Re: Great dog with no papers
I believe where we see eye to eye Al is we are breeding for ourselves, so if the litter did not work it would be a simple matter of culling and moving on. The losses on our end would simply be time, and the gain would be that of experimentation and knowledge aquired by the final outcome, whether it be keeper or plugs.
Originally Posted by AL Clown
I would have to side with HOGBIZ, as I have done this before although the dog produced crap I would still try again if said dog was of high caliber.
The dog I bred caught 4 hogs, and took a real game chin crawling beating from a much better hog.
Re: Great dog with no papers
Originally Posted by HOGBIZ
Here's my ultimate point, good dogs don't grow on trees and I don't breed for others, but myself.
So if I have a good dog who's done the dew for me on more thank one occasion and earned his feed, you better believe I'm going to breed him and see what comes out. Just because I don't know how he's bred doesn't mean he does not have a breeding future in my camp.
It doesn't matter if it's bulldogs, coondogs, rabbitdogs or hogdogs, most always try to re-create the past instead of simply looking forward.
This is also a very selective subject since all most of us need is $500 or a good friend to get a pup off a proven dog with a registered pedigree, but, without the internet and all the blood you could buy out there, take that all away and then tell me you still wouldn't breed to a proven dog that was "A" grade material, despite not knowing his blood background?
Originally Posted by FACE203
I know you asked jack, so in no way am I answering for him...
Imho, that was a long time ago, folks take pics of the breedings, now a days.. So it is harder, to get over on a seasoned(semi also) dogman...
Also if you don't trust the person, more than likely, no matter how good the dog is, u won't do busy with said person...
I don't sell dogs either... I well place a few when time comes...
You said you bred, what you use... So how would you not know, how the dog is bred?
You lost me on that...
Re: Great dog with no papers
This is not my post/thread FACE, I was simply replying to the origional question posed by YinYang;
"Just curious..... If you had a great dog that did great in competiton for you more than once, but had no papers... what would you do with the dog."
It was a hypothetical question, and to stay in the groove of the post, the dog is still hypothetical and not even the poster of the question knows how the dog's bred. Or maybe he does but just does not have papers on it?
Either way, I have bred dogs that were free dogs out of a sign in the window of a local butcher and the pups off him have turned out to be workers and the pups off those now grown dogs have turned out to act like they would like to work as well. Anyone who has been in the woods with me and seen my dog Stan go knows he puts hogs in the freezer on a weekly basis, which made him worth breeding to me in the 1st place.
Originally Posted by FACE203
Originally Posted by HOGBIZ
Here's my ultimate point, good dogs don't grow on trees and I don't breed for others, but myself.
So if I have a good dog who's done the dew for me on more thank one occasion and earned his feed, you better believe I'm going to breed him and see what comes out. Just because I don't know how he's bred doesn't mean he does not have a breeding future in my camp.
It doesn't matter if it's bulldogs, coondogs, rabbitdogs or hogdogs, most always try to re-create the past instead of simply looking forward.
This is also a very selective subject since all most of us need is $500 or a good friend to get a pup off a proven dog with a registered pedigree, but, without the internet and all the blood you could buy out there, take that all away and then tell me you still wouldn't breed to a proven dog that was "A" grade material, despite not knowing his blood background?
Originally Posted by FACE203
I know you asked jack, so in no way am I answering for him...
Imho, that was a long time ago, folks take pics of the breedings, now a days.. So it is harder, to get over on a seasoned(semi also) dogman...
Also if you don't trust the person, more than likely, no matter how good the dog is, u won't do busy with said person...
I don't sell dogs either... I well place a few when time comes...
You said you bred, what you use... So how would you not know, how the dog is bred?
You lost me on that...
Re: Great dog with no papers
I have bred Stan to bitches that the whole litter did not turn out though... these were to gyps that were slow starters themselves (3 to 4 years before working well), and I culled the entire litter. Had I waited past 2 years of age, the dogs may have turned on, but 2 years with an unknown background breeding is where I draw the line.
Had I bred the gyp to a proven dog that had a documented lineage, I may have waited past the 2 year marker.
Re: Great dog with no papers
Okay, thx for helping me understand you...
Take it easy
Re: Great dog with no papers
I understand what everyone is saying by not wanting to breed a dog with an unknown history, but this is why the game is at where its at now with all this paper breeding going on. People are focusing more on pedigrees as opposed to performance. Dog A could have the prettiest ped in the world, but not be worth the dog food he is eating. Meanwhile dog B has an unknown ped but is a great dog. You guys are saying that you wouldn't take a chance and breed thst bad ass dog with an unknowm ped? You would rather breed that pretty papered piece of crap based solely on his ped? Let me guess the pretty papered dog is bred to produce right. I will take performance over ped any day, because at the end of the day none of them may not produce anything but me personally my performer is gonna get more chances to prove his self as a producer as opposed to my pretty papered turd.
Re: Great dog with no papers
Originally Posted by Hurstmob
I understand what everyone is saying by not wanting to breed a dog with an unknown history, but this is why the game is at where its at now with all this paper breeding going on. People are focusing more on pedigrees as opposed to performance. Dog A could have the prettiest ped in the world, but not be worth the dog food he is eating. Meanwhile dog B has an unknown ped but is a great dog. You guys are saying that you wouldn't take a chance and breed thst bad ass dog with an unknowm ped? You would rather breed that pretty papered piece of crap based solely on his ped? Let me guess the pretty papered dog is bred to produce right. I will take performance over ped any day, because at the end of the day none of them may not produce anything but me personally my performer is gonna get more chances to prove his self as a producer as opposed to my pretty papered turd.
I don't think that is true, the game is the way it is because of, some of the people that is in it.
It's like a catch 22, when breeding.... You have(imo) got to know what you are breeding and how its bred, to progress forward, with the animals.. So you have got to look at your dog, to know what it lacks.. You have got to know the history, so you know which way to go, to get what your dog lacks.
Unless you just breeding dogs, to say you got some. With no consistity(sp) likeness. Just a bunch if scatterbred dogs. Have fun with that..
I want my dogs to remind me of a dog in its history, in looks and style...
Who doesn't what a pretty ped. But what makes a pretty ped. I bunch of bums, cold dogs, man biters, late starters, dogs with defects..
The thing is you can't control what the next man does. You can encourage him/her. What you can control, is you and your yard.. So just make sure you doing the right thing. Not just talking about it, but being about...
I would hope nobody, is wanting, to bred to crappy dogs. Cause more than likey, you will get more crappy dogs... Pretty ped or no ped...
You have got to know the history, to predict the future...
You have got to bred game dogs, to get game dogs...
I may have left something out, but that's my take on it...
Re: Great dog with no papers
Re: Great dog with no papers
Originally Posted by YigYang
Just curious..... If you had a great dog that did great in competiton for you more than once, but had no papers... what would you do with the dog. :?: :?: ;)
"Please do not pass any negitive judgment on myself, i just wanted people honest opinion for a topic to just have " just a General Bulldog Chat
yo BRO. READ ABOUT GR.C 35 and you have your answer
Re: Great dog with no papers
Exactly, you can read on other boards where people will by dogs from Garner based on the fact that your chances, so it's said, of getting a bulldog are better then average. They know every last one of his breeding are questionable regarding the paperwork, and the chances of getting a paperhung - scatter bred dog are high, but they'll still buy his dogs and breed to his stock knowing that the breeding may not be what it says.
The proof is in the "Putting" and not the "Pudding".
Originally Posted by Hurstmob
I agree with you but most people nowadays will breed a dog based on pedigree alone, which to me is crazy I have , culled and given away dogs which were bred impeccably, that most people would have breed based on the ped alone. I personally don't care what others do, but I do believe most people worry about peds too much. Where i am from there are not many big time breeders so to speak, we worry about the dog. If i have a dog triple bred off ch whatever and he is not up to my standards well guess what his future will be. Now if Joe blow brings me a dog and he is a bad ass and wins for me he is getting bred i dont give a damn. I chase dogs not paper. And if the dog produces then that is a plus, but i have seen a lot of well bred dogs produce crap. So me if the dog performs he gets bred regardless i dont register dogs im not trying to have the tightest bred this or that, i dont sell dogs nor am i trying to make a name as a breeder where im from we only care about [] dogs. I understand the fact that the percentages may not be there but hey. So if you guys didnt know how a bad ass dog like Vengeance was bred you guys wouldnt bred him because you didnt know his ped, thats absurd. Thats how you can tell who in the woods and who is not a bad ass dog is a bad ass period. FYI most these peds arent correct anyway.