63 days my ass...no proof of that either. How do you have that proof? I sure as fuck dont
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63 days my ass...no proof of that either. How do you have that proof? I sure as fuck dont
So, You accusations 1 through 2 have been disproven in the original email I sent you already Jack. And as far as my stud being a fake, prove it! So that accusation number 3 is disproven to because you have no proof and neither do they. Anything else? Asshole.
YOU lied TO ME and said the breeding NEVER took place
You now admit that the breeding DID in fact take place;
YOU lied about your stud's exploits;
THEY lied and did not pay you the fee;
Yet they STILL say their pups are off your stud.
You are exactly right
Will not happen again but I owe him nothing I bought a pup from hueblot not McGuire the breeding I made with him I paid cash and am the only person to date that has paid him
I've offered to pay him for hueblot justvto move forward he refuse the money and the pup
Jack, Enail McGuire.PitBulls@gmail.com I will light your inbox up with proof of all this. If you cannot do that...then your evidently following the word of some lying ass weasels and you will be no better.
He refused DNA over and over um done
Damn right I did bitch! Why is it my job to prove those pups are off my male when you refused to prove they are when I needed proof? Fucking faggot.
I'll pay lol
Its OK the ruling has been made good bye
Fuck you scum. Ruling made by who? Jack???? Lol! He can choose to listen to you thug pieces of shit if he wants. Just shows what kinda person he is. I have proof. And I will fucking post all over gods creation soon. I will probably be banned here but I do give a fuck. Jacks a piece of shit anyway. All Yall can go fuck yourselves. But get ready twat boy, I'm loading Facebook down with everybit of Garcia and Steve's messages since day one about this all.
I am not going to email you anything. This is not my business and I could care less about the details of this transaction.
The simple fact is YOU came TO ME and asked me to remove dogs from my database.
You made some accusations against some members here that you didn't get paid for something.
You stated that these people had no "proof" that their dogs came from your stud.
First of all, no owner of a bitch is required to "prove their pups exist" to the stud owner :confused:
The very fact you admit they did the breeding is all the "proof" they need :idea:
The only thing they are required to do is PAY YOU for your stud service.
Since you wanted these pups removed from my database, and since YOU made some accusations, I told you to make your accusations public, because everyone has the right to face their accuser. I also asked you to collect your thoughts, and post them all together, rather than spam my board with every thought that pops into your head.
In the end, I am on YOUR SIDE, as far as the stud fee goes: you ARE owed a stud fee if these pups exist.
However, I think you would be more convincing if you didn't handle yourself like a bitch scorned.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the original lie came from YOU, did it not?
Please answer these two questions TRUTHFULLY.
- Did you advertise your stud as a winner? Yes or No?
- Is your stud a legitimate winner? Yes or No?
First of all, if you speak like this on here again, you will get the boot.
Secondly, correct me if I am wrong, but YOU came to ME, did you not? :-t
If you don't like my ruling, that is fine.
But it sounds like I AM RIGHT not to remove dogs from my database.
Make no mistake, I am the ultimate arbiter of this place.
If we want to pull out the ol' microscope and check you out: the reality is "you" are the one whose relevance here is insignificant =;
I will listen to THE FACTS of those who provide them for display.
The undisputed fact is EVERYONE admits that these guys bred to your stud.
The other undisputed fact is EVERYONE admits these guys never paid you for the service.
What is in dispute is "do pups exist" from the breeding and "did you falsely-advertise your stud as a winner, when it was not?"
IMO, even if you lied about your dog being a winner, the owner of the bitch still owes you a stud fee.
You will never post here again unless you 1) apologize to me and 2) answer my two questions above.
I have done more good and beneficial things for these dogs, in any 3-month period, than you ever have in your forgettable life.
And, if you review this thread topic honestly, and see how you're conducting yourself, YOU appear to be the POS ...
It would reach, but it's not a habit that would interest me ...
For the last time, 1) apologize for your conduct here, 2) collect yourself and act like a man, and 3) post whatever "proof" you have up here if you like.
Quite frankly, I think it's pretty obvious already that you didn't get paid for a stud fee ... and that you are still owed a stud fee.
It is also quite obvious that whoever tried to register the litter falsified a legal document.
But that is NOT any kind of a reason why I should delete the pups from my database.
There is no reason for me to question the pups' existence.
You simply have not been paid for the stud service they owe you.
I agree, if you only bought a pup, then you owe nothing.
If Hueblot bred to the man's stud, and got pups, he owes Kimo for the breeding. End of story.
If Kimo lied about his stud's exploits, Hueblot should have done his due diligence before breeding to the stud, but that would still make Kimo a liar.
I understand Hueblot just "trusting" the guy ... same as I just "trusted" that Ch Hammer was really off of BBB ... only to find out 12 years later, he was not.
Worked out all right though :)