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Structure should be important, but it isn't to many.. It's the normal to see splay feet, cow hocked long backs curly tails that almost touch the back.currently. Dam near every dog we had had a roach back good feet and bone.. Today you see bat ears horrible structure... Unfortunately it takes generations to fix. If it is a scatter bred dog off such breedings... That makes it harder!!
Im not a fan of scatter breeding or random best to best. there are only certain lines I am interested in. Being structurally sound is important. I think of average if you aren't you lose over time. Bad backends you get pushed into the wall. Bad bites can't handle the stress and trauma on the jaw the same. Basically over the course of years you end up culling back to he fitest. the question to me is how rigid you remain when you consider incorporating new studs and pups into your program. luckily I was sold some solid stock to begin with. I feel during the breedings I made I kept the strongest best specimens. There are relatives around me. I would consider a breeding or two in the future with some of them. I am about to drive three states in two directions looking for broomstock pups in two lines. one known for being a balance of smart and athletic, Titere. and yellow cottingham from crews. those are smart redboy dogs from my experience. I have bred what I have towards with Hollingsworth side with enough redboy to keep them working hard. I have one little bat eared pup. I don't remember them being like that when he was younger. he's structurally sound. he's built on the smaller terrier frame with decent muscle. I like his attitude the older he gets. Anyway looking for conversation. would you add a dog that had structurally faults to your line or pass?