not sure, quite frankly.
I would add the tea tree oil though; it is devastating to yeast, it is highly-complex, almost impossible for microbes to build resistance to it ... and as an added bonus it makes stinky ears smell better :D
You can get it, cheap, at any Walmart store (in the vitamin section, labeled alphabetically .... Tea ...
Thanks guys,
The ears are remarkably clean and have no odor. The only thing is they are a tad bit red down inside, that's it. Not even much wax for outside dogs even when we first started before all of the cleansing.
I have lots of tea tree oil. :)
Will do, I know it's good stuff. I put it in my shampoo I use to bathe all of the dogs. We've been working 6,14 hour days, off tmo. And you better believe I'm gonna try it! Great advice and thank you!
Jack, Is it 8:1 or 20:1? In the thread right below your response, it has 20:1 but your thread has 8:1. Don’t know how it changed.
Just to chime in on an old thread.
Add 12oz of Isopropyl alcohol to a spray bottle. Then add two tablespoons of Boric Acid. Then add 12-14 drops of Genetian Violet.
The alcohol serves as a carrier and quickly evaporates taking some of the moisture out of the ear. The Boric Acid lowers the Ph of the infected area. Most ear issues end up being fungal but treated as bacterial resulting in multiple trips to the vet. The Genetian Violet serves as a topical.
It works for an infected ear and it also great as a monthly preventative.
I also used it on a friend's horse who had foot rot.
The biggest drawback is it is deep purple and stains like all get out. Use gloves.
Cheap alternative to multiple vet trips.