Kairo, if you send me those rules may be I can help with the translation
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Kairo, if you send me those rules may be I can help with the translation
1. Sudija
Sudiju biraju takmičari.
Kod sudije stoji ugovor o stavkama i detaljima meča (kilaža, vreme, mesto, opklada, ...) i eventualnim izmenama pravila. Takodje kod sudije stoji i kapara.
2. Faul
Postoji faul opomena i faul isključenje.
Svaki faul koji utiče direktno na moguć ishod meča je faul isključenje.
Faul opomena postoji da se regulišu manji prekršaji koji ne utiču na krajnji ishod meča i donosi dodatni to jest kazneni skreč psa čiji je vlasnik opomenut.
Ovaj skreč ne utiće na redosled skrečiranja.
Moguće je dosuditi najviše 3 faul opomene, dok je 4. isključenje.
3. Bacanje novčića
Novčićem se rešava izbor strana u ringu, ko prvi kupa,... kao i sve druge sitnice koje mogu da doprinesu prednosti za jednu ili drugu stranu.
4. Vaga
U ugovoru se precizira koja je vaga merodavna.
5. Merenje
Za čitanje skale to jest odčitavanje kilaže merodavan je sudija.
Pas koji predje dogovorenu kilažu gubi kaparu.
Ako oba psa prelaze dogovorenu kilažu, kapara se vraća bez obaveze da se meč pusti.
Ako su oba psa u kilaži, stavlja se opklada.
6. Pranje psa
Psi se peru šamponom, sodom, mlekom, vodom.
Najbolje je da hendler pere svog psa uz instrukcije protivničke strane da ne bi došlo do "nenamernog" zalivanja ušiju ili šamponiranja očiju.
7. Ispiranje
Jedini dodatak vodi za ispiranje može biti soda bikarbona.
Peškiri treba da zamene strane, ali se dešava da protivnik donese neku portiklu pošto zna da neće njome brisati svog psa, tako da je dobro tu stavku precizirati u ugovoru.
8. Proba ukusa
Kad su psi oprani, takmičar može liznuti protivničkog psa.
Svaka eventualna nepravilnost automatski znaći faul isključenje.
9. Puštanje pasa
Oba hendlera drže svoje pse u svojim uglovima i moraju ih pustiti na znak sudije.
Prevremeno puštanje nije dozvoljeno i ako se desi da pas zbog ranijeg puštanja napravi prednost u odnosu na protivnika može biti isključen.
10. Oblačenje
Hendleri se mogu obući po izboru ali tako da to ne smeta protivničkom psu (npr. crn pas - crna trenerka).
11. Okret
Ako pas u toku takmičenja okrene glavu i grudi od protivnika, bez obzira da li su psi u zahvatu ili ne, onda mogu oba hendlera tražiti da sudija dosudi okret.
Sudija je merodavan i on prihvata okret ili ne.
Pas koji je napravio okret ide prvi na skreč.
Psi se posle toga razdvajaju uvek kad nisu u zahvatu i skrečiraju naizmenično, ako u medjuvremenu nema faul skreča.
Skreč za nastavak se ne računa kao redovni skreč i nema osvežavanja.
12. Hendlovanje posle okreta
Kad se psi uspešno razdvoje svaki hendler nosi svog psa u svoj ugao.
Iza skreč linije u uglu svaki hendler može držati svog psa kako god želi.
Vreme bi trebalo meriti od trenutka kad su oba psa u svojim uglovima to jest kada hendleri dobiju sundjere.
Po isteku 25 sekundi sudija naredjuje da se psi okrenu jedan prema drugome.
Pas koji je na redu za skreč mora biti sa sve 4 noge na zemlji.
U 30-oj sekundi daje se znak hendleru koji ima redni skreč da pusti psa.
Pas koji skrečira ima 10 sekundi vremena da napravi kontakt sa protivničkim psom.
Hendler psa koji ide na skreč mora sačekati iza skreč linije da mu pas napravi kontakt.
Hendler koji čeka protivničkog psa mora držati svog psa tako da je za protivničkog u potpunosti vidljiv i može pustiti svog psa u istom trenutku kad i pas koji skrečira, ali ga mora pustiti u trenutku kad je protivnički pas napravio kontakt.
Oba hendlera treba sve vreme da se ponašaju sportski.
Svaki hendler uvek moze tražiti faul ako misli da je napravljen, a na sudiji je da ga izrekne ili ne.
14. Nezahvat
U slučaju da psi nisu više u zahvatu sudija broji do tri ( tri sekunde, a ne “jen-dva-tri”) i ako nema zahvata sudija naredjuje hendlerima odvajanje.
Ako se psi u medjuvremenu uhvate, odvajaju se brejksticima.
U slučaju nezahvata prvi skrečira pas koji je napravio okret.
Ako okreta nema, na skreč ide pas koji prvi ostane bez zahvata, bez obzira da li je gornji ili donji pas. Ako oba psa ostanu bez zahvata istovremeno, prvi ide na skreč pas koji je u lošijoj poziciji (donji pas).
Psi skrečiraju naizmenično.
Sudija svaki nezahvat broji do 3 (tri sekunde).
Sudija ne bi trebalo da broji kad su psi u akciji ili eskivaži, već kad stvarno nema zahvata.
Pas koji ne kompletira skreč za 10 sekundi, gubi meč.
Ako pas stane na svom prvom skreču, a protivnički pas nije skrečirao nijednom, onda mora da skrečira za pobedu.
15. Razdvajanje zbog pecanja
Hendler sudiji prijavljuje pecanje to jest probijenu usnu, a sudija treba to da utvrdi.
Sudija treba da:
1. sam pokuša da skine usnu sa zuba
2. da dozvoli hendlerima da to urade
3. da naredi hendlerima da razdvoje pse, kako bi hendler sam mogao da oslobodi usnu svom psu.
U slučaju da psi treba da se razdvoje zbog pecanja, pustaju se na sudijin znak sa sredine ringa na razdaljini od oko 1,5 m.
U slučaju da su psi u zahvatu “usta na usta“, razdvajaju se tek kad promene zahvat!
16. Iskakanje iz riga
U slučaju da pas iskoći iz ringa, gubi meč.
Medjutim, ako sudija smatra da je pas iskoćio iz ringa zbog smetnji iz okoline, može narediti da se psi puste sa sredine ringa kao kod pecanja.
17. Veličina ringa
Veličina ringa je 4m x 4m.
Ako se obe strane slažu i ako im to odgovara, ring može biti i veći.
18. Smetnje
Ako iz bilo kog razloga sudija utvrdi da meč nije moguće nastaviti, prekida se i opklada se vrača.
A ako je jedna strana kriva za eksces, opkladu automatski dobija druga strana.
19. Honorar sudije
__________________________________________________ ______________________________
*Ovu variantu sastavio je dalibor iz knicanina za Arena Show 2006 god*
U pitu nije dozvoljeno držati vodu, sundjere, peškire ili neke druge stvari, dok sudija treba da ima kod sebe brejkstik i olovku, kao i kopiju ovih pravila.
Sam pit ne sme da bude kraci od 5,28m uzduž svake stranice, ako je moguče, dok pod treba da je prekriven tepihom na kome se nacrta kvadrat sa stranicama po 4,12m, a tačno na polovini nacrta se centralna linija koja je isto udaljena od obe skreč linije.
Fauli koji znače prekid i gubitak meča:
A. Napuštanje pita sa ili bez psa pre nego što to sudija dosudi.
B. Primiti bilo šta u pit sa vanjske strane ili dozvoliti bilo kome van pita da dotakne ili pomogne psu.
C. Gurati, tresti, poguravati ili baciti psa preko skreč linije ili mu pomoči da ide preko linije na bilo koji drugi način osim da se ohrabruje glasom.
D. Preći preko skreč linije pre nego što pas kompletira skreč i pre nego što to sudija dozvoli.
E. Cupkati po pitu ili šutirati stranice pita, vikati na suprotnikovog psa ili mu davati naredbe ili (po sudijinom mišljenju) uraditi nešto što može ometati pse dok skrečiraju ili se bore i na taj način doprineti ishodu meča.
F. Ometati hendlera suprotnika ili se dotaknuti jednog ili drugog psa pre nego što da sudija znak da se psi rastave.
This is Serbian language! allmos as same as Croatian!
Cool, I'll print it out and do the translation the best I can.
You have some balkanian friends there in Canada?
Balkan Rules
1. Referee
Referee is chosen by contestants.
Referee is in possession of key points and details of the match (weight, time, place, money, ...) and to any eventual changes of the rules. Also, the referee is in possession of the forfeit money.
2. Fouls
There are warning fouls and expulsion/disqualification fouls.
Any foul that directly affects the outcome of the match is an expulsion foul.
Warning fouls exist to regulate smaller offences that don't directly affect the match outcome and this results in a punishment scratch to the dog who's handler was warned. This scratch doesn't change the scratch sequence. It is possible to have three warning fouls, the fourth is an automatic disqualification.
3. Coin toss
A coin toss decides choice of corner, who washes first, ... as well as all other small choices that give an advantage to one side or the other.
4. Scale
What scale will rule will be in the agreement
5. Weighing
Reading of the scale will be the responsibility of the referee.
Dog that is over agreed weight will lose forfeit.
If both dogs are over agreed weight, forfeit money is returned with obligation to continue match.
If both dogs are on weight, wagers are placed.
6. Washing of dogs
Dogs are washed with shampoo, baking soda, milk and water.
It's best that each handler wash their own dog under supervision of opposing side to prevent accidental over washing of ears and shampoo in the eyes.
7. Rinsing
Only baking soda may be added in the rinsing.
Towels should be exchanged, however it happens that an opponent will bring a bib only knowing the opponent won't use that, so it should be a key point specified in the agreement.
8. Testing after the washing
After the washing, each opponent may choose to lick the opponents dog.
Any potential foul play will result in an automatic disqualification.
9. Releasing the dogs
Each handler holds his dog in their corner and must release on the referees command.
Releasing early is not allowed; if it happens that the dog released early receives an advantage over opponent dog, he can be disqualified.
10. Clothing
Handlers may dress as they wish as long as it doesn't affect the opponent (example, black dog - black pants).
11. Turning
If one dog turns his head and chest from opponent when the fight is on, weather in holds or not, both handlers may claim a turn to the referee.
The referee calls the turn or not.
The dog that turned first must scratch first.
After this dogs are picked up when not in holds and take turns scratching alternately; if during this time there are no foul scratches.
Scratch to continue is not part of the alternate scratching and there is no refresh time in the corner.
12. Handling after turning
When dogs are separated each handler takes his dog to their respective corner.
Behind the scratch line each handler may hold his dog how he wishes.
Stop time should start when both dogs are in their corner which is when both handlers receive sponges.
After 25 seconds the referee shall call to face the dogs.
The dog whose turn it is to scratch must have all four legs on the ground.
On the count of 30 the scratching dog must be released.
Scratching dog has 10 seconds to make contact with his opponent.
Handler of the scratching dog must remain behind his scratch line until his dog makes contact.
The opposing handler must hold his dog to be fully visible to the scratching dog and may release his dog at the same moment the scratching dog is released, however he must release his dog when scratching dog makes contact.
13. Handling
Both handlers should behave in a sporting fashion at all times.
Either handler may call foul play and the referees has final decision to accept the foul or not.
14. Out of holds
If the dogs are out of holds the referee counts to three (three full seconds) and if they are still out of hold the referee calls to handle your dogs.
If the dogs take hold at this moment, break sticks are used to handle.
If out of holds the dog that turned must scratch first.
If there are no turns made, first dog to scratch is the dog who was out of holds first; it doesn't matter if said dog is bottom or top dog. If both dogs lose a hold at the same time, the first dog to scratch is the dog in a worse position (bottom dog).
Dogs make scratches alternately.
Referee counts to three each out of holds.
Referee should not count if the dogs are active and avoiding but rather when they are truly out of holds.
Dog that doesn't make his scratch in 10 seconds is the loser.
If a dog doesn't go on his first scratch and the opposing dog has not scratched once, then he must scratch to win.
15. Handling due to being fanged
Handlers report a fanged dog to the referee, if he gets his teeth hung on his own lip; the referee makes the call.
Referee should:
1. Try to un-fang
2. To allow the handlers to un-fang
3. To call handlers to separate the dogs so the handler can un-fang
If the dogs are separated because they are fanged, they are to be released at the center of the box 1.5 meters apart from one another.
16. Wall jumping
If a dog jumps the pit he is declared the loser.
However, if the referee feels a dog jumped the wall because of outside interference, he can have the dogs released at the center of the ring as in the case of fangging.
17. Size of ring
Ring size is 4 meters x 4 meters.
If both competitors agree and it's in their interest, ring size may be bigger.
18. Interference
If due to any reason the referee determines the match can't be continued, match is stopped and wagers are returned.
If one side is to blame, wagers automatically go to the other side.
19. Pay the referee
Kandyman, you beat me to it, I had things on the go and didn't realize you did the translation
Yours is a lot easier to read. When I started I thought it would be alot easier than it actually was.
So i'm interestin in your opinion about Balkan rules!!
Voted Cajun. Lot's of good posts and insight. Cajun have been the only rules relevant in this region. Beyond that I try to be as true as I can be, to whatever I do. So if it aint broke don't fix it. I also agree with the rules being in place to PRESERVE the gamer dog. GAMENESS is truly a beautiful sight. Tried to paste the Cajun Rules but couldn't copy from this phone. So here's the link that I use. http://www.gamedogs.unlugar.com/reglas.htm
I do believe there is a print feature though, for those on a puter.
I have saw this discussion come up a time or two and I would like to hear peoples opinions on the Balkan and Russian dogs.I wonder why is it thier matches last so long? Also I wonder how you feel about the quality of thier dogs ?Also wonder about thier rules compared to Cajun rules if you feel thier is any advantages or disadvanges either way ?
Reason they r so long is because you need a 3 sec count for a handle. http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum...ghlight=balkan
I know this is an old thread, but today someone asked why a person would get a dog from someone not local paper hangers etc etc. One reason to me was there’s some level of quality control if people are competing fast lane, but the other question. To me it seems you get a different dog from Cajun rules than if the people around you are just off the chain role to death types. For some reason I don’t trust dogs like that the same. Do you think Cajun rules builds a better more stable dog?
Frank43, I absolutely think you get better dogs by following Cajun rules. Part of it is because the rules are specifically designed to select for better dogs, and part of it is that people who are serious enough to employ the rules are generally better dogmen.
I think it selects indirectly for dogs that want to please and work for their owner. To win in the fastlane takes some conditioning. A dog has to bond with a person do put the work in. I don’t think the stay on a chain and roll to the death type dogs are the same. Seems like it’s a less selective process.