Thanks for the info......
Thanks for the info......
BRICKFACE. Iv added this breeding for a second time because i couldnt find it using the search function. Now that iv added it again. I still can't find it using search breedings. Tried every combination.
The administrator has to approve breedings.
I mentioned it in one of the tutorials I made, but there is a lot of stuff to learn.
Here is what the Administrator has to do:
I've heard that ppl get frustrated when entering dogs that have no ancestors in the database. If this is you send me a link and I will enter the dogs.
You can also do this yourself by simply adding the said dog and leave the parents box blank. When you open the ped, you should see add dog (starting with the parents) and as you add dogs it will build the pedigree and places every dog you enter behind the first dog into the database!
Sorry guys I almost lost the site trying to upgrade services so I had to get in there and fix'er myself #:-S
We did lose a couple days of data but I can live with that!
The Pedigrees database is not functioning, but I'm on it! Let me know if anything else is not working
Site should be functional, still have some hiccups
should be 100% functional
Welcome Back! :-bd
Anyone else having or seeing issues on the site?
It's December already... how about a Christmas Special?
Any discounts for subscribers? I see Jack's books are not available anymore...
I'm trying to upload my gyp in the database. I'm a subscribed user and I'd enter my gyp as follows.... Jones' Raven
Nobesfcity, I have sent you a private message. Hope it helps. Cheers
I can't enter my dog's pedigree. I'm entering correct but when I type in the sire name or dams... The drop box doesn't show anything.. As if the dropbox don't work.
shit i just lost mine in a move i didn't get to pack it since i had foot surgery you would got my money again
Well times change and Jack lost interest in the dogs and the books… LULU canceled publication, and now it looks like the only way to get the Pit Bull Bible is on Kindle for $55 --
The used copies on Amazon are ridiculous in price at over $1000 --
Copies turn up on ebay occasionally for $150 to $200, you might look there if you want one.
I have been lurking around the site for a few months now, and finally decided to pay my respects and become a full member. I have added my pups pedigree to the database. Some of his ancestors were not in the database, so I added them as well. I also added some photos to the peds. I hope thats okay? If not, a MOD can have them deleted. I did the best I could with the quality. I look forward to learning more from the members.
Welcome aboard MisFit. Cheers
Welcome aboard. You can enter peds no problem and if you need help entering them just ask!
Welcome Misfit,
Going through your entries I noticed you've duplicated several of the Burns dogs. Due to incorrect punctuation, Burns end with an s therefore the correct way to punctuate it is like this ----> Burns'
We will go through and correct this, please be mindful with future entries it is best to search the dogs name first such as Stumpy vs keying in Burns Stumpy.
Thank you,
Here's more duplicates
Please search the dogs name first, even check the grand parents. Sometimes dogs have been entered under different names. So double and triple check before you create a new dog please.
Thank you,
Oh okay..sorry about the duplicates. I realized that about the Burns' dogs after I entered them. Sorry about that. Can the duplicate entries be removed and replaced with the ones that are already entered here?
FYI I'll be upgrading the site in about 2 weeks. With the help of SB we've been making progress cleaning up the site. We'll have a whole new look, better photo/video intergration, and I've purchased a mobile device package I'm excited to roll out! I'll keep you posted and thank you for your continued support!
GREAT NEWS! In the meantime folks, if you have peds that need our editing please let me know ASAP. I'll be happy to fix them for you!
What happened to the update?
I am in the process of beginning the update. I will anticipate by this afternoon the site will go down. Just a heads up
Wow ran into some technical difficulties reached out to customer service...gonna have to try again another day. Enjoy for the time being
When the update does happen, how long do you expect the down time to be?
Excuse my ignorance, but I've watched all the pedigree instruction videos and still have one question. Why are some dogs in green font, others in red, and still others normal?
Green font is for 1xw and 2xw. Red font is ch or gr ch and maybe ROM and POR. Maybe one of the admins can correct me on this if I'm wrong.
Misfit is partially correct.
Breakdown of colors as follows:
All Titles= Performance, Confirmation, Weight Pull and Obedience
Awards= BIS and GIS
Awards= GIS, ROM and POR
Loses= no color
If wins are coupled with titles then they will appear in red.
Any news on the update, Brickface?
Simply message myself or Brickface with the pedigree link and we can give you ownership of that dog. Do not create your own duplicate pedigree, we will be happy to transfer the existing pedigree to you.
You must provide us with a link to the pedigree. You can post it here on this thread also.
Thank you,
Just a heads up, the site will be down while an update is performed!
Glad you added the Bulldog icons back. I think the font size and color should pop more on the header though.
Please let me know if you are experiencing technical difficulties. I am in process of developing the new The Pit Bull Bible app for both IOS and Android. :-bd
You may see a warning message saying the URL may be impersonating the PBB, just disregard its just me working out some kinks.
When I am finished you will be able to go into the APPLE App Store or Android App Store and download the new mobile suite as we bring the site into 2018.
Stay tuned!! :dancin: