Thank you :D
The only way to arrive at the truth is to try to be honest and accurate.
It is a waste of time to do anything else.
I understand how you feel about the great Gr Ch Machobuck.
I feel if Ch Stormbringer were in the right hands he could have won 10 also.
I have never seen ANY dog in my life have that kind of body strength, pit savvy, and finish all in one package. Never.
I also feel that Gr Ch Zukill, who won 6 in a row, never having to go passed :48, even without any cutters, could have easily won 10.
I especially believe this if he had a full set of hangers.
But our "believing" or "feeling" these dogs "could have" won 10 isn't them actually doing it (even if our beliefs are knowledgeable and well-founded).
We can only go by facts, and what dogs actually do win. The facts are Stormy won 4 and Zukill won 6.
Your Gr Ch Machobuck won 5, and also earned a title few dogs ever see: DOY. In fact, Machobuck won nearly every title a dog can have.
There will always be asterisks (*) by certain dogs. There will always be intangibles we can never account for.
Maybe Chavis' Ch Zinc (6xW, 1xL) "would have" won 10 ... if he hadn't have run into Rebel Kennels' Gr Ch Sampson (5x BIS).
But the FACT is Ch Zinc did run into Gr Ch Sampson ... and the FACT is he lost ...
The truth is, if any of the dogs we THINK "could have" won 10 had faced other Champions or Grand Champions, as these two did, there could be a lot of surprises. Either way.
I was absolutely sure that Ch Tulipa 4xW, 4xBIS was going to be a Grand Champion. She was a freak of nature and widely considered the best bitch in Brazil's history.
Tulipa beat a Cardenas/Morfin bitch (a 2xW sister to a 6xW and a 4xW), spotting her 3 lb of weight in a HUGE international convention. She won BIS and GIS in 1:30.
Ch Tulipa won either BIS, or GIS (or both), in EVERY match she had, ALL of which were huge, international 10-14 card shows.
But the actual FACTS are, Ch Tulipa LOST her Gr Ch bid. I believe you experienced the same thing with one of your own great, 4xW bitches ... a killer also.
Killers lose too. In fact, The Old Man I know owned Ch Zinc for his last into Ricky. He said Zinc would kill you in the kidneys in 1-2 bites. Yet he lost too.
That is what separates fact from fantasy ... but nothing will take away from THE FACT these were all great dogs, including Ch Zinc.
Killing 6 in a row, and losing game to a 5xBIS Grand Champion, in one of the most successful competitor's hands, is still one helluvan effort from one helluva dog.