Haha!!!! The Cur comes out! You just keep digging this hole thugs. Soon as you get good and deep I will be here to cut the rope. Evidence is a bitch! Lol
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Haha!!!! The Cur comes out! You just keep digging this hole thugs. Soon as you get good and deep I will be here to cut the rope. Evidence is a bitch! Lol
Just say nigger you've called hueblot that and its on the tip of your tounge ....all this beat around the Bush you've got our number everyone seeing your the only one mad 😹😹😹
We tried to reconcile over and over ...
If its not about the money
Its not about the pups
Its not about any thing
Your just upset lol we don't have paper's on the sour deal you've won lol in your world
In reality your jerking off in your tears and everyone's tired of hearing about it just chalk it up
Like we have and move on....you won't hook so all this other shits just promotion lol
You sell dogs we don't
We run dogs you don't we can never see eye to eye
Do you think it would be possible to keep this dispute CIVIL and FACTUAL?
The point I am most concerned with, as a database owner, is if the breeding is LEGIT or not :idea:
Who owes whom "what" is a secondary consideration to the reality of how the dogs are bred.
With that said, these are the facts I have been able to decipher:
1) The breeding is legitimate;
2) Kimo lied about the exploits of his stud;
2) Hueblot/Rolltide lied, and never paid Kimo the stud fee, because of his lie about phony record of his stud.
IMO, the lies about the exploits of the stud do not justify the action of withholding payment for the stud.
If the buyer(s) of the stud service failed to do their due diligence, that is their own fault.
However, the fact Kimo didn't get paid for his stud service doesn't justify Kimo's lie TO ME saying the breeding is "fake." :angry:
BOTTOM LINE: 1) Kimo owes ME an apology for his lie to me, 2) Kimo owes Hueblot/Rolltide an apology for his lie to them about what his stud has done, and 3) these two guys owe Kimo his pup/payment for the stud service.
That's how I see it,
Hold up! I don't owe anybody anything! They have no proof of my stud EVER doing anything or not doing anything! That's hear say! It's none of their damn business either! And they bred to my stud before they ever knew a damn thing about him. So accomplishments is not why they bred to him. I can prove that to! Jack, you have no proof of his accomplishments either for that matter. And Jack, I didnt lie about crap. I told you one stick took place, but...there no proof that mother welped those pups! Now, how am I supposed to say they are off my stud when I never seen a smidgen of proof? He refused to send that proof, then lied to me and the registry about the pup count. And he breeds staffs? That causes confliction with the entire thing. Here's the bottom line, I have proof of everything I accuse them of. So why don't you email me Jack and get that proof before you say I owe you or them any thing???? You are hearing their story...but is a damn lie! You want the truth? Email me. And for you to say my studs accomplishments are a lie because of word of mouth by these fools is bullshit.
You cannot prove that breeding is legit! And neither can He, neither can I and neither can any registry. There's the answer to that. And I have proof of all of it. 1 stick doesn't mean she took, she could have had staff pups in here before she came. He did say he bumped her with a dog on his yard to see if she ready and I got proof of that to! Fuck him! He is lying scum. Weasel! He bred to my dog on papers alone just like that weasel Garcia! They didn't know shit! Garcia called Randall and asked what dog he would breed that made in China bitch to and Randal Reccomended my stud. They emailed me and asked to breed to him. Didn't ask shit about him. I got that proof to! Same thing with Hueblot. My partner arranged it, he bred to my stud because of the pedigree. I have proof of that, and a damn witness.
All this my dog is fake shit comes from them two clowns and TreezBulldogs AKA "Gas Man Stan. ( The guy Jack bashed on here for stalking my wife) yea...he's credible alright.That's where it all spawned from any damn way. They just follow suit. I can bust all this shit wide open but not a soul will email me to collect the proof. Typical
You are @$$uming the story is a lie.
The FACTS are:
YOU lied TO ME and said the breeding NEVER took place
You now admit that the breeding DID in fact take place;
YOU lied about your stud's exploits;
THEY lied and did not pay you the fee;
Yet they STILL say their pups are off your stud.
My own view is the statistical probability of them still admitting their pups are off a paper-tiger (if it really isn't) is pretty low ..
Whereas the statistical probability of YOU lying appears to be pretty high, in general (especially if you didn't get paid for your stud service) ...
In point of fact, there IS a way to prove all this; it's called a DNA test.
But, since I doubt there is enough cooperative spirit between yall, my opinion as to what stays here is the final judgment.
Since "weighing evidence" is something I have done probably longer than you've been alive, my judgement is is this: a) since you admit the breeding happened, and b) since they are admitting their pups are off a paper tiger = the pups are in all probability legit ... ESPECIALLY if their date of birth is roughly 63 days after the breeding they did to your paper tiger ;)
I didn't lie Jack, Go to Yesterday's original post that I copied and pasted out of the message I emailed you where I clearly state 1 stick took place. So, since you been weighing evidence longer than I been alive you may need to brush up on your skills. And my paper tiger??? Your a fucking DBag. You have no proof what my "Tiger" is and neither does those scum bucket thugs you are sucking off. They have no proof what he is and neither do you and the way you fools talk so wreck less and a fucking forum further justifies why none of you dip shits need to know anything about him. You talk all that shit Jack, but...you fail to email me me for proof of anything. You are assuming and taking someone's word for it all rather than physical evidence. And no! DNA will not be done, because it is not required. He never compensated me, and...he lied to Patty. Patty said she will never require DNA. I don't give a fuck what them pups are. There is no proof, he failed to provide proof of the mother with the pups. So it's my job to provide proof by DNA that the pups are off my male? That's genius! Lol
Now tell me where I lied Jack?????
Re: Hey Jack
http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum...quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Kimo615
There is a pup posted as offspring off my male. I figured I'd message you personally regarding this instead of making a stink on your board. Here's the thing, my Male was stuck to this guys bitch 1 time. Well, after that..he refused to compensate me for my services, he refused to send me pictures or videos of the mother with the pups. Then, a few weeks later, Patty called me from the ADBA. Telling me my signature had been forged on a litter registration on this particular litter. The guy originally told me 5 pups were born, but tried to register 8 with the ADBA. Then, I find out he needs Staffs to his Game dogs. Needless to say, I never signed off on those "Supposed" off spring. 1, Wasn't compensated, 2 forged my signature, 3 the Am Staff thing. Most importantly, I never had any proof those pups were off my male. Patty also refused to register the pups or require me to because of those reasons. Then, I see he had them listed under my stud on here. Is this something you would delete for me? The pedigree. I don't know what them pups are actually off of. Or how many there are really. I don't want him false advertising those dogs. They aren't recognized or registered of my stud. If this is not something you want to do, I understand. Just figured I'd talk with you about it and see what can be done. Here's the pedigree to the pup I'm speaking of.
Please post this online and make a big stink.
I have to allow others to debate/dispute your claims.
If you're not confident enough in the truth to air it publicly, then I am not confident enough in what you say to change the records on the database.
Thanks for understanding,
I said there's two dogs that do not exist. McGuire's Molly Hatchet" and JSK Chyna Girl or whatever it is. That's stated clearly prior to this in yesterday's posting. I think I'd know what pups exist out of my own Bitch Machete and Her Father Hammer. Then two have never been stuck together. And, like I said..I have proof that JSK female doesn't exist either from the ADBA and Text with JSK stating the pups died and so did the mother but you are obviously not going to email me for any proof. You rather take a clowns word