Thanks Man, I must have missed that in the tutorials. Nice site.
Printable View
Thanks Man, I must have missed that in the tutorials. Nice site.
This dog's name is Broadway's Jack Frost not Broadway Jack's Frost. Jack Kelly did own him at one stage and I know it is just an apostrophe in the wrong place but it does change his registered name.
We have him stored on ice. A couple of years ago we used some of it and at that time had a straw DNA sampled and registered with the ADBA who originally registered him back in 1984. I have tried to upload the certificate on here. It clearly show's the correct spelling of his name as it has always been.
This ped is a duplicate and needs to be deleted
Ditto Lasse. On that pedigree, the picture to the left is Art's Missy with the cropped ears. Art's Missy may have been red and white with probably black ticking in the skin. More so like Carver's Miss Spike. The female dog to the right is Carver's Belle. Her ears appear not to be cropped, sitting on top of it's dog house.
Was watching one of those Carver documentaries on the You Tube. Mayfield said Creel did all the ear cropping for Carver. I was fortunate to get one of those 100% bred Creel dogs and was verified by Mr. Creel when I called him. He assured me that I had the right dog and papers were correct on my Young's Chuck. Cheers
Hello, can i enter to management to this ped:
it's a dog what i have added.
very thanks
Potorico, what do you mean by management to this pedigree? It has a error in the dog's registered name. Who actually owns this dog, the (Lane person) or the other person? A double name has been entered. There is no breeder or owner as well in those sections.
If you are not the one who put this pedigree into the system. One of the moderates will have to correct or make changes. I did not look to see who entered this pedigree into the system. Let me know what it is you wish to add or change, providing it is accurate information. Cheers
the dog has been inserted by me. delete this dog
and replace with this dog please
Fixed, other dog in Duplicate status to be replaced with a new dog pedigree. If you have another female dog with a complete pedigree. You can replace that duplicate pedigree yourself. Just go to the pedigree section. Enter search dog section with the words Duplicate pedigree. Click on that particular one and replace with your new dog info. Have any problems let me know. Cheers
Dog Id=9876 is the pedigree of the James Crenshaw's Reno male dog dog. The problem is that, the member that put that pedigree into the system. Put the dog picture of Ed Crenshaw's Reno and not James Crenshaw's Reno male dog.
Ed Crenshaw's Reno dog was deceased by the time James Crenshaw's Reno was born. If myself or any of the other moderators had the ability to remove these pictures. Could fix the problem pronto.
There are Duplicate pedigrees left in the male and female sections with pictures. If the pictures were removed these duplicate pedigrees could be replaced with new dog pedigrees and save that slot of computer space. Cheers
All edited/deleted...thank CYJ
How do you delete a ped?
Never mind
Hello PPB members,
Please help us clean up the duplicates by following these steps...
1st. Select the "Pedigrees" tab, then "Bulldog Database" then go to "MY PEDIGREES".
2nd. Scroll down to the "D's" and see if you have any dogs with "Duplicate" in front of the dogs name you entered.
3rd. If you don't see any congratulations, we haven't found any errors you've made. If you do find some, congratulations you've created a duplicate pedigree proceed to 4.
4th. Change the dog(s) to a new dog that has not been entered here to rid the site of this mess. If your dog has offspring you can switch them over to the original dog then change the duplicate to a new dog. If your dog has a picture, please ask BRICKFACE to delete either the whole pedigree or picture.
I've messaged a few of you guys here lately, it's becoming a daunting task. There are just over 150 duplicates currently and that's probably not even close to all of them. So I wanted to start this thread to save time.
Feel free to ask questions and thank you in advance for participating in the clean-up.
Great Way to fix a lot of those duplicate pedigrees S_B. Take a work load off the moderators. Cheers
Yes sir CYJ, it's a never ending task!
Happy New Year and cheers to you!
I'm entering the pedigree correctly, but the drop box to find my bulldogs sire/dam will not stop down. There for I can't add my pedigree.
Maybe I can help...can you give me some dogs in that ped so I can check for you?
What happened to the 4 pictured per dog and a video?
My drop down box doesn't work on anydog
Sounds like it's your system. The site is working fine.
Are you able to pull up a pedigree you entered? Does the word "Edit" appear at the top of the screen in the center?
Where is the admin
If you watched that video on how to add a bulldog. It's outdated.
What u need to do is select whether it's a male or female first
Then type the dam and sire names only (Jeep, Queen of Hearts)
All the other drop boxes should work
If they don't I don't know what to tell you other then send me a video so I can see what your doing
Bulldog what is the dog's name/Male or female you are trying to enter? Are all the sire and dams to this dog already built into this system? If not those will have to be added into the system first. I can look at what you have started with. If you know the sire/dam, grand sire /grand dam will see if they can be added. Cheers
I know how to enter a pedigree. The drop box isn't working for me. It hasn't sence my renewal back here.
How can I record what I'm doing?
log into
My wife's system... Same problem. Definitely a problem on this websites.. On some areas, it tells me im not a subscribed member. Idk
There is not a dropbox for entering the site/dam while entering a pedigree. Simply start typing the parents name and it will automatically generate as long as the parents are in the system. If not you will have to build the peds. Do you have a link to the pedigree?
If you can record simply capture what your doing on your cell phone and email me the video
Bulldog Anonymous,
Are you able to drop down the tabs (box) for the Forums or Pedigrees? I'm assuming so of you're trying to add a dog otherwise you wouldn't be able to get there.
That says the drop boxes are in fact working. When you are in the "ADD" dog mode is your problem occurring when you type in the dog parents name and they are not locating the dog?
With a little more info one of the three of us that have offered to help will be successful in that, I'm sure of it.
I can enter Jeep.... Nothing
Let me see if a can video
Can't post the video, this site is a mess. Lot of the key feature's that made this place awesome, is gone.
Or is it just on my end.. Use to be able to add 4 picture's to a pedigree and a video..
All that is gone, just only 1 picture now.
The customers service here is horrible. This is a problem on the administrative end not mine...
So, when I get... " I don't what to tell you" from the owner, only tells me he doesn't know much on running this website ...
Here's what we do.
Let's try deleting me and re-adding me back.
We can figure this out together. As a owner of business, if one of my customers has a problem on my end... You will NEVER hear me say "I don't no what to tell you" ever!
If it's 1,000 or 10,000 dollar job if it's on my end I'll seek it out and fix that problem.
That's good management. Let's try doing what I asked.. We'll start there and go down this list till we fix this problem.
check your pop up blockers
Pop up blockers,lol good idea...didn't think of that.. let me check.
Pop up blockers, lol good idea...didn't think of that.. let me check.
Blockers off... Nope, still don't work! Pop up window works for some things.. Like owner.... And breede,r that's about it.. Who here intuitively knows how to handle this situation that's baffling us? Have you tried what l've suggested, Brickface?