Great read... 8)
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Great read... 8)
If you give a dog too much you Will ruin that hound. I have seen newbie after newbie ruin good dogs with chemicals and them thinking that the internets and drugs and a bag of special feed is a replacement for experience and hard work. Of course that wont make a difference if your bit down in 15 or are so weak you cant pull a fishing line from a sick cats ass with him. Know what your doing before you use any chemicals on your dog or your self. Its just a tool and some tools can hurt more if your ignorant of the safety.
This another great topic. Especially for the guys that like to ride up and down the road this time of year.
The window for success closes a lot faster from May to September and water is usually the reason that window gets slammed shut.
Looking forward to insight.
Yes dex makes the body expel fluids but I was was told it’s used to prevent swelling.
Yes dex will reduce swelling as it is a cortica steroid and is considered an anti-inflammatory.
It will remove water and its side effect evolved into its primary use, the removal of water.
For a lot of people it is a staple the last 24-48 hours to make weight.
For a lot, not so much. They dry out naturally without the use of a 'diaretic'.
Another interesting side effect of corticosteroids is that it weakens tendons.
As a former ball player, I've had several cortisone shots. After having some shots in my knee for a couple of weeks, my bicep tendon tore clean off the bone doing nothing special.
My experience led me to look into why, what causes this, etc. Talked to some doctors.
I've given myself Dex numerous times for swelling, bad back and so forth. Usually 3cc and I'm a 240lb catch weight. I'll drop several pounds of fluid and yawn and stretch a lot. Like my muscles need to be awakened every now and then for about 24 hours. 2cc, does not affect me in this way. So, be careful and consider all potential side effects and maybe experiment before getting too close to show time.
Well said.
I know a guy that does the same. He says the dex works better for his lower back than any of the other medicines he has used.
He says it eases the pain but he pisses like a race horse. He can rest well between the pissing. Then his good for as much as a month.