You got that right. God awful smell.
I feed the frozen kind not canned. It's about $1.60lb in my area. I usually add about a half lb to the feed a few times a week. I have been doing this for a long time myself. I consider it a must in my dogs diet!
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You got that right. God awful smell.
I feed the frozen kind not canned. It's about $1.60lb in my area. I usually add about a half lb to the feed a few times a week. I have been doing this for a long time myself. I consider it a must in my dogs diet!
do youall cook the leg quarter's and what about the bones thanks tj
I only cook the eggs(soft boil) and I rinse and steam my veggies before I purée them. Everything else is fed raw
ok Jack but what a bout the bones was told never to give chicken bones
No prob...your welcome. Im surprised many haven't seen this great product...infomercials have been on this product for 2+ years if I recall correctly. Best thing about it is that it blends everything including the skins, and more pureed compared to a regular blender.
Hi TJ;
What American Dogman said is almost right.
When you cook the chicken, that is when you make the bones much more brittle ... cooking hardens and therefore weaponizes the bone in the chicken, which can perforate the intestine.
By contrast, when the chicken is left raw, the bone inside is softer, and more supple (not brittle), and is therefore easier to digest.
It is essentially like the difference between natural, soft wood and petrified wood. Natural, soft wood is easier to break down whereas petrified wood is now like rock.
BOTTOM LINE: Raw chicken bones are softer, and much easier for the dog to break down, and therefore more digestible.