♦ Gary Johnson 2016
Came into a deficit as New Mexico Governor and left the state with a BILLION-DOLLAR SURPLUS, withOUT raising taxes, and withOUT firing anyone.
NEVER raised taxes in his 8 years and actually lowered them.
Yielded an 11.6 percent job growth because he "kept the government in check," while allowing "hard-working, entrepreneurs and businesses to fulfill their potential."
There is NO candidate who comes close to Gary's credentials.
Do NOT let the media dupe you into thinking this is a "democrat v. republican' race: LIBERTARIAN is the true American party, and Gary Johnson espouses true American ideals :-bd
Libertarian Party Sues for Access to Presidential Debates
“Most Americans have no idea that the official-sounding and acting Commission on Presidential Debates is, in reality, a private organization created by the Republican and Democrat Parties and funded by special interests whose goal is to protect the status quo,” the Libertarian Party says in its mission statement. “Thus, it is no surprise that the Debate Commission has adopted ‘rules’ that make it virtually impossible for independent or third-party candidates to ever participate in the all-important presidential debates.”
Can one of the moderators move this to the appropriate section?
I would hate for a valued member to be banned for posting in the wrong section, not reading the rules and not abiding by rules that are clearly stated for even an idiot to understand.
For future reference please read what is expected in each forum group and post accordingly.
Thank you.
Well, the future of this country is actually no laughing matter.
Further, even an idiot should comprehend the difference between an Administrator and a "Member."
Members are required to follow the rules, while Administrators create the rules (not to mention everything else about the place).
I have made the executive decision to put Gary Johnson's name out here also, because the "private" forums are not visible by all, but this ANNOUNCEMENT section is (and the above is an "Administrative Announcement," is it not?).
In all seriousness, I think Gary Johnson is the best, most honest, most qualified man to lead this country, and if you decide to stop thinking everything in life is a joke, or about dogs, and actually read his biography, then "even an idiot" would have to agree.
For that matter, Gary Johnson is the only candidate that would also be okay with legalizing these dogs (being a Libertarian), and in fact started his own Legalized Cannabis company as well: Cannabis Sativa, Inc.
(He resigned as CEO to run for President.)
What do I have to do to read them? The white colored one's open when I click on the word. The others don't open.
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks
The white ones are active articles. The others Jack has not added yet