LMAO ... we already have so much more to do :shocked:
But it is a good idea :mrgreen:
Sounds good Jack. I like the X-mas deal too, just might have to jump on it.
I typed in the sire x dame ,and clicked save ,the ped showed up as it should .i then went to planned breedings on the pedigree section ,it was not on it .
Hi Sonny;
1) You should not be entering in planned breedings in the actual breedings slot. (They should be entered in the test breeding feature).
2) Test breedings never get recorded. We only store actual breedings in the database, not planned breedings.
Are you using the test breeding or actual breeding feature? Actual breedings do get recorded, and should be there, but test breedings will not (which is by design).
Actual breeding ,rattler x fanta
And crazy eyes jr x Maggie
Had trouble once b4 and ended up with same litter several times recorded
Most likely something i did wrong or did not do ,
Just tried again ,no luck
They're all there, Sonny, and you've added 5 of them ... can you re-do the other 4 into other breedings please.
When you click on Rattler, look under Breedings Made.
I will try thanks
As new breedings come up, you can Edit the duplicate breedings/dates to be from dogs. Also, if you sync the litter dates with the date of birth of the pups produced, then the pups will show up on the Breeding page same as the breedings will show up under the parents.
Got it done .
Good deal!
I followed the video that jack put up and i picked a female with the same exact name as the female i was looking for and its the wrong ped. I deleted the dog and the ped is still there does anybody know how to delete it
What dog are you trying to add?
Now that i start adding some dogs again, just 2 things i would personally find helpful.
1. is leaving land of birth and country open or unknown instead of USA. lot of times i dont know the land of standing or i dont want to put the land of standing, takes time changing them so what i think most people will do is just leave it on USA. Did it a few times also, will correct them later.
2. if there would be 3 different boxes for month/day and year, preferably if u can just select the number. This will reduce the ammount of mistake there big time.
Thank you for your input, and I will try to respond ...
1. The breed is the AMERICAN pit bull terrier and so the USA should be the default place of birth ...
2. We actually used to have the default as "Unknown" ... but quickly saw that 99.99% of the people were too lazy to change it ... which is why there are so many earlier dogs with Unknown as the place of birth, etc. ... even dogs like Carver's XX (which any fool should know was a USA dog) were left as "unknown" just because the lazy person never changed it to USA where it belonged.
3. Thus, by leaving the default as USA ... again for the American pit bull terrier ... it will be correct 99% of the time for any dog entered by default, even when the person doesn't bother with it.
This is a great idea, and we will probably incorporate it, if possible!
Thanks again :mrgreen:
Assuming 99% of the users are from the USA, you are correct :DQuote:
1. The breed is the AMERICAN pit bull terrier and so the USA should be the default place of birth ...
2. We actually used to have the default as "Unknown" ... but quickly saw that 99.99% of the people were too lazy to change it ... which is why there are so many earlier dogs with Unknown as the place of birth, etc. ... even dogs like Carver's XX (which any fool should know was a USA dog) were left as "unknown" just because the lazy person never changed it to USA where it belonged.
3. Thus, by leaving the default as USA ... again for the American pit bull terrier ... it will be correct 99% of the time for any dog entered by default, even when the person doesn't bother with it.
In the meanwhile we have dogs with more then 10 generations of European dogs only from many different small countries. Can be hard to find out where each one of them came from.
Am i thinking to high of your brother to create a check box "set/use USA by default" ? :)
Its not that im to lazy, but im sure if the amount of European users on this database will increase, u will get plenty dogs with the false land of standing, rather then unknown. For the same reason people from USA are not changing unknown to USA.
Anyway, just ideas.
Am I missing something? I haven't had time yet, to post any pedigrees but I will when the time permits. I am a new to your site but, I seem to be having prblems viewing some pics in the forums and when I type a name in the quick search blank it is not taking me to a pedigree instead, it takes me to the how to post pedigrees videos. It thanks, izdontlie2
While I welcome you as a new member, your question here underscores the entire problem with most people: they fail to follow the instructions sitting right in front of them.
When you came onboard, you were automatically PM'd a message entitled IMPORTANT INFORMATION, which told you how to do things here and it gave you a link to all of my video tutorials SHOWING YOU (guess what?) ... how to do things :idea:
Did you follow the instructions? No.
Did you click on the link to view and learn (ahem) "How to do things?" No.
So what are you having trouble with? You guessed it: How to do things :rolleyes:
Sorry, but when I give people explicit information ... and spend um-teen-dozen hours providing ALL the information you need to learn how to do things ... and you don't even bother to read/watch it ... it gets kinda frustrating :angry:
So now I have to re-write the instructions I have already taken the time to spell out (and make videos of) for you already. So let me give you a clue: the quick search is not what you use for searching pedigrees. That is what you use to search the forums and the articles.
If you want to learn the what/where/when as to the Pedigree Database, then I suggest you actually follow the instructions I already provided you in these tutorials. One of them you will discover is called The Ultimate Search Engine, and if you actually take the time to view it, all of your questions will be answered :)
In closing, after you get done being mad at me for this post (even though it's your own fault), and after you get finished watching the tutorial(s), you will then be able to use this resource properly ... and, when you start doing so, I hope that you see how really POWERFUL and COOL all the features really are, and I hope you forgive me for my impatience with your laziness :mrgreen:
hey jack, im looking for a way to print ( like print friendly) so i can keep a hard copy of my peds
some how I entered a pedigree and it is not showing that I created it. it has a blank spot there. how can this be corrected?
Which dog?
Post the URL.
Have no idea ...
Revisiting this, there actually *is* a countdown ticker ... just click the Subscribe Now link and your ticker will be up top :)
I'm just thinking out loud here, but would it be possible to implement a calendar system into the database to keep track of a bitch's heat cycle?
I dont know if this was brought up already. But if u change the amount of pedigrees showed, you lose the dog id in your url.
Would be nice if that didnt happen incase you want to copy paste it to someone else.
I think there may be a problem with the make favourite tab. I'v tried to add a few dogs to my favourites list, only when I click the make favourite tab, there's nothing showing in my favourites list.
Yes, the Favorites tab isn't working right now.
We've been working on another database for awhile, a photography database, and that's been taking up a lot of our time lately.
We'll get back to this one once the other is finished.
finally posted some peds hope they are above par. I did have a couple of their pics but the upload option wasn't working from this particular device. I will try from another one when I get the chance.
Great board jack you and your brother have done outstanding and continue to do even better.
Say you have a dog that you have raised to the age of 18 months. its name and litter is in the data base. now lets say they it dies. is it proper to take it out the data base? no pups off it and no other record. now you can use the name again on another pup. at the same time it subtracts the number that was in the litter. THOUGHTS:
Good question ... and my thoughts are NO, don't get rid of it.
Leave it in. The dog was a legitimate dog, it lived, and "erasing it" is actually a falsehood of sorts.
Not to mention this database might be the only record (and memory) of its existence.
In fact, I have purposely added dogs of mine, that I loved, but that died prematurely for one reason or another ... if only to "let their memory live" somewhere.
good reason. im with you on that one
Agreed, and again, good question :hatsoff:
At some point before I croak, I am going to document and record every dog I've bred (whether it lived or died), and every photo I took of it, for the reasons stated above.