WTF ???
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Dude, I'm WHITE, Canadian and glad to be a NON RACE PROFILER like yourself.
Frank your some kinda asshole . Seen guys get knocked out ringside one punch even at ADBA shows for running thier cock sucker . Seems like you got other deeper issues besides these dogs . Hope you figure it all out .
One of the things I have always loved about the game is that ANYONE regardless of race, wealth or region can compete on a level playing field. The dogs and sportsmanship should be the ONLY thing that matters.
Now I was talking with a fella the other week and told him , everyone hates The Dirty Gypsies so I use that as my motivation . When my legs hurt and don't wanna put in the miles I do it ,just so they gotta see the gypsy win over them . Now Mr.Skaggs and a couple others always bust my balls about my stock etc but none will not tell you Im not passionite ,dedicated , and work hard. Guy out there now matches 55 dogs a year , winning percentage . Top dogman tells me know what , if I put the right dog in your hands your the guy who would beat him . Hunterman always has a good word about my conditioning program as well and he is a hell of a conditioner . Anyway Im just a fancier who likes to be a ghoast , breed for myself , and promote the dogs in a positive light when dealing with the general public . And when the dirty Gypsy gets his hand put in the air , I kinda smile on the inside . My tribe comes from India for those who do not know what a Romani Gypsy is . So Frank might not wanna chat with me anymore .In Europe still signs saying NO GYPSIES ...any kind of racism is wrong in my eyes .
If anyone here sounds like a dumbass it's you and I mean that from all your posts, not just on this thread. I really find it interesting not to mention funny that you have gotten yourself so worked up over my original post which was not meant to offend anyone. In fact it's turned you into a race profilling cyber bully..."bounce" lol , what are we in prison.
Your original post was to start shit. You insulted the board. Took the same dumbass peds don't matter perspective. Talked about some scatterbred dog that won. Same thing over and over. If you want to do that. Do it. Then go hand your money over to people that build and maintain lines. End up with a yard of scatterbred bullshit. 40 shit bred underfed unschooled dogs that you don't know if it's cold or didn't start, but it's off ch whoever bred to ch whenever. Then then peta shows up when you can't house or feed your dog.
Go somewhere else. People here build lines. They take care of there dogs. Most prob wouldn't sell you one. I wouldn't sell you one of mine. Most of those dogs won't produce past one or two generations once the influence of the person that started the line is lost.
You were talking shit and insulting the board. You can go somewhere else provide evidence for police and talk all the dumb shit that embarrasses the breed. Your handle is urbandogman. Urban is some synonym for black or ghetto for 90 percent of people. You talk with the same. We be cullin. Mentality they talk in. What you're really saying is you can't breed. Why most won't sell you a dog. Damn sure won't sell you their best. I'm done responding to this crap. You're fucking up the vibe of the board.