Thanks for the info......
Thanks for the info......
BRICKFACE. Iv added this breeding for a second time because i couldnt find it using the search function. Now that iv added it again. I still can't find it using search breedings. Tried every combination.
The administrator has to approve breedings.
I mentioned it in one of the tutorials I made, but there is a lot of stuff to learn.
Here is what the Administrator has to do:
I've heard that ppl get frustrated when entering dogs that have no ancestors in the database. If this is you send me a link and I will enter the dogs.
You can also do this yourself by simply adding the said dog and leave the parents box blank. When you open the ped, you should see add dog (starting with the parents) and as you add dogs it will build the pedigree and places every dog you enter behind the first dog into the database!
Sorry guys I almost lost the site trying to upgrade services so I had to get in there and fix'er myself #:-S
We did lose a couple days of data but I can live with that!
The Pedigrees database is not functioning, but I'm on it! Let me know if anything else is not working
Site should be functional, still have some hiccups
should be 100% functional
Welcome Back! :-bd
Anyone else having or seeing issues on the site?
It's December already... how about a Christmas Special?
Any discounts for subscribers? I see Jack's books are not available anymore...