Quick question Jack. I Accidently duplicated breedings. How do I delete unwanted breedings? Tutorial video does not cover such matter. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Quick question Jack. I Accidently duplicated breedings. How do I delete unwanted breedings? Tutorial video does not cover such matter. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have watched the video and have a question. I just done a off the yard breeding and want to add the sire of the litter to the database so I can put the breeding together in the database also. Only problem is I don't own the sire of the litter and while the owner doesn't mind me adding the breeding he doesn't want his personal info in the database. Meaning he doesn't want his government name put down as the owner. So, to fully fill out the ped I need to enter something in the owners slot that doesn't go against his wishes. What can I put down as the owner in this case? His commonly known handle? Just wondering what would be best to make sure that the info is entered correct
Pat myself on my back here I have 81 peds entered. But I entered them when the site first opened and I just got done going into each one to fill out all info that I know and now looking up more detail info for each ped. Great job on the site jack hope I can help inprove the info
Jack, made a mistake and added a new dog, when i was adding pups to a breeding.
Deleted the duplicate dog. But it's still in the list (jane) How do i remove it?
Should have renamed it, but to late.
EDIT: think i found a way to fix it, lol. Changed breeder name, and all pups disappeared.
Not sure what you're asking actually.
The breeding profile adds pups based on identical breeding and identical DOB.
Any dog with the same pedigree, and same DOB, is going to show up on the breeding profile, as it should.
You have not deleted Jane, because there she is.
PS: When you say "it," what are you referring to, Jane?
Slow down when you write, and be precise in what you say, and it will help me understand what you're trying to say :)
Ah lol, you don't understand because its already gone.
I added a duplicate "Jane" without kennel name infront of it.
Then i deleted the duplicate ped, but the name of the dog was still in the list of pups of that particular breeding.
Then i changed the breeders name of the breeding profile, which delete all pups on the list of the breeding profile!
Then added the proper dogs.
Hope you understand what i mean now. But its solved.
I saw what you meant, because there was another Jane on the list, which is now gone.
I clicked on the link and it took me to a dog, so that dog couldn't have been deleted.
What might have happened is your breeding page was never "refreshed" ... but did so when you changed the name??
Great feature Jack, we appreciate all of the bells and whistles the site has to offer!
One thing I'm having an issue with is getting to the "User Statistics" while on a cell. It is bunched together with the "Advanced Search" link. Which makes the "Advanced Search" link the only clickable link for me.
I do not know if this is an issue for anyone else, but it is for 2 of my devices.
SOLUTION: Don't use a cell for that.
There simply are too many sub-navigation menu links below the Pedigrees tab to neatly fit on a cell.
I will ask my brother if there's a way around that, but the text can only be made so small (to be seen) and there are a lot of different, independently-functional links on that page.
Cell phones can be used for many computer-related tasks, but not all.
In some cases, "size matters" ...
I have a question concerning renewal of one's membership.
First I'll start with some facts, I joined here on 9/9/13, I renewed this past September. I just recently took advantage of the Christmas savings special and bought another subscription a couple of days ago.
Now, my question is:
Does this add a year to my previously subscribed time?
Does this just buy me a subscription from 12/14 thru 12/15, to run consecutive with my current membership?
Yes, I did last year an I'm good until the Dec. 2015
Thank you Jack for allowing me to be a cheap mofo. :-bd
That's not being cheap, S_B, that's getting what you paid for.
As Ben Franklin said, "Watch your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." :mrgreen:
Currently loaded pictures are above.
You will overwrite the existing file and you will be banned if you do this.
Only upload your photo in an empty slot.
Jack, does this rule go for the pedigree`s i created also?
You actually can't override your own photo.
Unfortunately, awhile back we had some jagoff start falsely-editing dogs, uploading gay porn overtop of legit images, etc., so we removed members' ability to override any existing photo.
We may change that, but for now that's the way it is.
That definitely suck`s not too have full access to our own pedigree`s. That is the ONLY advantage Online Pedigree`s has is that ..(its a big one) but it`s the only flaw i see.... I still like this database a lot better though, and im sure in due time it will be worked out. >>>No disrespect intended.<<<
We will get that aspect fixed.
Actually, we used to give MORE freedom than anyone else, and everyone was welcome to add photos/info/etc. on any dog listed on this database.
Unfortunately, that POS Milky fucked that privilege up for everyone.
Really study PedsOnline, and you will see that you canNOT have control of ANY key dog (Dibo, Poncho, Mayday, Eli) ... but only "your own" dogs entered WAY after the fact.
We will correct our own anomaly soon, in that I am going to transfer ALL DOGS over to "me" ... and then create a button that I can switch any dog over to the person that he/she rightfully owns.
New dogs entered will become the property of who entered them, but if they're historical dogs, they will ultimately get switched over to me too.
There is no reason for anyone other than an Administrator to have control over key dogs like Dibo/Frisco, etc.
The only dog any person needs control over is his own.
How do i go about correcting false info on a pedigree entered by a banned member? This person put the wrong breeder on a dog that i bred
Big thanks Jack :)
They put the wrong breeder on his littermate bro too. "Troy polamalu", i've been a steelers fan since i was a little kid. Illinoise boyz*is a packers fan, no idea who steelcity likes
I dont use adba or any paper reg system to reg my dogs. I have always believe that those papers dont mean anything when the people adba wasnt at the yard instead at an office when the breedings were made. which in turns means that a person could tell them anything about a breeding. Since i've join jack's board and put all my dogs on his board i have found the best answer to papers. On the breeding person jack has one slot to load pictures which we can use for proof of a breeding and date:
Not me on the picture:lol:
I think all that is needed to make this breeding page perfect is one more slot to add the picture of the litter at birth so there couldn't be any confusion on how many pups, colors, or whatever for the years that follow.
I agree with Stopem. It really makes no sense paying a registry to hold some papers for you. As the breeder can falsify anything if he/she really wanted to. Great post and great breeding you guys did there and thanks for sharing too.
a.d.b.a will register anything with a pulse, your dog is as good as the man who bred them. ..Good looking breeding you guy`s have made
Stopem the sire to those pups is nice my man...
thank you. he is a bulldog
StopEm, if everyone used the breeding database, as it should be used, I agree it would remove the need for paper registration.
A picture's worth a thousand words, and photos of the breeding, mama on pups, individual photos of all the pups, all under the control of the breeder are worth tens of 1000's more than "paper documents" printed by folks a thousand miles away who can only go off the word of the breeder anyway.
If more people watched the Add Breedings Tutorial, and implemented that, the more they would "get" the idea behind this place and realize how much more efficiently it was set up ... if only people had the mental wherewithal to read, and follow instructions, before the set about adding/misspelling/duplicating every dog that pops into their heads.
The thoughtful user, who takes the time to do everything correctly, will come to enjoy INVESTING his time adding dogs/breedings here ... where all of the statistical data are hooked-into a fully-functional system ... rather than wasting their time adding dogs/pups, where you can't harvest a single meaningful fact about the dogs you enter. The other systems aren't setup that way :-O
Between the breeding database, the dog database, our unique Search Features, as well as our Statistics Cruncher, no other APBT Resource compares ... not by a longshot.
PS: At some point, we are going to add a second photo (mama on pups) as you suggest. Good idea :-bd
Unfortunately, that is because you've had your privileges revoked. If you look below your name, you will see a Subscribed Member (B) status. That means you still have access to the forum and articles, but you can no longer add pedigrees.
The reason why you can no longer enter in pedigrees is because you're doing a horrible job of entering in your dogs.
Yesterday, it was brought to my attention that you entered in the same dog FIVE TIMES ~X(
I simply can't have this kind of sloppiness here.
I can't have people adding the same dog, again and again, spelled all kinds of different ways.
You need to PAY ATTENTION.
You need to WATCH THE VIDEO on how to enter in dogs correctly.
There is no excuse for not watching this video. None. Zero.
You should be aware of what you've already entered, and you should become familiar with how to SEARCH FOR A DOG BY NAME ONLY *FIRST*.
I am happy to restore your privileges, once you have (1) given me your word you've watched all the videos, and (2) if you agree never to just "keep adding the same dog" again.
I am not trying to be mean, rude, or disrespectful.
I simply canNOT keep letting you just "wing it" and totally botch your data entry.
You need to TAKE CARE, spell correctly, use proper punctuation, and search for a dog FIRST before just entering MULTIPLE poorly-spelled duplicates.
If I don't do this, all of the features we offer here are worthless, if there are 5-10 duplicates of each dog, all poorly-spelled, all with duplicate offspring, etc.
It's your choice: you can either take care or take a hike.
I cannot, and will not, allow anyone to keep doing what you're doing. Everybody likes to think they can just "start entering dogs," and MOST blow it when they do this. You cannot keep entering the same dogs, over and over again, changing their spelling each time, without a clue what you're doing, and destroying the data here.
So please take the time to actually watch the videos so you understand how things work here.
I have an automatic email to everyone, that sends the moment they join, politely asking them to PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOS, and about 90% don't do what they're politely asked to do ... and that is watch the damned videos before doing anything.
The amazing thing is, if you actually watch ALL the videos, your appreciation for what this place can do will grow tenfold :idea:
I have watched all the Videos, and will just start over with my entries.
Okay, thank you.
Please remember to search the dogs name (only) first.
Look carefully at the list that pops up (W.E.'s Gage was already there as N2W's Gage, for example.)
If you see Gage already there, then just select that dog who becomes the sire to whatever dog you're entering.
If it's not there, then enter the full name of the dog, which will conduct a second search, then enter.
I deleted the extra dogs and you're back in.
It would be nice to be able to edit and change our photo's .... any luck with changing that?
I don't think it's working.